Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Today’s Reading: Romans 12

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The Pantheon (from Greek meaning “all gods”) is a building in Rome which was originally built in 27 BC as a temple to the seven deities of the seven planets in the state religion of Ancient Rome. It is the best preserved of all Roman buildings, and perhaps the best preserved building of its age in the world. It has been in continuous use throughout its history. Since the 7th century, the Pantheon has been used as a Christian church.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Romans 12:1-2

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


“Beseech”… We are strongly urged to make a 100% do-or-die commitment to God. Paul did this. He practiced what he preached. The daily discipline of participating with me in this blog is a renewing of our minds. We are being exhorted here in chapter 12 to a very practical Christianity. Here is the way to get along well with others. Here is the recognition of the spiritual gifts that we receive from God. No believer is left out. We can find our place here. Let us take time right now to consider our position in this list. Are we using these gifts which differ “according to the grace given unto us”? If not, why not? By exercising our gifts every day, we will, with absolute certainty, “overcome evil with good.” AMEN!


Lord Jesus, our reading for today is a perfect example of how You lived Your life while functioning as a Human Being here on earth. You never used Your Divine Essence to lift Yourself above the struggles common to mankind. I give myself anew right now to Your life within me. I ask for an increased measure of faith and grace to live minute by minute as a person who is becoming more like You. In Your all-powerful Name I pray, AMEN!


Something truly life-changing happened to me three years ago this week. I plan to tell all about it in tomorrow’s blog. It came directly out of a week of fasting and prayer led by our Pastor, Rev. Wayne Blackburn, here in Lakeland, Florida, where Norma-Jean and I are just now. The weather is absolutely wonderful, sunny and warm. It’s January and this Canadian from the frozen north has worn a t-shirt outside. We’ve even produced a seniors TV series from here called, Really Good Medicine. Here is a short sample clip that features Wayne Gretzky’s father, Walter, as our “Super Senior.”  How do we all get along? Well, today’s reading is as good an answer to that question as any. It works! I’ve tried it and my enjoyment quotient has gone way up!

Yours for overcoming evil with good,


P.S. Below is a photo of the interior of the Pantheon in Rome (see the photo caption above for a brief historical summary).


10 thoughts on “Tuesday, January 13, 2015

  1. I am up early as I couldn’t sleep well last night. Decided to do my Bible Study early and what a wonderful way to start the day after a rather restless night.
    This is one of my favorite chapters. Lord Jesus I pray I might live with the renewing of my mind , that I might look at life in this perspective. God bless you
    David for your diligence in being so faithful doing this blog. Enjoy the warmth it is very cold up North.

  2. It was like walking in time when my wife and I rounded a corner and first set eyes on the Pantheon. It felt as though we were walking into an elaborate movie set! But it was real. A place where Christ Jesus and Saint Paul could have touched the very pillars at the entrance! Likewise, as we read daily scripture we touch the mind of God from wherever we are. A personalized message of love, wisdom and guidance. Thanks for sharing these amazing photos, Reynold and for your devotion and sound teachings, David. His strength and blessings to all who call upon Our Lord Jesus Christ!!

    • Amen!

      It is truly amazing what our ancestors some 2000 years ago were able to envision and construct with their tools and ingenuity…

      It was like time travel as we entered the Roman Pantheon… Awe and inspiring are 2 words that come to mind.

      I wonder if “Really Good Medicine” will hit the airwaves up here…

      Have a blessed day beloved friends in Christ

  3. The urge to fight evil with evil is strong but with getting to know Jesus and his stories daily it becomes easier and easier to deal with it. At least the evil that murdered the Paris citizens was dealt with justly and those who will be hunted down will get a fair and just trial if all goes well; God will repay.
    What an amazing structure to have lasted so long. Thank u Reynold for such beautiful pics.
    Peace to all saints.

  4. Renewing our mind in the Word of God will also have an effect on our physical bodies as well as the spiritual. Enjoy the program, “Really Good Medicine”. Blessings saints.

  5. I seem to remember when visiting the Pantheon , that our guide told us that the cupola was original and constructed of pre-formed concrete by the original builders. The art of making concrete was lost for many centuries to follow. Note that there is a ‘hole’ in the roof to allow smoke from the offerings to ascend ( a sweet smelling savor to our God ). An everlasting ‘concrete ‘ covering in our Relationship to Him with our prayers allowed unimpeded ascent to our God.

  6. Thanks, David, for including the link; look forward to tomorrow’s post. Yes, the Pantheon–remembering studying it in art history. Amazing it is still in good use and knowing the history behind it. Thanks, Reynold, for the fantastic photos and captions that accompany them.

    For we will not conform to the pattern of this world, but will be transformed by the renewing of our minds.We will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (Rom 12:2). Let us be living sacrifices–amen!

    Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; and teach me Thy statutes.
    Psalm 119:135 (RSV)

    “Behind the clouds, My glorious light. Behind the doubts, My
    sure promises. Behind the fears, My blessed hope. Let no darkness
    remain in your soul, My child. Let the light of My Spirit shine in its
    hidden places. Do not nourish dark and wicked thoughts, even for
    an instant. Their stain remains and pollutes. There is light behind the
    clouds, glorious light. Seek and find it and walk in it.”
    January 13th, Echoes of Eternity, Hal M. Helms.

    Blessings dearest saints.

  7. The Holy Spirit removed smokes/alcohol from me in April 16, 1995 and my friend spoke to me”We have the Holy Spirit that enables us to do more than we ever dreamt” I threw smokeks/alcohol away no problems since I do understand Ernie Hollands story and his excitement. He has shared his testimony many times, I have also, it is truly a miracle, and it all came from God. I am thanklful over and over and over….

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