Today’s Reading: Romans 1-2
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The Roman Colosseum is the embodiment of both the grandeur and cruelty of the great Roman Empire. Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, the Colosseum hosted spectacular games that included gladiator exhibitions, fights between animals, prisoner executions and, strangely enough, naval battles. Untold thousands of humans and animals met their deaths within this popular attraction of ancient Rome.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 1:7
To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints…
Today’s reading is a huge jump from Moses to Paul, Deuteronomy to Romans! The statistics prove that this two-year journey through the Bible, back and forth between the Old Testament and the New, is the most successful in actually completing a thorough reading…an excellent goal for this New Year!!! Please enlist your friends!!! Set a time to call a friend daily and compare notes…or post comments on the blogs. This can be the greatest Christian growth period ever!!!
Note the word “ALL” in the key verse…could it be that this would even include the Emperor? It would be almost 300 years yet before Emperor Constantine claimed himself to be a believer in Jesus. There was a great deal of work to do in the meantime. The Apostle Paul, writer of the book of Romans, begins here with the Jewish people who lived in Rome. It is believed that Paul wrote to the Romans in 56 A.D. from Corinth during his third missionary journey. It is not his first letter to the churches, but it is placed first because of its length and its vital importance to the understanding of salvation. Millions of people have followed “The Roman Road” to a personal faith in Jesus. The mileposts on the road are: (1) Romans 3:23 – “All have sinned.” Confess that we are sinners in need of the Saviour. (2) Romans 6:23 – “The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Receive God’s gift by confessing that we have received Jesus into our lives. (3) Romans 10:9-10 – Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, and tell someone that we have received Him, believed in Him, and that we now believe we have eternal life in Him.
Lord Jesus, I am walking “The Roman Road” again today. I confess before You my faith in You, and I commit to You that I’ll seek an opportunity to confess You with my mouth. Keep me daily, I pray, in the centre of Your will and purpose for me as a believer. Amen!
It is believed that for a person in a coma, hearing is the last sense to go. The person cannot confess with their mouth, and I’ve told several in a comatose state to think their confession. I’ve seen eye movement that I think may indicate they’ve done it. As well, I’ve sought to minister to stroke victims who can’t speak, and they’ve confessed by nodding their heads in answer to a direct yes or no question. Some totally deaf people may not be able to speak a clear confession with their mouths, but have no doubt about it, their expressions of joy and their body language tell the story of their faith. For me, the moment I confessed Jesus with my mouth, I knew I was right with God. Just to confirm that faith, the next day after I went forward at an evangelist’s call, this 16-year-old went to the creek behind the house where I was living, and over and over as I walked along, I repeated John 6:37 and prayed, “You said, Lord Jesus, that if I come to You, You would receive me. You cannot lie! I’ve come to You. I believe in You. I know that You have received me.” By repeating that several times, it finally got through to my mind, my spirit, my heart and my soul. I’ve never doubted my eternal salvation since that time 64 years ago. Hallelujah!
Yours for all who are in Rome (our key verse) and for all who are in Canada, (where I am right now), and for all who are in the places where this blog is being read (where you are),
P.S. This is a blog for busy people, but Romans is such a powerful teaching book that if time permits, I suggest reading each chapter twice rather slowly so as to let the message saturate our entire beings!!!
Thank You Lord, for the amazing gift of Salvation through Jesus. Blessings all.
Amen to David’s prayer for today, in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
May our Lord bless every blogger, Amen.
Yes, praying David’s prayer today as well.
Praying everyone enjoys this new year in Jesus name.
Beautiful Song, Lynda.
Praying for all the Bloggers and their fears and concerns for family and friends.
I used to try to change my Loved Ones so that they would know The Lord and follow Him closer, but over time, I realized that it was ME that needed the cleansing: more of Him, less of me. His Spirit is The One that changes hearts, which is very freeing.🕊️
I pray that we may all walk in His Will, and Way, for His Glory.
‘May it be well with all of our souls.’
PS/ Thanks for the Movie, Rob- shall try to get some time today to watch.