Monday, August 5, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 13

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Nazareth Village is a unique place where visitors experience life in the first century. Pictured above is a synagogue as it may have looked at the time when Jesus read prophetic words about Himself from the prophet Isaiah (Luke 4:16-20).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 13:35-37

Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming — in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning — lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

The destruction of the Temple happened in 70 A.D. We are still living in the times predicted by the Son of God who was also the greatest Prophet. The fig tree, the symbol of Israel as a nation, has been given new life. Never before in human history has an ancient nation been reborn with their own territory, and never before has a dead language been fully restored (Hebrew). What is the core message of today’s reading? JESUS IS COMING AGAIN SOON! Most people live their lives oblivious to this fact. Over 500 references to His coming in power and glory are in the Bible. If we lived in the continuous awareness of His coming, how different our lives would be!


Lord Jesus, I praise You for the truth of Your soon return. Please give me the alertness to be constantly watching for Your coming. May my life, my witness for You, my finances, and my deeds be pleasing in Your sight, so that I will not be ashamed at the moment of Your return. I pray this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!


I heard a preacher say, “Who will be taken up with Jesus when He comes? Answer: Those who are taken up with Him now!” My wife, Norma-Jean, tries to make sure that I don’t get distracted by the daily pressures of life, forgetting that Jesus could return at any second. I think she averages at least once a day saying, “David, Jesus is coming soon.” It’s her way of keeping me on the “straight and narrow,” I think. In turn, I remind her of the same. I’m looking out the window to the east as I type this. The stars that I saw earlier have disappeared, and our star, the sun, has cast a pre-dawn light across the sky. I’m deeply moved to think that Jesus could come today. One of my main intentions in doing this blog is to help keep all who join me from sleeping spiritually. It’s time to “rise and shine!”

Yours in keen anticipation of His soon return,


3 thoughts on “Monday, August 5, 2024

  1. The signs are showing us that the return of Jesus is very close. Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem . Just viewing the news this morning, is emphasizing the distresses that are not far off. Praying also for our families, friends, and our country. Blessings all.

  2. By St. Catherine of Siena (1347–1380):

    “We are of such value to God that he came to live among us and to guide us home. He will go to any length to seek us, even to being lifted high upon the cross to draw us back to himself.”

    Amen Doreen.

    Love historical comments…especially our Bible 😁.

  3. Lord God, thank You for Life, for Truth, for Your Word, for being the Way for us. Bless and send out Your workers to every person on this planet. Give all Your people boldness to bring Your message of Life to all. As Paul said, it is the power of God unto salvation. Thank You, Lord, for those who bring this devotional to us every day. Bless them, Father, in Jesus’s great name, amen

    And, some commentary from the astute writer Mark Steyn. He is one of those who understands the times:

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