Thursday, July 12, 2012


Suggested Reading: Genesis 30

These are the gates of the main city of the tribe of Dan. It was located in northern Israel near the base of Mount Herman and the source of the Jordan River - Joshua 19:40-48.

To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.

Key Verse: Genesis 30:22

Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.

Two women, living in the same household, vying for the affection of the same man. Not only was polygamy culturally acceptable, it was often encouraged. What heartache could’ve been avoided if they had followed God’s original plan in creating one man and one woman, and making His will known. Nevertheless, God meets us where we are and bestows mercy and grace. Rachel’s first son, Joseph, became one of God’s great men of all time. How heart warming it is to know that God answered Rachel’s prayer. Also, God continued to bless Jacob with wealth and many children. In our 21st century understanding of God’s will and purpose, it’s difficult to process these things. Just keep open to the Teacher, The Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, please give me the grace to wait for Your timing. I realize that going ahead on my own will only bring heartache in the long run. I’m like a little child, and I know You’re holding my hand. I belong to You and You want what is best for me. This confidence comes from knowing Jesus Christ, in whose Name I pray. Amen!


Ok, I admit it. I have gone ahead with my own initiatives. I struggled with this matter of gettings things done. I finally reached a conclusion. If I believe that something is good to do, I move ahead. But at the same time, I pray that if what I’m about to do is not God’s will, He’ll step in and stop events before they progress. Even on our wedding day on the way to the church I prayed this: “Lord, I believe that Norma-Jean is to be my wife and I’m going ahead with the marriage, and I love her very much. But if this is not Your perfect plan, please stop it right now.” How thankful I am that God allowed the marriage to happen. Four children, 16 grandchildren, and almost 7 great-grandchildren, plus great ministry opportunities later, I’m a blessed man!

Yours in the service of the God of Jacob,


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15 thoughts on “Thursday, July 12, 2012

  1. Jacob was a very prolific individual, so to speak!!! I like the point you make about letting the Holy Spirit be our guide and teacher, given the culture and practices in the era of Genesis. And, how God’s almighty Will does play out in our lives. Gordan Sinclair once said, when asked about one thing he would have done differently in his life … “I would not have worried about half the things I worried about because none of those things came true.” It’s back to the old saying, Let Go & Let God.

  2. Good Morning Mr.Mainse,
    I enjoy your blog every morning and find it inspirational.
    How blessed we all are in knowing and growing to our Heavenly Father through his Son Jesus.

    🙂 Diane


  3. It really is all about God’s grace. Sinful man has gone unto his own way, setting himself up as a god. God lets us wander only so far in this mindset before he reels us back in from self-destruction with sound judgement. Time and time again we see this theme throughout scriptures. God in his loving kindness, came into this world to be with us, to show us the way, and what do we constantly do? We spurn His love and reject Him. Oh how this must break His heart! He is however a God of immense love and compassion, He lets us make our own choices … we have true freedom. But with freedom comes responsibility and one day we will all stand before Him to give an account of our lives. There are consequences to our choices … choose wisely who you will serve today.

  4. I have always found it harder to lay down my strengths than my weaknesses. Somehow we have to find that balance of allowing God into our best laid plans of mice and men.

  5. David, my husband and I have to make a very important financial decision today. Praying about it and while reading your blog the first thing I look at “I am with you” “God listens”. What a mighty God we serve, cares for everything in our lives. Thank you again David, for the daily blog.

  6. He Loves us….period…and He takes the ( Mess ) and turns it into a
    (Message) Thank you Holy Spirit for your Leading as we listen & soak in your presence….for sure its a choice we make….finally got there…not in just the big decisions but in evey decision… He goes with us …Awesome…once we know this in our spirit..we can live life to the Full
    David …Have a wonderful Day….as always .Diane….Joshua 1.9

  7. I do the same as you do when I start to do something, I always ask God to stop me if I should not go in that direction…………Thanks for your blog.

  8. Thank you, David. For without God’s guidance and divine intervention, where might we be? You remind us to call and ask God for help when making decisions. “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and know that he shall direct thy path.” Pro. 3:5-6 Wishing you a blessed day! ~Beverlee~

  9. David thank you so much for this blog. God has given you the gift of spreading His word to so many and because of Crossroads and this blog, I am now reading the scripture daily. Yes, only one or two chapters at a time (those you recommended) but it’s a start and I thank you for having me reconnect with the Lord and my faith.

    I pray for your health and am so grateful that the Lord has chosen you to serve Him not only in this venture but many ways.

  10. God’s voice speaks to the listening heart! God loves “MAN” and spending time with MAN! “Morning,Afternoon,Night”! Yes, you may call it a MANifestation!

  11. Good morning David. We all are prone to wander and live by our own wisdom. I spent many years wilderness wandering, but the the Lord was always there waiting with open arms for me to let go and let Him. I am so thankful He never gave up on me and remained faithful through the time I was off doing what I thought was right. Consequences? Yes, and some of those remain the rest of ones life. Proverbs 3:5-6 that Beverlee mentioned above, was one my stepgrandmother repeatedly spoke to me and one I now try to live by daily. May the Lord continue to richly bless you and yours David.
    Love the new link that goes with the photo’s. 🙂

  12. Thank you so much for these blogs, David. They are very wise and encouraging. I especially enjoy your personal words — thank you for sharing so openly and honestly about your life. Thanks to Reynold for the lovely pictures.
    With love and prayers, Judy

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