Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 36-37

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


A deep cistern in Egypt.


Key Verse: Genesis 37:28

Then Midianite traders passed by; so the brothers pulled Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. And they took Joseph to Egypt.


In Chapter 36 we learn that Esau refused to waste his life in bitterness. God richly rewarded his generosity of spirit. Chapter 37 tells of the dreamer. Be sure not to let your guidance come from dreams; they are 99% unreliable. However, in this case, God had truly revealed His plan to Joseph. When we hear from God, most of the time we should keep it between God and ourselves. When Joseph told the story of his dream to his brothers, it brought about a serious family feud. Indeed, God has many ways to bring about His will. He used this tragedy to put Joseph in Egypt so he could be tested and refined and then to save many lives, including his father and his family.


Lord, You promised wisdom if I would but ask You (James 1:5). I’m asking! Let me bring unity rather than discord. I pray this mercy through the merits of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!


Again today, let me share with you more responses from engaged blog readers:

He Loves us…period…and He takes the (Mess) and turns it into a (Message). Thank you, Holy Spirit, for Your Leading as we listen & soak in Your presence…for sure it’s a choice we make…finally got there…not in just the big decisions but in every decision…He goes with us…Awesome…once we know this in our spirit, we can live life to the Full! David…Have a wonderful Day…as always ~ Diane…Joshua 1:9

On my morning walk I was thinking and talking to my Lord about putting together scrapbooks for my grandchildren of things and notes I have kept over the years. I was asking that my grandchildren would see Jesus and learn to love Him more through the beautiful memories He has blessed me with. Then I came in and read your blog for today. I’m going to get right at it. ~ Katie

If you have time, check out other comments at www.100words.ca. Click on the “Comments” bubble at the top.

Keep those comments coming,


2 thoughts on “Tuesday, July 16, 2024

  1. Thank You, Father, for involving Yourself in our lives. Bless all Your children today, I ask in Jesus’s great name, amen

  2. It is quite amazing when I look over my life and see how God has led me. I would never have thought about the possibilities of things that God planned. I’m very thankful that He planned some unbelievable events and solutions. Blessings all.

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