Today’s Reading: Hosea 7-8
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

A field on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee is ready for harvest. Galilee is over 600 feet below Sea Level with a bowl-like topography. Strong south-west winds are drawn into this 5 mile by 8 mile rift in the earth’s surface and can create strong whirlwinds which destroy the crops, and as we read in the Gospels, turn the peaceful seascape we see here into violent storms.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Hosea 7:2 and 8:7a
They do not consider in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness; now their own deeds have surrounded them; they are before my face…They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind.
Five times in today’s reading we see the name of the largest tribe in Israel, Ephraim. Ephraim was farthest away geographically from the Temple in Jerusalem, and it seems that they were also furthest away from God during the time of Hosea’s ministry. Ephraim represents all ten northern tribes of Israel. To try to communicate to them their need to repent, Hosea uses word pictures like “band of robbers,” “an oven neglected by a sleeping baker,” “a silly dove caught in a net,” and farmers who “sow to the wind and reap a whirlwind.” In the first verse of our reading, God speaks through Hosea and says, “I would have healed Israel!” God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (read 2 Peter 3:9-11). But just like Hosea preaching in his day that “Israel has forgotten his Maker!” (Hosea 8:14a), God also wants to bring us close to Himself and not reject us, but our sin and our foolish pride create a wall between God and us that stops reconciliation. Jesus broke down that wall for all who repent of their sins and trust in Him. Through another prophet, the Lord says of a future time, “I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more” (Jeremiah 31:34b).
Lord God, I repent of my sin. I pray with the man whose prayer has become so well known, “God be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Luke 18:13). By Your forgiveness You erase my sin from Your records. According to Your promise, You don’t even remember my past sin. Thank You!!! I ask for Your grace for this new day so that I will be kept pure in thought, word and deed. I ask this through the only One who had no need to repent, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
We have a 21st century Jeremiah (Johnston) who says,
“In an age of acute Biblical illiteracy, the vision of the Christian Thinkers Society is to lead the vanguard of a new movement that will have a notable impact on the shape of contemporary Christianity by providing the essential training to transform and enrich believers, Christian leaders, and Pastors who will be characterized by a thinking faith, capable to communicate confidently, and committed to escape the tendency to offer trite answers to a sceptical world.”
I’m asking my blog readers to pray for Jeremiah and share Jeremiah’s vision with others. Check out his website HERE. I like Jeremiah’s slogan, “Teaching Christians to Become Thinkers, and Thinkers to Become Christians”…and a big “AMEN” to that!!!
Yours for a greater understanding of the heart and mind of our “Maker!”
Thank You, Lord, for this day. Have Your way in us and in this world. Help all Your people – I lift up their prayers and needs to You, Lord, in Jesus’s great name …
And, from Michael Youssef, a devotional on what happened on Palm Sunday:
Thank you Rob for sharing the link to Dr Youseff’s article
I pray that everyone will be able to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord with great joy and gratitude for what Jesus has accomplished for us, at the Cross. As we rejoice over His Resurrection, let us take the time to meditate on His great suffering on our behalf. Indeed, we owe ALL to Him! Blessed be His Holy Name forever!
I wish for all a blessed, happy Easter.
I’m thinking of and praying for Eleanor and Edward. May their hearts be supernaturally filled with peace and joy, in spite of their circumstances. May the Prince of Peace cover them with His perfect peace.
Amen Luisa.
Wishing everyone a blessed happy Easter.
Amen Rob and Louisa. Praying for a Wonderful, enlightening Easter for all. May we greatly honour and bless our Lord. Amen.
My sister sent me this lovely song. Blessings galore on all dear saints. Happy Easter to all.
That song is so beautiful.Blessings
A truly beautiful song , Thank you for posting it Lynda , Happy Easter to all .
Amen to the comments.
What a beautiful song and it is repeated in concert after the first time it’s sung.My simple poems are not on that level but worth posting anyway.Tomorrow is a holiday but to Christians it should be a Holy Day.Thank You,Jesus
A Kiss By Love
The vastness of the sins we wrought
Was cancelled by one wooden cross,
For there alone forgiveness was bought
By the Gift of His Son who took our loss.
What caused this Man of holy reign
To take our sins of unholy shame
And with His blood give hope again,
When He was least of all to blame?
This King of kings who rose above,
Broke the serpent’s strangle hold,
For hate was given a kiss by Love
In the greatest story ever told.
G W(Bill) Marshall / June 08, 2013