Today’s Reading: Revelation 14
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One of the many sculptures in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome depicts a woman reading the Bible. John XXIII began changes which would have encouraged reformers such as Martin Luther. He issued a revolutionary statement. He told his people to “READ THE BIBLE!”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Revelation 14:3a
They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders…
Jim and Kathy Cantelon write today’s 100 Words segment (originally published in Crossroads’ Day Unto Day devotional series)…
John now shifts from a description of the beast and his worshippers (chapter 13) to a description of the Lamb and His followers. Consistent with Old Testament expectation, the venue is Mount Zion. Micah, for instance, foresaw the day when God would gather the faithful remnant to Mount Zion and reign over them forever (Micah 4:6-8). Joel and Isaiah also saw something similar (Joel 2:32; Isaiah 11:9-12; 40:1-46).
Who are these “144,000”? In chapter 7, we saw this number first mentioned, and I underlined the importance of the symbolic numbering. The group in this chapter (chapter 14) is probably the same people. In both chapters, the 144,000 are sealed on their foreheads…in chapter 7, the substance of the seal is not mentioned, but in chapter 14, John tells us that the seal comprises the names of the Father and the Lamb. This seal, of course, is in direct contrast to the name (or number of the name) of the beast which was placed on the right hand or forehead of his worshippers in chapter 13.
The message to the worshippers of the beast is one of dire warning – they “will drink of the wine of God’s fury” and “will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb” (verse 10). Usually we think of torment as the exclusive domain of Hell, but here we see the high view God has of our wilful choices and the total anger He has at those who choose to reject His Son. That’s why verse 13 has special meaning and warning: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
Lord God, I’m very aware that one day I will stand before Your Judgment Seat where believers in Jesus will be judged. The words of the hymn writer come to mind, “Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.” I pray for Your grace so that my faith in Jesus’ salvation will never waver. In Jesus’ Name! Amen!!!
Besides telling his people to read the Bible, which was something discouraged by the Roman Catholic church for centuries, Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) symbolically opened a window in the vatican which faced St. Peter’s Square, and in front of thousands of people welcomed the Holy Spirit to come in. Shortly after this I was preaching in Quebec City at the invitation of Rev. Vern O’Brien, when we received an invitation to visit a Roman Catholic convent to preach to the nuns. The Mother Superior had written to me as a result of seeing the Crossroads telecasts on local TV. She wrote that she had prayed with me and for the first time in her life she had the assurance of eternal life. Vern and I witnessed an amazing sight… 20 or more Roman Catholic sisters opening their hearts and minds to the assurance of salvation according to the promises of the Bible as shared with them by Protestants. It was quite shocking for us to see the Holy Spirit come upon these nuns as the Apostle Peter had seen at the home of the Roman Centurion, Cornelius, as recorded in Acts 10:34-48. This work of the Holy Spirit, I discovered, was happening all over the world. When we begin to read seriously and consistently God’s Word, we begin to think God’s thoughts, and as someone has said, “When a person begins to think, God has the advantage.”
Yours for reading (or listening) to God’s Word and for enthusiastically convincing others to do the same,

The Basilica centers around the Papal Altar where only the Pope celebrates Mass. It was consecrated by Clement VIII, June 5, 1594, on top of several other older altars. Rising above the altar is the baldacchino (95ft. canopy), Bernini’s masterpiece and first work in St. Peter’s. The ancient tomb where the Apostle Peter is said to be buried lies directly below the altar.

Artistic representation of Biblical stories and portrayals of important leaders seem to cover every square inch of St. Peter’s Basilica. John’s challenge was to try to put the visuals he saw in his visions into words. The artists such as Michelangelo had the opposite challenge. They sought to put words into visuals.
Thank You, Lord God, for Your work to save souls. Give people ears to hear Your call to salvation, in Jesus’s name, amen
AMEN Rob. Praying for friends and family. May they see Jesus in this time of difficulties all around the world. May we be strong, wise, and, helpful. Amen
Amen.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the peace,prosperity and protection of all of Israel.May God continue to bless this blog.
Amen to the prayers.
Please pray also for peace for me and understanding from others. I am so grateful that the Lord is always there for us. Psalm 91 is such a peace to me right now. Esp verse 2
“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in him will I trust”
Blessings HJR. Praying for you. God I’d faithful, dependable, and, He loves you.