Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Today’s Reading: Leviticus 25

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Jewish children celebrate with dance at a presentation in Jerusalem.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Leviticus 25:17

Therefore you shall not oppress one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the Lord your God.


Here is a truly revolutionary economic system. This dealt with the poor on a long-term basis. The land belonged to God; man was a temporary caretaker. If a person fell on hard times, he might have to sell his possessions, but the sale was only temporary. First, his land would be returned to him, or to his children in the event of his death, in the 50th year of Jubilee. Second, the man or a relative could, at any time, buy back, or redeem, the lost holdings. This is a beautiful picture of our older Brother Redeemer, Jesus Christ. With His suffering and death He has redeemed us, restoring all that was lost through sin. To care for the stranger, immigrant, and those in need among us is still a priority for the one who owns everything. Let us reach out to someone today, making every year a “Jubilee.”


Lord God, please show me someone I can bless today and every day. I know that You are my Source of blessing. When I am the one in need, I can trust You to meet that need. You promised through the pen of Your servant Paul that You “shall supply all my need according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!


When our children, Elaine, Ellen, Reynold and Ron, were around 11, 10, 9, and 8, a precious family blessed us with the gift of a pony, and we kept our pony on their farm at no cost to us. What a joy to load everyone into the car on a Saturday, drive out to the country, and enjoy each other’s company, along with the pony. We named her “Jubilee,” and we would sing the song as we travelled, “Jubilee, Jubilee, we’re going to that happy Jubilee” (check out the the song here and sing along with the Gaither homecoming crowd!). This gave Norma-Jean and me the opportunity to teach our children about the Year of Jubilee in the Bible and about God’s care for the poor and needy. We arranged to have our little Jubilee visit another pony on a neighbouring farm, and the children named the new little arrival to our family “Sparky” (see photo below).

Yours for our education in God’s economy, based not on hoarding, but on giving,


P.S. This picture below brings back a flood of happy memories.

The Mainse kids in 1971 with Jubilee’s colt “Sparky.” From left to right…Ellen, Reynold, Elaine and Ron.



4 thoughts on “Tuesday, October 15, 2024

    • Amen Rob. Thank You Lord for Your Promises and for our Salvation. We had lots of pets (aquarium, dog, cats, bird, etc. but never a pony! David’s children must have really enjoyed that! Blessings all.

  1. Amen,Rob.May God bless

    The Lens Of Eternity

    Through the lens of eternity,
    God sees the hope that grows,
    And while we ponder on infinity,
    He’s the only one Who knows.

    So Lord and blessed Father,
    Let us be worthy of your love,
    That we might all pull together,
    To cleanse the pathway above.

    For how long we sought to know,
    That salvation in us was bound ,
    But then you came here to show,
    That only through You it is found.

    Satan feared and so he sought,
    To stop You and the hopeYou brought,
    For he wanted all to be for naught,
    But You won the greatest battle fought.
    G W(Bill)Marshall/Oct 14,2012

  2. Amen Doreen and Rob.
    Also thanks for your uplifting poem William, a well written message
    sent from our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Thank You Lord for all You
    do for us, Amen!

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