Today’s Reading: Revelation 3:7-13
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There is not much to see from the ancient city of Philadelphia. The site is now covered over by the modern city of Alasehir (“city of Allah” or God), in Turkey. The only extant remains are the old acropolis, ruins of a 7th century AD church called St. John, an un-excavated theatre, and a length of the city walls and gate from the Byzantine era. In this photo, you can see the large piers (pillars) of a Byzantine basilica, the church of St. John.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Revelation 3:12
He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. And I will write on him the Name of My God, and the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of Heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new Name.
“Pillar,” according to Webster’s dictionary, is “a person or thing regarded as reliably providing support for something.” Webster also uses the words, “stalwart,” “champion,” “mainstay,” and “tower of strength.” Remember Jesus says, “I will MAKE HIM A PILLAR in the temple of My God” (key verse). He also said, “Follow Me and I WILL MAKE YOU A FISHER OF MEN” (Matthew 4:19), and “Behold, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW” (Revelation 21:5). GREAT!!! Jesus is the MAKER! We just follow Him! It’s amazing that He asks us to help from time to time. What is “the key of David”? It’s always wise to let Scripture interpret Scripture, thus bypassing interpretations based on opinions. Read Isaiah 22:20-22. The key that opens and closes doors is to be like David, whom God calls, “A man after My own heart” (read Acts 13:21-23). Again comparing Scripture with Scripture, read Psalm 37:3-5. The key is to delight oneself in the Lord! Then we want only what He wants. We line our desires up with His desires. “Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart!!” (Psalm 37:4) Also, Psalm 40:8, “I desire to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart.” God’s Law, His Word, is being written in our hearts daily as we are faithful and consistent in reading every Word of the Bible. This is a good time to mention that, God willing, we’ll start reading through the Bible again on June 3rd. Let’s do it again with fresh bread coming out of the oven at 6 a.m. every morning!
Our key verse also tells us of names of honour that Jesus will put on the person who “overcomes” and who “perseveres.” The Lord says through the prophet, “Those who honour Me, I will honour” (1 Samuel 2:30). A smile on the face of Jesus would be more than we deserve, but this would be truly above and beyond, more than we could ask or even think!
Lord Jesus, Your people in Philadelphia had “a little strength.” You said, “They kept My Word, and have not denied My Name!” I pray that, by Your grace alone, I will share such a commendation when I stand before Your throne in Heaven at the judgment of believers. Here’s my fervent prayer. May I recognize the “open door” (3:8a) that You have set before me. May I walk with purpose through that door into Your perfect will for the rest of my life. In Your Name I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen!!!
I’m looking forward to May 13th when we begin the next 19 mornings with the teachings of Rev. Jim and Kathy Cantelon. Recently I read over their commentaries on Revelation chapters 4 – 22, from the Day Unto Day series published in the mid 1990s by Crossroads, and they are so very good. Jim and Kathy are founders of a great congregation in Jerusalem called “King of Kings.” I encourage all readers to tell others about our guest commentators.
God willing, I’ll continue to do the “100 Personal Words” each day, and then we’ll conclude our two-year journey with my challenge from the final words of all four Gospels. I shared this plan a few days ago, but I think there are new readers each day. My beloved daughter-in-love (-law), Ann, has typed Jim and Kathy’s words into the blog for me. She’s at least three times faster than I am, and she doesn’t make mistakes. Thank You, Ann.
In my study Bible, all the messages for all seven churches are printed in red letters. They are “PERSONAL WORDS” from Jesus, not just to the seven churches of the end of the first century, but to the churches of every age. If I think I see churches around me that could possibly fit into some of the commendations or the condemnations of Jesus, I’ll pray hard and ask God to make me all I should be. I must remember that Jesus is the Judge, not me. For that I’m most thankful. My part in the process is clearly stated in Revelation 3:11b, “Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown!”
Yours for receiving more personal words from Jesus and walking through doors He opens,
Amazingly, the pillars of ancient Philadelphia are still standing after many earthquakes!! That is definitely God’s plan and a reminder to us that He is Great and Powerful. Blessings all.