Today’s Reading: Matthew 26
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Key Verse: Matthew 26:32
But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee.
It’s difficult to choose a key verse as this chapter is filled with crucial truth for all people. The death and resurrection of Christ is the focal point of all history. It is His story! Once again Jesus states the fact of His death and resurrection and once again His disciples failed to comprehend. This time they were too sleepy to take in truth. Are you wide awake? Are you ready to understand? Understand that when Jesus gives a promise, its fulfillment is absolutely sure! It is impossible for Him to lie! He knew He must die and He also knew He must rise again. This was the reason He came. He also knew the humanity of His followers. They would remember His instructions about meeting Him in Galilee after the resurrection, and they would obey Him.
Lord Jesus, as I read Your Words, grant the grace to make those Words an integral element in my spiritual DNA. Please grant me full comphrehension and obedience. I pray this with sincerety and faith that You will do this in me for Your Glory and for the fulfillment of Your plan for my life. Amen!
I have been reading your responses to 100words.ca. Thank you for letting me know that you are there with me daily. As an old-timer I’m not always sure anyone would bother reading my blog. I don’t really understand the new social media. Come to think of it, I didn’t understand television back on June 2nd, 1962 either. I do know, however, that God gave me the grace of obedience then, and He’s doing so now. If you are blessed and encouraged, or if this blog helps you in the daily discipline of reading the entire Bible in meal-sized portions over two years, then God’s purpose is being fulfilled. Amen and Amen!
Continuing in obedience,
P.S. Yesterday I mentioned my first two times preaching. Someone said to me, “I’ve heard you talk on TV, but I’ve never heard you preach.” Well, here goes! Below is a link to a message I delivered in the mid-90’s at Compass Point Church, which is located next door to the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario. My opening remarks will seem odd unless I tell you that actor Bruce Marchiano, who played the part of Jesus in The Gospel of Matthew movie, had been quoting Jesus’ words as he walked down the stairs between the pulpit and the congregation. Unfortunately Bruce tripped and fell, but recovered quickly. I was scheduled to preach immediately after Bruce’s last line. That evening we were celebrating the 5,000th 100 Huntley Street telecast. It was some years ago, and now we have have celebrated the 10,000th telecast. If you have the time to handle some preaching, click here (it’s only about 13 minutes long). If you think that this message might touch someone, bringing them to Christ, please pass it on! Thank you!!!
A very interesting read from David. Blessings on all the staff at Crossroads and our blog friends. Have a Wonderful day.
I Agree with your comments Doreen.
I prayed David’s prayer also and found his sermon at
the Compass Point Church quite moving and sincere.
May others be encouraged by his message in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Blessings on today’s reading
I haven’t heard David, preach too many times
I think the other time I heard him preach
Was when he came to Waterloo Pentecostal Church on a tour that he was on he was going across Canada
So it was really good to hear him preach
Amen David 🙏✝️