Thursday, October 3, 2024


Today’s Reading: Leviticus 9-10

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in these caves in the region known as Qumran. These scrolls are a collection of 972 texts consisting of Biblical manuscripts from the Hebrew Bible as well as other documents. They were discovered almost 70 years ago in clay jars hidden in the caves which are located in the mountainsides on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, from which they derive their name. These are the most ancient scrolls in existence. The scroll with the book of Isaiah, the “Gospel” of the Old Testament, is exactly as we have it in our Bibles today. Portions of every other Old Testament book except for Esther are in the scrolls. The Bible is reliable!!!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Leviticus 10:11

…and that you may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord has spoken to them by the hand of Moses.


In today’s reading, we learn about the conduct of the priests and the judgment of God on misconduct. There are most serious consequences to the failure to follow God’s instructions, particularly for those whose calling is in leadership. The priests were not to drink any intoxicating beverages. Why? They must be fully aware at all times in order to distinguish right from wrong, the holy from the unholy, and the clean from the unclean, so that they could, by example as well as words, teach the people God’s ways. How often have God’s leaders and followers alike, lost our ability to discern what is right and then do it. The book of James should be regular reading for us, not just when our reading schedule requires it. It’s the New Testament book of Christian conduct. Consider the purpose of the Law for those who believe in Jesus… Read Galatians 3:23-27.


Thank You, Lord God, that I live in the time when I know Your grace, and I am justified by faith, not by the works of the Law. May I never take careless advantage of Your forgiveness, but may I live “With the smile of Your approval on my life.” In Jesus’ Name. Amen!


I had the honour of interviewing the Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood, Premier of Newfoundland, and one of our Fathers of Canadian Confederation. He said, “I don’t drink alcoholic beverages because I may be just one drink away from becoming an alcoholic, and I don’t wish to take the chance of destroying my life and hurting everyone around me.” At 15 years old in the United Church in Brockville, I went forward to the front and signed a pledge that I would not partake of intoxicating drinks throughout my life. It was at what was called, “a temperance service.” I’ve never been sorry I did this. Keeping that promise has enabled me to minister with integrity to many alcoholics and those who were chemically dependent. I had a great-great-grandfather who was an alcoholic. He lost the farm and simply disappeared. His only known son, my great-grandfather, Joseph Mainse, was converted to Christ at a Methodist Church, and that changed the entire direction of my family.

Yours for knowing right from wrong and the holy from the unholy,


8 thoughts on “Thursday, October 3, 2024

  1. Lord God, there are so many needs in this world, and we lift them up to You. May Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven. Thank You, Lord, for Your plans for each of us is good. We bless You, Father, in Jesus’s great name, amen

  2. “A life without God is like a boat without an anchor.” Billy Graham

    Have a joyful, blessed day all saints, in Jesus name 🙏.

  3. Thankfully, we don’t have to follow the sacrificial requirements of the early church. Jesus is our Perfect Sacrifice!! Thank You Lord. Blessings all.

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