Sunday, July 8, 2012


Suggested Reading: Genesis 24

Camels are mentioned 17 times in Genesis chapter 24. In some parts of the world these unusual creatures are still very important in travel and commerce.

Key Verse: Genesis 24:58

Then they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” And she said, “I will go.”

Sarah, Isaac’s mother, had passed away three years earlier. No doubt Isaac was lonely. In fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, it was necessary that Abraham become a grandfather to Isaac’s children. God’s purposes in the human family are developed by human co-operation. So Abraham’s right-hand man travelled from present-day Israel, through Jordan and Iraq to Kuwait (Mesopotamia) to find family and a bride for Isaac. What a beautiful story of God’s choice…a faithful servant, an amazing young woman (watering those camels was not an easy task), and willing parents. The words, “The camels are coming” (verse 63), speak to the fact that people, even animals, may do God’s will if they make the right choice.


Father God, just as the faithful servant worshipped You every time another step was taken in fulfilling Your plan, so I worship You for Your will being done in and through me. Amen!

May I suggest that we all pray the “Our Father” or as it is known, “The Lord’s prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13)?


There are sermons that I’ve heard which I’ve never forgotten. One was by Rev. Anders Nisbel, assistant to Lutheran Bishop, Martin Lonebo of Linshepping, Sweden. Anders was a student at our Crossroads School of Broadcasting and Communications in Toronto. I team-preached with the Bishop in Sweden and he spoke of the absolute necessity of using TV for Jesus’ message. In his message to our staff, Anders said, “Have you ever met a camel? They smell bad. They have a bad temper. They can be unpredictable and they never forget. They are like television, it may be a big challenge, but we must ride the camels. The reason Christian North Africa became Islamic was that the Muslim missionaries were on camels winning the desert tribes to Mohammed, and the Christians were comfortable in their coastal cities, unconcerned about those in the interior who did not know Christ.” I say, “Let’s get on those camels and ride.” (Our School of Broadcasting now has graduates in 76 countries).

Yours for all our grads and those now in the Intern program at Crossroads,



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5 thoughts on “Sunday, July 8, 2012

  1. Lord, I pray for Crossroads Ministries and all the laborours of the gospel truth around the world. Be with them Lord, encourage them, renew them, love them … re-energize them with a passion for your word today. We know that the labourers are few and the work is great, and the enemy always stands ready to accuse and to strike. I also pray for the missionaries and families of missionaries living in dangerous places; protect them Lord from violence, from false accusations from the evil one. Finally, today I pray for David; be with David in his health trials, encourage and wrap your loving arms around Him in the full knowledge that You are with him in these difficulties. We thank you Lord for the opportunity of enjoying and participating in ‘100 words’ as you continue to inspire and uphold this new ministry of the word for the world. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

    • Dear David, As I was praying the Lord at 6am with a glorious sun shining on my bed and the cardinals singing away I was asking Jesus to mould me into a servant like Abraham who would obey the Almighty even if it meant sacrificing his only son. Being a mother of a daughter and son and new reborn christian I needed guidance and the Holy Spirit gave me 3 words : Obedient Fearless Bold You and all the Crossroad are showing me the way and being able to learn the Word daily through you’re blog for me who really wanted bible but could not physically get out. God bless you and and keep you strong !

  2. It is exciting to imagine where Christian television, with a balanced perspective like Crossroads, will be one hundred years from now! ? ?As ?God ?said to Abraham, ?”To your descendants I give this land”. ?It is wonderful to hear how today ?this land is occupied by technology instead of camels and the walls are coming down by your School of Broadcasting graduates in 26 countries!

  3. When I copied and pasted … the above resulted with question marks? Anyways, I meant what I said without question.

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