Sunday, July 1, 2012


Suggested Reading: Genesis 9-10


Two friends having fun with an olive picked from a nearby tree in Nazareth.

Key Verse: Genesis 9:1

So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.”

So God is a God of second chances. Instead of giving up on humanity, the Lord saved Noah and his family. The great flood happened because people, who were given dominion over the earth by God, cut Him off from exercising His sustaining power. All the people with the exception of Noah rejected God, excluding Him from their lives. It’s not that God ran out of mercy and love. It’s that when God is not invited to be an integral part of human life, there is no alternative, justice and judgement happens. Today there is much that seperates people from God, but I believe there are at least one billion precious souls who love and serve God. This is what holds back the consequences of the great divide between a Holy God and an unrepentant world. Next time, Jesus, the Ark of Salvation will lift His own to safety (read 1 Thess. 4:13-18).



Lord, thank You for giving me a second chance. I pray fervently for Salvation to come to at least another billion people. Grant me grace, boldness, wisdom and sacrificial giving of myself and the resources that You have put in my hands, so that the most glorious work of soul winning will accelerate as the day of Christ’s return is very soon. In Jesus’ powerful Name. Amen!


I cannot begin to express my gratitude to God and to special people in my life for leading me to Salvation. I had prayed to be saved as a child, but when my mother died of cancer when I was 12 years old, I turned my back on God, blaming Him for mother’s death. I now know that it was the seperation of the human race from God that allows the twisting of human cells called cancer. It’s not God’s fault; it’s our fault. My Dad went back to his mission work in Egypt and I was put into a boarding school, from which I was kicked out. In a regular high school I encountered three real followers of Jesus in my grade 12 class. My boss at work coaxed me to give my life to Jesus. He tricked me by asking me to drive his Chrysler New Yorker from Pembroke to Ottawa to pick up Evangelist Jack Wyrtzen. That night at a Youth for Christ rally a friend, Homer James, came beside me and offered to walk forward with me. It happened! I’ve never turned back from Jesus. I’m in Him (the Ark) and I’m kept by His power! How about you? Unsure? Call 1-866-273-4444 and ask about your salvation.

Yours very truly,


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8 thoughts on “Sunday, July 1, 2012

  1. Yahoo …Im with you in the ark…. Yes …..time is short …Jesus is coming soon..People get ready…Kingdom work to be done, Lets be a worker today, across the path of a stranger ( who is a Loved one ) for someone else…that we do not know…but that is on our path… Lord our steps are not our own, show us your way, as we journey ….heading home ( Luke23.43 )
    Maybe see you in the air ( Today )
    Happy Canada Day & Weekend David…God Bless you….

  2. Judgement and death are the ultimate consequences of sin. Our world is just as plagued by sin as our original parents were in the Garden of Eden. We are just as needy of an ‘ark’ today as they were in the days of Noah. Every generation has need of the Lord and His salvation. As the Bible states, we have all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. It doesn’t matter how you look, what your status is, or how much wealth you have …. Jesus wants you to come to Him just as you are, for He is the answer.

  3. Happy Canada Day!

    There is nothing foreign to our bodies which God has not created, even that which attacks the balance of our physical bodies. I rejoice in the presence and love of Christ which surrounds us and all creation!

  4. So good to hear that testimony, Brother David. It is really amazing because I remember Homer James quite well. He was a good singer and I sang in the choir for the Barry Moore Crusade in Napanee and he was the guest soloist. I never knew this before. (Small World) We heard a lot about Jack as well.
    They were strong men of God.

  5. Hello David,
    I’m going through a very difficult time in our “Family Life” right now, and your blogs lift me up every day. I had to chuckle when you mentioned Homer James. He stayed at our home here in Windsor in 1975 as he was the featured singer at the Billy Graham Crusade at the Silver Dome in Pontiac Michigan. Reynold’s pix are beautiful and a lovely addition to your Blog. We’re praying Heb 1:3 for you David. That God would uphold you by the word of His power, and cause you to stand in Jesus’ Name.
    every blessing to you, and your lovely family,
    Margie & Scott

  6. l’m just learning how to use the internet and you have been my motivation with your insightful Blogs. What a great teacher you are David, never too proud to share your own shortcomings. You are helping your Blog-Flock go deeper in Jesus. Thanks …Keep it coming! Thanks for reminding us that we are saved by faith but then we Shine for Jesus in good works because we love him not so that we can be admired by people. .

  7. I ponder over what David had said with regards to cancer. It is due to the separation of human race from God. However, as children of God , are we not connected to Him again?

    With blessing, lin

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