Sunday, April 21, 2024


Today’s Reading: Zephaniah 1

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Orthodox Jews reading the Scriptures and praying at the “Wailing Wall” or Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Today’s reading, Zephaniah 1, tells us of the day (a period of time) when Jerusalem shall hear “the sound of a mournful cry” and “a wailing!” (Zephaniah 1:10).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Zephaniah 1:6

Those who have turned back from following the Lord,

And have not sought the Lord, nor inquired of Him.


Zephaniah is the great-grandson of King Hezekiah. Hezekiah led in calling the people back to the true God. But the king’s son, King Manasseh, reintroduced the worship of Molech (“Milcom” – 2 Chronicles 33:1-10), and Hezekiah’s grandson, King Ammon, continued the pagan practises (2 Chronicles 33:21-25). Ammon’s son, King Josiah, picked up from His great-grandfather, Hezekiah, and reformation and revival took place (2 Chronicles 34:29-33). So this makes Zephaniah and King Josiah second cousins. No doubt the ministry of Zephaniah was a big factor in the repentance before God, which began six years into Josiah’s reign and continued for about 25 years.

Zephaniah’s preaching and teaching is centred on the judgment which Judah will bring on itself if they fail to repent! He uses the word “day” 11 times in this first chapter. The Judgment Day is coming. Zephaniah, his cousin, King Josiah, and their generation were spared from the “trouble,” the “distress,” the “devastation,” and the “desolation” which would come later, after Josiah’s death, in the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar.

Let us NOT “turn back from following the Lord!” Let us NOT turn back from seeking the Lord and inquiring of Him!!! This blog is designed to help us SEEK and INQUIRE!


Lord God, I seek You today. Lord Jesus, You said, “Seek and you shall find!” (Matthew 7:7). I pray for persistence and consistency in inquiring of You, learning of You through daily reading Your Word, meditating on Your Word, and praying constantly for grace to apply Your Word to my life. I pray for this with all my heart in the Name of the One Who is in Himself the full expression of what You have to say to Your human family, the Living Word, Jesus Christ! Amen!!!


[NOTE: This was originally written by David on April 21, 2016]

It will be four years on June 3rd, 2016, since I started this daily two-year journey through the written “Word.” On June 3rd, God willing, I plan to continue for another two years, beginning in Matthew’s Gospel, moving to Genesis, Mark, Exodus, and so on. It will continue to be fresh bread every morning with God, the Holy Spirit, as the Fire which bakes the bread. I’m up like a good baker, mix the ingredients, put them in the oven of prayer. The bread comes out of the oven at 6 a.m. and is put on a shelf for you to pick up (via the the Internet). I need help to advertise this bakery. Please tell others where to find this fresh bread. You can email or post on Facebook the link to Thank you for spreading the word!

Yours for fresh bread every day!!!


P.S. Speaking of fresh bread, the most delicious bread that I love to eat in Jerusalem is pictured below…big, soft bagels! You will find many street vendors like this man pushing his cart-load of bagels around the Old City!

Big Bagels

4 thoughts on “Sunday, April 21, 2024

  1. His sheep would go astray led by the goats but He was patient and forgiving to welcome them back.Free choice is a gift and often misused by man.What would have happened if He had not sent Jesus? May God bless

    Close To The Cross

    I will keep ever close to the cross,
    Through all my journey and beyond,
    For upon the stormy seas that toss,
    I am forever safe in holy bond.

    He could have left us on our own,
    To suffer under Satan’s evil hand,
    But He loved the seed He had sown,
    Enough to show us how to stand.

    That’s why I cling to His holy cross,
    For to abandon it,I abandon Him,
    And that would be my soul’s loss,
    To be forever where light is dim.

    No greater love can e’er be shown,
    Than to lay down His own holy life,
    To buy time for those yet unknown,
    Born to a world where sin is rife.
    G W (Bill) Marshall / Oct 23, 2012

  2. Amen Doreen and William.
    I prayed David’s Prayer for Today.
    May we all stay close to the Cross, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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