Today’s Reading: Revelation 11
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Red Basilica is a monumental ruined temple in the ancient city of Pergamos, now Bergama, in western Turkey. The temple was built by the Roman Empire, probably in the time of Emperor Hadrian and possibly on his orders. It is one of the largest Roman structures still surviving. This great empire obviously felt threatened by a 90-year-old Christian Jew named John, so much so that they arrested him, put him in prison, and then exiled him to an island so he could no longer preach on the streets of their cities. But they still could not silence him. There on that island he wrote the amazing book called, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ!”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Revelation 11:15b
The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!
Jim and Kathy Cantelon write today’s 100 Words segment (originally published in Crossroads’ Day Unto Day devotional series)…
As John’s vision continues, he is given a measuring device and is told to “measure the temple of God and the altar” and to “count the worshippers there” (verse 1). He is also told not to measure the “outer court” because it has been given to “the Gentiles” who will “trample on the holy city for 42 months” (verse 2). Then the speaker refers to “my two witnesses” (the speaker is not named but I think we can assume it is Jesus) who will “prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth” (verse 3).
John goes on to say that these two witnesses are “two olive trees” and “two lampstands” who devour their enemies with fire that comes out of their mouths (verses 4, 5). Then, in verse 6, he calls them men, and in verses 7-12 we see them killed by a “beast that comes up from the Abyss”, and after three and a half days, they are resurrected and ascend “up to heaven in a cloud.”
The witnesses are not named, so I won’t speculate as to their identity (although some commentators build a case for them being Elijah and Moses). The beast is also not named, but we do know that this beast is the first of four referred to in the vision. The other three were the dragon (or Satan, 12:3), the beast with ten horns and seven heads (13:1), and the beast with two horns who spoke like a dragon (13:11). Apart from the variety of description, all these beasts are committed enemies of God. In this chapter, many commentators identify this beast with the Antichrist.
But the key verse (verse 15) is the focus of the chapter. The “kingdom of the world”, that is: Satan’s domain, will eventually give way to “the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.” The Lamb will “begin to reign” (verse 17).
Lord God, rule and reign over my life here and now! You have given me the great honour to come into Your presence and speak with You in prayer…and You speak to me through Your Word, which I read daily. I pray for the ability to concentrate on what You have to say, and after I have listened carefully, I ask for grace to do that which pleases You! In the Name of the One Who always pleased You, Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ! Amen!!!
Very early in my life, I knew that a king ruled over a kingdom. As a Canadian, our king was named George VI. He was my king for my first 16 years. I was confused as a little boy, because we had a Canadian Prime Minister called Mackenzie King. There was never any confusion in my mind as to the real King, the King of kings, Jesus Christ. As a family, we bowed our heads and prayed before every meal and went to our knees after every meal to worship God and to pray for His blessings upon us. I never doubted that we were in the very presence of Almighty God! At least once every day my father would pray, “O God, may the smile of Your approval be upon our lives for this day!”
For several years I had the honour to serve as a judge in the awarding of the “Templeton Prize.” Among the prize winners were Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, Rabbi Jacobovitz (Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and the Commonwealth), Bill Bright, and others. The judges were invited each year to Buckingham Palace where the presentation was made to the winner. I discovered that there were ornately decorated rooms in the Palace representing every area of the world where Britain had once ruled. While their “Kingdom of this world” has been diminished greatly, the memories of an empire that once ruled over people on every continent were still there. The symbol of the “Lion,” depicting Great Britain’s power, seemed to be everywhere in and around the Palace. Look again at today’s key verse. The “Lamb” upon the throne! For some reason, I keep thinking over and over again of the nursery rhyme, “Mary had a little lamb.” Yes she did! The blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to “The Lamb of God!” A marvellous songwriter, Mark Lowry, who has often appeared on the 100 Huntley Street telecast, wrote a song called, Mary, Did You Know? Click here to listen to this song of profound and powerful truth.
Yours for Jesus’ reign forever and ever!!!,
P.S. What is Jesus’ Kingdom like? It’s described by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The stories and teachings written in the Gospels, which took place in between the birth of Jesus and His death, followed by His resurrection, are about His Kingdom rule here and now and in the world to come!!! I have a suggestion! This summer, set aside four days to read, non-stop if possible, one complete Gospel each day. I plan to do this in order to comprehend, in a fuller way, the eternal Kingdom!
May Your Kingdom come, Lord God, and Your will be done, on Earth as in Heaven! In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen Rob and Laur. Praying for the Peace of Israel and for fires in Western Canada. Blessings all.
Amen, Rob.
“We give YOU thanksO Lord GOD Almighty.”
Amen to all your comments.
Oh,King Of Kings
Oh,King of kings make haste I pray,
That your return will set us free,
Then take us Home with You to stay
In love’s vast ocean of eternity.
You have been the truest of friends,
A mentor to my searching soul,
Now is the time that Heaven lends,
To reap the garden Satan stole.
With open arms Your bride awaits,
To be no more of sin’s dark lie,
As the demon burns with his mates,
We’re safely Home beyond the sky.
G W (Bill) Marshall / Sept 06, 2013
(Would have been written ‘around’ the time I joined this blog.)
Let us praise Him with every day,
Let us praise Him in our sleep,
Let unceasing praise convey
The harvest our praises reap.
Unending love is always ours,
So unending praise is owed,
Then His word of truth empowers
From the Spirit He bestowed.
He made it all,it’s just for us
And all are blessed by His love,
Then He sent our Lord Jesus
To show the pathway above.
So only truth bespeak His praise,
Let not hope flee from sight,
Thus,let us dance and voices raise,
To soak in His eternal Light.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 24 Feb, 2014
May God bless this blog and all connected with it.