Suggested Reading: Genesis 16-17

The spectacular view looking across from the Mount of Olives toward the Eastern Gate of the old city of Jerusalem, taken from the Dominus Flevit Church (built on the traditional spot where Jesus wept over the city).
Key Verse: Genesis 17:1
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless…”
Chapter 17 contains the articles of the covenant between God, on the first part, and Abram, on the second part. A covenant is the most legally binding agreement into which two parties can enter. This covenant was sealed with blood, Abram’s in circumcision and God’s in the shed blood of Jesus. Our key verse provides the introduction to the long-range purpose of the covenant. It is a covenant of grace, which God continues to implement for all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. In making Himself known as “Almighty God,” we are told what we may expect God to be to us; namely, God Who is Enough: an all-sufficient God. Our part is to walk in integrity. 1 Samuel 2:30 explains that as we honour God, He honours us.
Father God, I am blameless in Your eyes because of the blood of “Immanuel,” “God with us.” Father, I am confident that according to Your Word, “The Blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Thank You for initiating the covenant and thank You for the grace You’ve given me to say “Yes” in response. Amen!
Yesterday I introduced my son, Reynold, who provides pictures each day which he photographed in Israel. I’ll never forget the afternoon when, in our rec room, God baptized him with the Holy Spirit. This was a powerful encounter with God which he experienced at eight years of age. God did Acts 2:4 (please look up) after school that day before I arrived home from work. Just as I entered the room, I saw him holding up a kleenex and saying, “Lord Jesus, you’ve made me whiter than this kleenex by Your blood.” This was also the first long sentence I had ever heard him make without his usual stutter. His public school teacher called us the next day to ask, “What has happened to Reynold?” His whole life was transformed by an act of God. God initiated a similar encounter with Himself for me when I was 16. God said “I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy” (Joel 2:28). Peter quoted this in his message on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:17).
Yours because of God’s covenant!
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The most joyous day of my life was a day over 25 years ago, alone behind closed doors with my bible in hand, pouring over the scriptures. It was as if the heavens opened up for me, it was a fireworks moment as this ‘searcher’ did a complete turn from disbelief to belief in Jesus. I repented of my sin and prayed the sinners prayer (as I had a ‘Four Spiritual Laws’ leaflet in hand) and I became a child of the Lord’s, forever inseparable from the love and security in Jesus. It was as if Jesus was speaking to me directly from His word when he said in John’s gospel chapter 6:35 “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty” and John 6:47-48 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes has eternal life. Yes, I am the bread of life.” That day I was hungry for this bread and thirsty for this water, and as I believed that day, I was filled with the Holy Spirit as a newborn believer in Christ. This was a covenant that the Lord made personally with me, one for which I will eternally cherish. Amazing Grace indeed!
It was about 17 years ago when I was in church and someone prayed over me to fill me with the Holy Spirit. I did not understand it at the time and out of my mouth came prayers God knows . Also he filled me with others later on I was open for anything God wanted me to have. God powers is and exeperince I’ll never forget.
Lianne Hogg
It is so neat for me to hear these “personal words” from you, Mr. Mainse. My Mom became a believer first and then my Dad when I was a young child through your ministry in Kelvington, SK at a banquet you spoke at there. My Dad’s life was transformed, or so I am told, as I have no recollection of the “old” Dad. My parents are in ministry themselves today. I am now an adult and mother of two and I am so inspired by your faithfulness in serving God. I remember watching Circle Square and the 100 Huntley Street program regularly during my childhood years. Thank you for making this 2 year comittment to journey through the Bible. Like Reynold, I also was baptized with the Holy Spirit at age 8 . The memory of this experience was written in my first Bible. I desire to be filled more each day and to walk in power and boldness. There is still much timidity to overcome! Thanks again.
Thanks again for you inspirational words today, David. I’ve gained a greater realization how artistically captured photographs can be with Reynold’s work!
The wonderful words and amazing photos are such a blessing and encouragement to me. Thank you!