Today’s Reading: Hebrews 1-2
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An Orthodox Jew and another less religious person pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, which is part of the original retaining wall of the Temple Mount during the time of Jesus. During Jesus’ three years of teaching, preaching and healing the sick, thousands of Jews believed in Him, and many thousands more believed following His death and resurrection. Jesus proclaimed Himself to be the Temple of God. When asked, “What sign do You show to us?” His answer was, “Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). John went on to say, “But He was speaking of the Temple of His body”… His death and resurrection.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Hebrews 1:1-2
God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds…
What we used to call “the bare subject” of the key sentence is “God.” The bare predicate or verb (action word) is “has spoken.” How does God speak in the present? The literal words in the Greek language of the writer describes how God speaks now. He does not say that He speaks in Greek, Hebrew, or for us in English, but God speaks “by His Son.” Jesus is, in Himself, what God has to say to the human race. Jesus is the living “Word”…God’s means of communication with us (read John 1:14-18). “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Today’s reading contains 15 direct quotes from the Hebrew Bible, which lets us in on what God said to His Son in eternity past. For example, Hebrews 1:8a, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.” This reminds us of the prophecy of the Jewish prophet Isaiah, who wrote in Isaiah 9:6, “Unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given…His Name will be called…Mighty God.” In the light of dozens of such prophecies, no wonder thousands of those who practised Judaism became followers of Jesus as their promised Saviour and God.
Lord God, I’ve just read in Hebrews 2:1 words which I pray that You’ll write indelibly on my heart. I “must give the more ernest heed to the things we [I] have heard, lest we [I] drift away.” Keep me, Lord Jesus, close, so very close, to You always. In Your Name (Your Person) I pray, Amen!!!
I often quote to myself and to God the words of Hebrews 2:9, “But we see Jesus…” I think that one of the reasons we don’t have a physical description of what Jesus looked like recorded in Scripture is that the Holy Spirit, wanting us to see with insight rather than physical sight, deliberately avoided telling us of the outward appearance of Jesus. I ask myself, can I say to Jesus, “I see You!”
I can’t pass by these chapters without a warning that there are false teachers who will come to every door sooner or later, who believe that Jesus was the archangel Michael. That’s right, they teach that Jesus is an angel! I’ve just read again Hebrews 1:5-14. How dare they teach such lies? Let’s love these people who are deceived by the one who comes as an “angel of light,” but in reality is the fallen angel, Lucifer or Satan (read 2 Corinthians 11:13-15). Any teaching that seeks to lower the Person of Jesus from being 100% God as well as 100% Human is “the spirit of antichrist” (read 1 John 4:1-6).
Yours to help open the eyes of our hearts to see, carefully observe, and take in every detail of His Person as revealed to us through our daily Bible readings,
P.S. Many artists have tried to represent Jesus in a painting. My favourite one is of Jesus knocking at the door of the human heart. It hangs in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England (see photo of the painting below). It carries a powerful message, but of course, it is not an actual likeness of Jesus in His human Person. We do have a word picture of Jesus in His glory given by the Apostle John who saw Him in a vision and did his best to describe Him for us (read Revelation 1:12-20). I am eagerly looking forward to seeing Jesus face-to-face soon (1 Corinthians 13:12). The Angels said, as Jesus’ followers watched Him leave earth, “This same Jesus…will so come in like manner as you saw Him go onto Heaven” (Acts 1:7-11). If any reader has not opened your heart’s door to invite Jesus inside, please do so now as you consider the painting below. There is no handle on the outside of the door. It’s only on the inside. You may choose to open the door. He will never break the door down and forcibly enter. He loves you and waits for your decision. There is a little chorus that says, “Into my heart. Into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in today. Come in to stay. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.” Make this your prayer (click here for the song, “Into My Heart”).
A Wonderful, amazing, description of Who Jesus is! Truth, He is God. Amen (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). May MANY eyes be opened to this Truth. Amen
Praying for a joyful meaningful Christmas season for everyone God loves.
The old truism is true: No God, no peace. Know God, know peace..
Amen 🙏.
A great study today. Thank you to David Mainse and his family and staff for making 100Words available to us.
Also, from Michael Youssef today:
“Prayer: Lord, every moment of the day I need You. And You are there. You will never leave me or forsake me. You are faithful and true. May I glorify You with every breath You give me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10).”