Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Today’s Reading: Matthew 11

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


A view of the Jordan River south of the Galilee.


Key Verse: Matthew 11:28

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest

The next two verses show how that “rest” is experienced. No doubt Jesus had fashioned perfectly fitting wooden yokes for oxen in order for them to fulfill their purpose in life. The hands of the Carpenter are still busy carefully fitting you for service. Jesus invites you now to “Learn from Me.” And the result is … “You will find rest for your souls.” The book of Isaiah is filled with personal pronouns which could only be replaced with the Name of Jesus. If you find time, read Isaiah 55. Meditate on the invitation to “Come” and on the results of coming to the Lord.


Dear Father in Heaven, Your Son and my Saviour says “Come to Me.” Here I am. I’m Yours now and forever. Amen!


As a teenager I walked down the aisle at a “Youth for Christ” rally to give my life to Jesus. An older man stood beside me, asked me my name, and said, “David, have you come to Jesus tonight?” I answered, “Yes.” Then he opened his Bible and asked me to read John 6:37. I read out loud the words of Jesus, “The one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out.” Then the man said, “Now David, what does Jesus do?” I answered, “He receives me.” The next day I said that promise over and over. It’s a fact; I have come to Him. I am His!

One with Christ and with all who have come to Him,


P.S. As I write this, Norma-Jean and I have been living with our eldest daughter, Elaine, and her husband Bruce Stacey. Prior to now I was in hospital, but now am a hospital outpatient. Pneumonia was the culprit. I’m doing much better now. Our son Ron made sure that the blog continued without interruption. Please keep me in your prayers. I wish only to live until my work here is done.

I couldn’t resist putting one more picture here. Two years ago now, when I was already past my predicted expiry date, I rode my 1996 motorcycle from Florida to Canada. Norma-Jean’s advice and my maturing years have caused me to trade the motorcycle for a 1998 van. Good idea at my age?


7 thoughts on “Wednesday, June 12, 2024

  1. As I read David’s words, the song “Jest As I Am” was running through my soul.
    Jesus is still calling us to come to Him.
    Help us, Lord God, to share Your good news clearly. Help us live as You made us to. Help others to see You and hear You calling. Bless all Your church and help it to be the Lighthouse You made it to be, I ask in Jesus’s name, amen

  2. Amen Rob. Yes just as I am, a total mess but the Lord receives me. He is always there when we call and I am definitely calling these days. My life and finances are a struggle.
    We have put my Parents (both gone) property for sale. Please stand with me in prayer that it sells soon and that we receive full value for it

  3. Wow that’s incredible David riding his motorcycle with his diagnosis that is really somethin
    Amen to the comments and the prayer above God bless everyone amen ✝️🙏

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