Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 33-34
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Here you can see what the breastplate would have looked like on the High Priest in Moses’ time. Each of the twelve tribes is represented before God by a precious stone. The Thummin and the Urim mentioned in today’s reading were there somewhere, but they remain mysterious objects of which we know very little. Perhaps they were instruments for testing God’s will such as casting lots (Deuteronomy 33:8).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 33:27a
The eternal God is your refuge,
And underneath are the everlasting arms…
Our reading begins with praise to God and then blessings on all the tribes except one, Simeon. In Genesis 49:5-7 both Simeon and Levi are cursed by their father, Jacob. All the other brothers are blessed. Moses and Aaron came from Levi, the tribe that became Israel’s priests. It remains a mystery why Levi was chosen for special service and Simeon was not. Perhaps Levi repented of the sins Jacob mentioned and Simeon did not. God always responds to a godly sorrow for sin, followed by a turning away from sin. Restoring our relationship with God is absolutely essential to experiencing the powerful promise found in our key verse. God blessed Moses. Jesus, Peter, James and John would later meet him on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8).
Lord God, I search my heart, confess my sin, and trust You for the gift of genuine repentance. Levi became the recipient of Your blessings, and his brother, Simeon, did not. I’m desperate for Your everlasting arms under me. I lean on Your arms today and every day. Thank You for Your promise of strong support. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Often over the years I have visited the modern expression of “The Promised Land”…Israel. Bible prophecy indicates the establishment of a nation state in the end times called “Israel.” The olive tree symbolizes the spiritual life of Israel; the fig tree symbolizes political Israel (Luke 21:29-31). I, as a Gentile believer in the King of the Jews, Jesus, have been grafted into the olive tree. Jews who believe in Jesus as Messiah, Saviour and Lord (there are thousands in Israel in many congregations) continue an expression of the original olive tree. Following the birth of Jesus’ Church (Acts 2), many thousands of Jews formed the first congregations of believers in Jesus. A non-Jew, Cornelius, was the first Gentile grafted into the olive tree (Acts 10). While modern Israel has come into being, let’s not forget that the modern state of Israel is not gathered in righteousness. For example, I’m told that in Israel abortion is legal and huge numbers of little ones are being torn apart in the wombs of Jewish mothers. Jesus’ last prophecy was about this (check out Luke 23:27-31). Let us never forget that God loves all people equally; Arabs and Jews all need to receive Jesus in order to be saved. We all need to come to Him and trust His promises (e.g. John 6:37). Tomorrow, God willing, I’ll do my blog from the book of Romans. I’ve just had a head-start by reading about the “olive tree.” It’s found in Romans 11:17-24 (click here to read with me).
Yours for God at work today with Jews, Arabs, and all the rest of us…and for the growth of the “olive tree” and its grafted-in branches, of which I believe I’m a little twig,
P.S. Yesterday I linked you to my Uncle’s book, Pebbles From The Brink, which gives the last words of the dying at a time before modern sedatives (If you missed it, here is the link again). Most people today are not conscious when they pass away. Many of the last sayings were from a time when believers, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, were persecuted and martyred by wicked leaders from both sides (e.g. Henry VIII). My Uncle featured Heaven and Hell statements from both sides of that great divide. I hope we don’t automatically presume we are reading of only one side or the other. Below is a picture of my uncle, Rev. Manley C. Pritchard. He edited a weekly and also a monthly publication beginning approximately in 1910.
I lean on Your arms today and everyday. Thank You Lord. Help me to proclaim Your Words. Amen
Amen Doreen
I need prayers and advice. My daughter in law quit smoking in June i had been praying and ask the Lord to make them taste awful which he did. She said one day she couldn’t understand it but neither could she smoke them. She done well but satan had her find a new device -vaping. Please pray with me that this new device will not taste or make her feel good. I pray in the name of Jesus that satan will be chased from her again. I believe she has accepted Christ as her saviour but somehow she doesn’t believe smoking, drinking, abusing the body the Lord created is a sin. Please stand with me in prayer for her and advise me of scripture i can share with her
Never give up. Place your dear daughter in law into God’s Hands every day. He loves her and wants to bless her greatly. I join with you in prayer, that His Perfect Will be accomplished in her life. Amen
Thank You, Lord God, for Your never-ending goodness. Thank You for answering prayer, not in our time or way, but in better ways than we can imagine.
As the saints before us said, Your ways are above ours.
You made every believer a living stone in the church You are building. Help us cooperate with You by listening to You and obeying You.
As David prayed, please give us the grace to obey You in all things.
You are always good – You came in Truth and grace, and we praise You for that, in Jesus’s great name, amen
An oldie and a goodie: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. This film advocates for having an open mind.