Thursday, June 21, 2012


Suggested Reading: Matthew 22

(Click on photo to enlarge)

The evening view of the old city of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.

Key Verse: Matthew 22:29

Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God…”

There are different denominations in Christianity. There are denominations in Judaism. The Pharisees were the traditionalists who had added much to the Scriptures. Jesus said that they had made the Word of God ineffective by their traditions (Matt 15:6). The Sadducees were another group. They practiced Judaism’s rituals but did not believe in Biblical truths such as miracles, and in particular, they denied the resurrection of the dead. Jesus was not with either group. He calls His followers to KNOW THE SCRIPTURES and to KNOW THE POWER OF GOD.


Lord Jesus, I pray for the discipline of daily reading and studying the Scriptures. I also pray that I will know Your power. You promised that, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8). My heart is wide open to receive Your Holy Spirit. In Your Name, Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen!


Every morning I spend time reading and studying God’s Word. I ask and believe God to speak to me through my reading. God speaks first. I get to know the Scriptures. Then it’s my turn to speak. I get on my knees and pray. I pray for understanding of what I’ve read. I pray for my wife, my children, grandchildren and my great-grandchildren by name, and circumstance. I then pray for all others whose needs I am aware of. I pray for all you who read this blog that you will know the Scriptures and the power of God. I pray specifically for all by name who lead in the Church and in the various ministries of which I am aware. Then I spend time in worship, so that I may soak in God’s presence. Now it’s almost 6 a.m. Time to post this blog to you. Thank you very much for doing me the honour of joining me.

Praying for you,


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12 thoughts on “Thursday, June 21, 2012

  1. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 : “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.”
    Imagine that! All Scripture being inspired by God! Another version reads that God breathed out the scriptures. God’s very own words are available to be read, taken-in, soaked-in and ingested into our hearts. His word is available for all of us today. I pray that we pick up the Bible and read God’s word for us every day, to allow the Holy Spirit to do a work in us, to stir our souls and to prepare us, to make us knowledgeable and equipped to do His work in our lives and in the lives as others. David, I know you are not looking for praise, but you really are an inspiration to me and my family and a shining example of a Godly man.

  2. When I was in my devotion time this morning God spoke through his word
    Mathew 6: 34 So don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries .Today’s trouble is enough for today. As of the past month I have been worried about my mom she has a heart condition and we don’t know if she has to have an operation.
    Also if something happened what would happen to me you know all the what ifs started getting to me. Mom is worried to about herself and me as well for my future
    I thanked God for showing me that scripture to reminding me . I know he is the healer and will heal mom. Mom (Lucille) is 80 years old and still likes to be busy.
    God bless you David and I will keep you in prayer to.

    Lianne Hogg

  3. David, you are appreciated beyond words. is just the catalyst I needed to become more disciplined in my devotions. God bless you!
    Love in Christ,

  4. Good Morning David, When reading the parable of the Wedding feast, I’ve always wondered what would have happened if the Jews (the originally invited guests), had accepted the invitation and joined the feast. Would the strangers from the streets and alleys (Gentiles) still have been invited? I guess what I’ve really always wondered was, did God intend for salvation to be for Gentiles too all along, or were we included only because the Jews of Jesus time rejected Him and His message.

    • What a great message David! Jesus the Son of God, our all. Thought your coentmms on Sin being abnormal as we see life through God’s story was amazing. I have to say I’ve never really see it in this way.Thank you mate.

  5. Thank you for sharing today’s message the “Blessed Lord our God” BLOG. Turning everything over to God at day’s end makes ready for what the dawn will bring. Hope comes from KNOWing to whom we belong and KNOWing He is in control. Jesus is our Hope, He is with us, and life has infinite possibilities.

  6. David ,this morning I was remembering my aunt and uncle who passed away just recently ,both within 3 weeks time.They were both in their nineties and loved the Lord with all their heart.They always prayed for me in the morning and I was wondering who would do that now.I just got my answer.Thank you ,David!!!

  7. Today after seeing all the pictures so far and the 100 Words on blog, I thought it would be great to have them in a book form just as we are getting them on blog. Today on 100 Huntley it was mentioned regarding Steve Saint being hurt. If you go on Steve Saint Maverick (google) you will learn he developed a dune buggy that you can drive or fly and now being used to reach the very tribe who killed his father. Everyone, please hold him up now in prayer. I just recently enjoyed a Re-grad with my class of 62 at Prairie. My days start with 100 Huntley and 100 Words, My nite ends with my own study and I see many things new each time. God Bless. Joyce

  8. Today after seeing all the pictures so far and the 100 Words on blog, I thought it would be great to have them in a book form just as we are getting them on blog. Today on 100 Huntley it was mentioned regarding Steve Saint being hurt. If you go on Steve Saint Maverick (google) you will learn he developed a dune buggy that you can drive or fly and now being used to reach the very tribe who killed his father. I just recently enjoyed a Re-grad with my class of 62 at Prairie. My days start with 100 Huntley and 100 Words, My nite ends with my own study and I see many things new each time. God Bless. Joyce

  9. I asked God to help me love Him with my whole heart , mind, soul and strength….i cannot do this on my own… love my neighbour should then be possible also

  10. Dear Brother David:
    We want to thank you for the sacrifice and discipline it takes to do this blog online. You have been in our thoughts and prayers. We know you are a real
    trooper and have been such an inspiration. May God continue to be your guide
    and strength every single day. Our love and Prayers, The Baths, Kingston

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