Today’s Reading: Hebrews 5-6
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This manger scene is not much different today than it was 2,000 years ago at the birth of Jesus. Bethlehem shepherds had the contract to provide lambs for sacrifice, which the priests in the Temple at Jerusalem (5 miles north of Bethlehem) would sacrifice on the altars. Once a year, the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies with a bowl of the blood of a Bethlehem-born sacrificial lamb, offering the blood for atonement for the sins of the people. Jesus, born in Bethlehem, is our sacrificial Lamb. John the Baptist said of Jesus, as recorded in John 1:29, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Hebrews 5:4-6
And no man takes this honour to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was. So also Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, but it was He who said to Him: “You are My Son. Today I have begotten You” [Psalm 2:7], and in another place, “You are a Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” [Psalm 119:4].
Just imagine, we are let in on a conversation between God the Father and God the Son, which took place in eternity past. Wow!!!
In today’s reading, the words “according to the order of Melchizedek” are repeated twice. The name of this King of Salem (Jerusalem) and this Priest of God, literally means, “King,” “Priest” (read Genesis 14:17-20). This King-Priest offered bread and wine to Abraham and to those with him. This may have been the first eucharist or communion service. Tomorrow’s reading also features Melchizedek. We might want to read ahead in Hebrews 7. Reading these Scriptures at least twice is an excellent practice.
The other twice-repeated word for today is “immutability” and “immutable” (6:17-18). This means “impossible to change”! The promises of God are totally reliable because they are grounded on the very bedrock of His Divine Nature. If it were possible for God to lie, He would no longer be God. Absolute TRUTH is an essential quality of His character. Every evidence that is necessary to confirm the eternal Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ has been provided. Our Bethlehem-born Lamb of God has offered His own Body and Blood in the very presence of God in Heaven. His sacrifice for sin has been accepted by God on our behalf. What assurance!!!
Thank You, Jesus, that You are my Priest. You have presented Your own Body and Blood to God as the eternal, once for all, Sacrifice for my sin. You represent me before the throne of God in Heaven. Back here on Earth, I pray for grace to present myself to You daily in full assurance of the Salvation You have provided. Thank You that You’ve given me permission to use Your Name for entrance into “The Holy of Holies” as I pray. Amen!!!
I had the opportunity to answer a question from Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor of Germany. He asked me, “Can a person know here in this life that they are going to Heaven?” I quoted Hebrews 6:18 to him…”It is impossible for God to lie,” and then I proceeded to give Him several of God’s promises about eternal life. You can read a fuller account of this God appointment in my book, This Far By Faith, pages 64-66. I’ve given copies of this book to people who lack assurance of their Salvation and pointed them to the Chancellor’s story. Here’s how to order my latest book.
Yours for a most Merry Christmas season. “A merry heart does good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22).
Thank You, Lord God, for being absolutely True. Thank You for building us to be more like Jesus. Bless and keep all Your people today, and help us share Your Good News with others today. I ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
“Thank you,Lord,for all your blessings on me…”,known and unknown.
I’ve been recovering from a sinus infection and a serious leg injury so been sleeping a lot.I’m still recovering but can get around the house without crutches….I’ve been most often following the blog later in the day.Has anyone heard from Beverlee Kay?I pray for healing for her.
Today’s reading may disappoint those who designate themselves as ‘prophets (or ‘profits’) of God to their own destruction.St Nick didn’t want undeserved honours.Pray for Jerusalem always.Merry Christmas
They Call Me St.Nick
They call me ‘St Nick’ in my land,
Because I practiced love to all,
But then it quickly got out of hand;
The lie became my life’s downfall.
I am not Christmas,nor a saint,
But am promoted only to sell,
I detest that they made me quaint,
So they could make their money swell.
If you love Christmas,give it back,
To the true King,Lord of all lands,
Only He can replace what we lack,
You’re right beside where He stands.
So if you truly love Jesus,the Lord,
Welcome Him into your humble abode
He is the Gift we can all afford;
He keeps giving but is never owed.
G W (Bill) Marshall / Dec 2,2012
Blessings galore on all saints now and always. Have a merry, happy Christmas season.
Love your Saint Nick poem William…so true 👍 ❤️.
Praying for a complete and total healing of any health issue you have William.
Agreeing in prayer with you Rob.
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem/Israel.
Blessings all and prayers for healing for William. I have wondered, for some time, about Beverlee. I miss her input. Blessings on her and on you, William, for your healing and return of strength. Amen
Amen to all the prayers and comments above.
Wishing everyone a very Happy and Blessed Christmas
Season and New Year, 2024.
May God bless those who need His healing touch, in
Jesus’ Holy Name I pray, Amen.
Amen to the prayers. above. Your St Nick poem so describes what Christmas has become – so commercialized
Praying for more people to be saved and realize the reason for the season. I pray that we will soon hear from Beverlee and praying for healing for all those in need
I had gotten behind with my readings but a few days ago someone asked about the email notifications. If you type email notification in the search bar, on my iPad it is located across Davids face. That will open a new page, scroll down and it will allow you to subscribe
Blessings all