Suggested Reading: Jeremiah 22
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Key Verses: Jeremiah 22:25
…and I will give you into the hand of those who seek your life, and into the hand of those whose face you fear — the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and the hand of the Chaldeans.
Notice the number of sentences in the Bible that start with the conjunction “and.” Would an English teacher let us away with that today? Not! (as I’ve heard some teens say). People who’ve decided to believe in the verbal (word by word) inspiration of the Bible, might ask, “Why the ‘and’?” It may be that God is never really finished His work until He puts the final period on the last sentence of human history here on this earth as it is in the present.
Our key verse indicates that the time comes when God has been rejected so totally that He can do no other than shift from mercy to judgment. He did not force the Babylonians to conquer Jerusalem, but He knew that He was not wanted by the religious, political, and social elites who were in power, and with great regret He withdrew His presence and, thus, His protection. Three times in this chapter God speaks, through Jeremiah, of those who “sit on the throne of David.” The last of King David’s descendants, through Solomon, is about to be deposed, taken to Babylon where he will die. BUT a descendent of King David through David’s son, Nathan, is yet to come. Although King Jeconiah and King Zerubbabel are listed in the genealogy of Joseph, Jesus’ foster father, Jesus did not come from Joseph (Matthew 1:6-12); He came as a human Person through the Virgin Mary (Luke 3:31). Legally, Jesus was linked to Joseph, but His DNA was all God and Mary!!! What about that?
Lord God, your servant Jeremiah urges people to “weep bitterly for him who goes away.” I pray for as much of Your great heart of compassion as You know I can handle. You are infinite in Your capacity to grieve, and I’m so very small and finite. Thank You, Lord, for being willing to share a little bit of the heavy burdens You bear with me. In the Name of the One who went into prayer early every morning, bearing our sorrows and griefs (Isaiah 53:3-5). Amen!!!
There’s the word “woe” in Jeremiah 22:13! One farmer from my childhood, when they still used horses for just about everything (before most of them had tractors), said that the word “woe” to a horse meant “STOP!” That’s horse sense! Horses know enough to stop what they are doing when they hear “woe.” I’ve just checked the dictionary for “Whoa!” It still means stop or slow down. When God says something that sounds like “whoa,” let’s pay attention!
The Lord, through Jeremiah, reminded King Jehoiakim about his dad, King Josiah, whom God said did what was right. Josiah was just and righteous. “He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well!!! (Jeremiah 22:15-16).
Yours for a “Horse Sense” commitment, something which is all too uncommon…just doing something because it is the right thing to do,
P.S. Jeremiah’s detailed prophecies have come true. They are now history. Peter describes the Bible Prophets as giving, “the prophetic word made more sure” (2 Peter 1:19a). Today is “Groundhog Day” across North America. It is said that when a groundhog comes out of his underground burrow February 2nd and sees his shadow, it is a prophetic word indicating an early Spring. If this is true it will be chance. Only God knows the future, and He told Jeremiah the “Word made more sure!” Of course, the groundhog folklore is just for fun. God’s prophets were dead serious!
By His stripes, we are healed! By His stripes, we are healed! The Holy Bible is such an incredible study of history, prophecy, miracles, and inspiration. Our faith is built in You, Lord! Thank you, David, for specifying so many details that uncover the deeper meanings. Thank you, dear Lord, for blessing us with all You have. We worship You and praise You! We lift our hands, hearts and voices in harmony, to adore You! God’s blessings, all saints, today!
Today you took me back many years to my childhood remembering our team of horses when you mentioned “Whoa’. To get them moving it was :”Giddy up” for most but ours responded to two clicking sounds my Dad made with his tongue on the side of his mouth. Thank you for your dedication in bringing us this welcome message each day.
Well, it’s Super Bowl Sunday – Denver Broncos against the Seattle Seahawks. Often, this is the first day of broken New Years resolutions i.e. chicken wings, beer, pizza, large bets and more. Some “Whoa” here would do well! Neeeyyyhhh, let’s have some “horse sense!” The Daniel Plan is still on, so I’ll be following David’s advice! “Whoa!” As for Groundhogs? An early spring sounds good, but somehow I doubt it!! Have a great day, (and say a prayer for the Bronco’s!).
Dear David
So thankful to The Lord that He layed this on your heart, this 100words each day.
It has kept me reading the W ord of God each morning.
Then I,m able to read the Bible through one year later on in the day.
So reading from 100 words has many times, got me reading the Word more and more.
Just want to tell you thank you and appreciate your diligent work in giving us His Word each day in 100 words.
Thanks David and thanks for being so personal and candid to those who read 100 words.
The Lord richly bless you and all of your family!
To God be the glory for there is life in His Word, instructions for daily living.
The only Book that changes us from glory to glory, as we heed and obey His Word.
Blessings to all through Christ Jesus. Amen. <3
(Most of us bloggers who are on the west coast will be rooting for the Seattle Seahawks today.)
Good sermon today Rev. Mainse! My dad was Lord over our horses too. When he said “whoa”, they whoa’d. Sometimes it would be nice to see God act in such a manner but then we’d be like puppets.
Blessings today on this beautiful cold winter day from the West.
Im from the era of the tracter but its nice yo hear yhe word Woe Stop doing what doesnt please God and that doesmt encourage others we need yhe word Woe in other places in our lives , thank you David for sharing the definition of the word Whoa Lord help me to say whoa to things in my kife that are not I your will for , my life and help us all to be obedient to you and you alone in Jesus name Amen .
Dear Mr. Mainse:
Thank you for your daily blogs and sharing your wisdom! This is just a small thing, but if the groundhog sees his shadow, there are six more weeks of winter. They said that Wiarton Willie did see his shadow this morning.
Have a good day!
And I will be praying despite what the furry creature predicted that God will find it in his heart to give us an early spring— because after digging out from one storm this morning, and two more on the way, we could really use a break— so God willing, maybe He will give to us– Amen.
Donna, where do you live? I want to pray for your area…
To All: I don’t blog often, but today, when Beverly Kay asked where Donna lives, it kind of spark my interest and decided to made some random comments… just because they are on my mind…
1. Jeremiah is an amazing man of God. The Message is given again and again – and seems to hit a brick wall – as far as any response from the people. It surely is a message to us – when God speaks – for us to listen – then actually ‘hear’ what he is saying.. then our attitude and actions should indicate to God that we actually heard. I am so enjoying this challenging book – challenging message. Very grateful for Pastor David’s comments and bloggers comments. I am just so glad the Lord has the ‘reins’ on my life..”Go” when he says, ‘Giddyup” and “stopping” when he says “Whoa” and not have to put a bridle and bit in our mouth forcing us to go this or that way. Anyway, I am really enjoy reading and also spending time studying Jeremiah – and challenged by it – and think how rejected we would be if God called us to shout it out on the streets and door steps of the Churches or the offices of our Government Leaders…what courage Jeremiah had…. of course, he had no choice when the Word of God was bursting in his heart – he just had to unload….
2. Seatle Seahawks! Congratulations. They did a superb job. I watched part of it – which I normally don’t. My son got me interested. Wow! great effort. Sorry about the Broncos.
3. It would be great to know where all the bloggers live and know a bit about each. So, here goes, At the end of November, my Grandson and I moved from Langley, B.C. to the border of the White Rock area but a Surrey address. I am now only 2 km from my wife who is in a Nursing Home. (Cuts down on my daily travel to be with my wife – now a 20 minute walk gets me there.) Exercise and a visit to feed my wife at the same time. A blessing. My grandson, Jacob, loves the move and enjoy a downstair apartment-like living area and just started his new school (grade 11) in White Rock – only a km away. Close to all stores. The Lord helped me so much to de-clutter 50 years of stuff, Helped guide me to find the right house in the right area for the right price. (at least the price that could be approved for me at my age).
4. Lots of prayer needed for me as I sensitively provide my grandson the love, care, guidance and understanding he needs. Also prayers for Jacob, just turned 17 – still a huge adjustment to the death of his mom even though it occurred when he was 12 1/2 years old. I am on my knees for him daily – and for me to – with the challenge of returning to parening after raising my own 4 children. But, in everything I thank God for his grace, wisdom and strength – which I need and rely on daily.
5. The Daniel’s Plan. I have the book and want to participate in the Danield’s plan. But preparing all the different types of foods is a challenge that I am trying to get my head around- plus, recipes do not indicate the sugar and salt content. I don’t have to lose weight and keep healthy but watch the sugar and salt content for health reasons. I am a borderline diabetic and need to keep it under (7) for those who are familiar with this. This is only possible with exercise and diet – and I don’t want to take meds. Any ideas? I had a heart attack a couple of months before my daughter died – I think the Lord just stopped me in my tracks. Had a stent put in and have done everything to keep healthy to be there for my grandson and, of course, my my wife of nearly 48 years. I am a very active 70 guy who truly loves the Lord and loves ministering in the Name of Lord.
O yes, if there individuals in the langley, Surrey or White Rock area who would like to meet as a small group and pursue the Daniel Plan with me – well I am interested.
6. Finally, I love the daily reading plan and enjoy reading all the blogs..and often wonder…who you are, where do you live..and it helps when we lift different ones up in prayer.
So these are my comments and a little bit of my story! O yes, I am also a pastor – retired! Well, actually “re-fired’ for the Lord. Both my wife and I served in a number of provinces over a period of 43 years – and loved it. I am still ministering this year in Langley in an interim basis – conducting Sunday Morning Worship Services – since July /13 and maybe till July /14 and love to share the Word of God.
Whether the storms be weather related or personal, I am so very glad my Lord knows exactly what I need and when I need it. Praise His name forever.
Blessings fellow saints.
Thanks again Pastor David for your continued faithfulness, enjoy the warmth of Florida with Norma-Jean.
Thankyou God for this blog and the many blessings I receive daily!
reading the “Whoa” reminded me when I was a child driving the horses and I believe my Dad would say “Gee” and “Haw” and the horses knew which direction to go. I am always grateful to be reminded that I need to ask God for help and to thank Him daily and (this does happen often also) when I do make a mistake, I can turn to my Lord and say “oops! I blew it! I’m sorry Lord. Please forgive me.!” And God does forgive. Thank you Lord! Thank you! Please pray for Kelly and family that they may seek the Lord; for Emm who is doing a fantastic job in Rehab of transforming her life and for Abe who is dealing with some injuries and bless the group that is going to Japan in May and pray for me to be patient for a financial breakthrough. In Jesus Name Amen. and thank you.