Today’s Reading: Joshua 22-23
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Key Verse: Joshua 22:28
Therefore we said that it will be, when they say this to us or to our generations in time to come, that we may say, “Here is the replica of the altar of the Lord which our fathers made, though not for burnt offerings nor for sacrifices; but it is a witness between you and us.”
With the land settled and secured, Joshua saw that it was time to allow the armed men to return from the west bank of Jordan to their families and homes in the east. When they returned they took with them the blessings of God and the fruit of the Promised Land. Upon their arrival home, they built an altar as a witness to their children and future generations. However, their action was misinterpreted by the western tribes. They jumped to the conclusion that the eastern tribes were establishing a false religion.The tribes on the west bank were ready to go to war to stop such heresy. Wisdom prevailed and peace was restored.
We need to be aware of the serious problems that misunderstandings can cause. A premature or immature jumping to conclusions can cause divisions amongst God’s children which are completely emotional and irrational. We may want to read from the one-chapter book of Jude, verses 17-25. We are warned about those who cause divisions. Verse 20 of Jude states what we hope to accomplish by faithfully reading this blog: “building yourself up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.” Amen!
Lord Jesus, as Jude 21 encourages me, may I keep myself in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Amen!
Petra is an exceedingly strong fortress. It was next to impossible for an enemy to conquer that city. My security in Christ makes it absolutely impossible that I could be conquered by an enemy unless I allow him access through the narrow “siq” of my free will (The siq is the entrance to Petra shown in yesterday’s blog. One excellent swordsman with the support of boulders from above could stop an entire army). The Doxology of Jude (verses 24 & 25) have for years been my impregnable fortress. God my Saviour keeps me by His mighty unbeatable power. He is wise, glorious, and majestic. He has dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen!!!!!!!
For approximately 5 years after I became a fully committed follower of Jesus, I struggled to live a Christian life. I was twenty-one when I grasped the fact that it was not up to me to keep from falling, but that God is totally committed to “keep you from stumbling” (Jude verse 24). I’ve relaxed in His strong arms ever since.
Yours for understanding all of God’s provisions for His children,
I always like the Letter of Jude! I will be he first to admit that I can become extremely emotional and irrational when I hear something that maybe rubs me the wrong way, hurts me, surprises me, makes me laugh big time, or, makes me cry, makes me want to cry out for injustice or justice! I am learning (still) to say, what did I just hear? Or, what did you say? or, did I hear you say this or that or, can you repeat what you just said and then explain it to me…I am learning slowly, but I am learning and I also went through the process of working my way into Heaven, and then one day I heard a sermon about letting go and letting God take over…that changed my life and I can say that I am thankful for all the mistakes I have made because they were a learning curve for me and still are! AND the Lord understands and hears our prayers and that was a big plus for me also HE FORGIVES AND FORGETS! The world needs to know that they have a loving and forgiving God! Thank you Lord for swimming and the very nice people I met tonight! Bless the family and the sister who looks after her sister and parents! She is a flag person on the highways! Keep her safe Lord.
Glory to God, amen! Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever (Jd 24-25). Amen!
I pray to You, my Heavenly Father, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, for protection of all Your saints, today, who read this blog. Wrap Your loving arms around each and every one of us, dear Lord, as the storms of winter blow upon us in Canada and the United States. Keep us safe, strong, warm, and heal our aching bones, Lord. For those who need help with snow, open the doors to it, Lord. We know You will cover us with Your feathers and shelter us with Your wings. Your faithful promises are our armor and protection (Ps 91:4 NLT). Amen!
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
Ps 121:7 KJB
I Need Thee Every Hour
Thank you Beverlee
Lianne Hogg
Honourable servant man of God…..Mr. Mainse
Yes, we need to be reminded to keep eternity in perspective.
Life if more then today and insignificant issues in the long run in comparison to eternity and accountability one day. Keep obeying and planting seeds of truth……you are a fine, remarkable statesman for our nation. Keep leaving a legacy as God strengthens and equips you.
My heart is so filled with gratitude to my Lord for this daily blog. What a comfort to be reassured of Gods Word.Thank you , thank you Rev. David M. for your never ending guidance and teaching .
I am also grateful for each and every brother and sister in Christ in this blog and I join Beverlee in her prayer, may The Heavenly Father , our Saviour Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit protect and support all of us, AMEN.
Keep safe and keep warm.
xoxoxo Carole.
So nice to see you on the blog again Carole. Trusting that you are doing well, I add my gratitude for your kindness and send God’s richest blessings to you. Staying close to the Lord and depending on His Leading.
Great pictures of Petra, thank Rev. David for providing us with some of its history.
Today’s scripture shows how quickly misunderstanding can divide, and how when the true purpose is revealed, healing occurs and rejoicing follows.
May I learn to listen, before coming to a wrong conclusion. Lord keep my spiritual and physical ears in tune with you, to hear clearly, before coming to a wrong conclusion.
“may the peace that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus Our Lord”.
That’s my prayer today for you Rev. David and all your family who are involved in presenting this blog : And for all bloggers.
Great pics today. Thanks Reynold.
Love today’s guest speaker, Stormie Omartian and hope to get one of her books.