Saturday, July 14, 2012


Suggested Reading: Genesis 32-33

A jewish man prays with Torah in hand at the the "Wailing Wall"... The Western Wall of the Temple Mount. Just over half the wall, including its 17 layers of stones located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period: 516 BC - 70 AD. Papers jammed in the cracks of the wall contain the prayers of many sincere hearts.

To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.

Key Verse: Genesis 32:28

And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

The vertical and the horizontal directions of life are both important. Think of a cross, and you have the God/man relationships. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. In Him we can get it right both ways. Before Jacob could handle the fear of meeting his brother, he had a much more important meeting. An encounter with God is absolutely essential before a truly successful, God blessed, encounter with man. Jacob’s “dark night of the soul,” because of his refusal to let go of God, became a glorious morning of forgivness for past wrongs Jacob had done. The horizontal relationship with his brother was restored directly as a result of the vertical struggle with God. Jacob now becomes Israel, a “Prince of God.”


Lord God, You are King of kings and I believe that I am Your child. By faith I know that as a result of the Cross, my relationship with You is in place. Now I will approach my human relationships with the confidence that You have gone before me to prepare the way, because of Jesus Christ. Amen!


It was over 50 years ago that I heard Rev. Laurie Price tell a story of two daughters. One said, “You wouldn’t give me 25 cents would you?” Dad said, “You’re right, I wouldn’t.” The other jumped up on his lap, kissed him and said, “Would you give me 25 cents?” Dad said, “Yes,” and produced the money. This story is probably a parable, useful to make a point. I’ve never forgotten the truth I learned that day. I make sure I’m in a fresh loving relationship with God before I ask God for His provision. I remember my two young sons, Reynold and Ron, when we went to an ice cream stand, waiting patiently for me to order. They would order exactly what I ordered. My Heavenly Father is the provider. I want what He wants, no more, no less. His choice is always the best!

Yours truly for right relationships vertically and horizontally,


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13 thoughts on “Saturday, July 14, 2012

  1. It’s amazing … Jacob became Israel, the Holy Land! Your story of the two daughters made me laugh and think at the same time! Your reference to the cross, being both vertical and horizontal, is a perfect illustration of how our relationships always work better in unison with the above.

  2. Hi David, I have continued to appreciate your 100 Words every morning but until today had not clicked on the Suggested Reading. I was delighted to find a variety of
    translations and para phrases including The Message which is my favourite. Another feature is the different languages that I can click on. I’m trying to learn Spanish so I started reading
    Genesis 1 in Spanish. This should help me a lot. Thank you for this amazing resource along with a wonderful email. Diane

  3. The events that led to Jacob’s struggle with the Lord seems to be a foreshadow of our struggle to overcome our old nature for a new. Jacob won God’s favour, he would now be blessed with a new name, Israel (which may mean, God Rules). As we seek God’s favour and pray to become more and more like Jesus, we too are blessed as we are renewed and transformed into his righteous nature and standard. As we seek after a godly and righteous nature by prayer, reading the Bible and serving others, God rules in our life. What a blessing! There’s a wonderful scripture in Romans 12:2 “Don

  4. continued ….. Romans 12:2 “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (NLT)

  5. I am so enjoying everything about your 100 words. Myself, my son and one daughter & their families, along with church friends, all went on an Israel tour about 3 yrs ago. My husband & I were listening to your radio programs back in the ’60’s when we lived in Petewawa-Pembroke. Continued blessings.

  6. David …im so encouraged by today and your 100 words.. and Scott’s scripture ( i love the book of Romans ) 12.12 is my life line…
    anyway today is a new day…. thank you Jesus for David and His early morning to get this out to us…as we journey together through the Bible…i too love the click on at the top to read todays scripture…everything so at our finger tips ..we are without excuse…Blessings Dear David as we cover you in prayer and your family…..

  7. Hi David, thanks so much for letting us into your memories. l had to chuckle your boys were amazing,as for me, my son would have wanted one ice cream of every flavour, what did l do wrong! Ha! Ha! What a great Spiritual application for the way we ought to be with our Heavenly Daddy!

  8. I found it funny to listen/read your memories. Before my dad passed away when he was eighty he started writing out his memories its not a book, but it is interesting to have them . Mom copied them for those who wanted them in our family and he has
    his funny parts that even I never knew before ( there are 7 in my family)
    I appreciate reading your blog every morning as well .
    Lianne Hogg

  9. Thanks David,it helps to have a devotion at my finger tips, and the Genensis Stories brought to life
    . Jacob becoming Israel etc. I wlll defend it even against The United Church wanting to boycott goods from there. i am a member of that denomination .Bless Israel and you will be blessed
    . Hope Horne.

  10. Thanks David for these devotions at my finger tips
    Loving the Stories from Genesis ,especially Jacob becoming Israel. I visited that little land in 2010. Bless Israel and you will be Blessed.My own denomination The United Church wanting to Boycott goods from there. I have protested this in writing. Hope Horne.

  11. July 5th blog, David, you upheld the marriage covenant and gave Mathew 19:5. Thank you. The LORD JESUS challenged me nearly 26 years ago, as a baby christian to stand for the covenant of my marriage. I didn’t understand as my husband was with me, but a while later, I was left alone to raise 5 children (10 months to 10 years). I was in shock and my heart was broken. However, GOD began to do a mighty work in my heart. He called me to love and forgive this man by His grace. Difficult circumstances would try to overwhelm me, but GOD was faithful to lead me through them. He gave me His rhema word to stand.
    I encourage men and women every where, to cry out to the LORD. Marriage is honorable and it represents a picture of GOD’S covenant faithfulness to the next generation! Trust in the LORD, He gave us His word. Zechariah 9:11 As for you also, Because of the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.

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