Today’s Reading: Song of Solomon 7-8
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Sheltered from the sun, a lady sitting in a tree keeps watch over her donkey at Nazareth Village. The Shulamite maiden in our readings was such a farm girl.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Song of Solomon 7:10, 8:6
I am my beloved’s and his desire is toward me…Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm.
For the culture of 3,000 years ago, the imagery used to describe the bride’s beauty was understood. For example, “Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon” may seem humorous to us, but to them it meant,”exquisitely sculptured and well formed.” Solomon considered her entire body to be beautiful from her feet up to he hair on her head. For us, we can learn that complimenting our spouse is good for a happy life. Our first key verse is a wonderful statement which describes a relationship of true wedded love, and it is also true in our love for God and His love for us. He loves us with an everlasting love, and may we do the same toward Him. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
In much of middle-eastern culture, a brother and sister may kiss in public, but never a married couple (8:1). Our second key verse can be understood to be as an engagement and wedding rings in our culture today. A mark, perhaps a tattoo, was placed on the arm of the bride. A tattoo is there for one’s entire life; unfortunately a wedding ring can be removed. May God help us to keep our vows “until death do us part.” In 8:8-10 our reading takes us from the Shulamite’s childhood to her maturity as a woman. Her brothers protected her purity as a “wall” around about her. May our families form a shield of protection, particularly around our youth.
Dear Lord, I love You with all my heart. I have loved ones for whom I care most deeply. May I be as a wall of wisdom, love, and protection around them and not an over protection, which would hinder their development into all that they can be. I pray this in the Name of the One who made His own decision at 12 to stay behind in the Temple, a Boy (young Man) who “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men,” Jesus, Himself (Luke 2:52). Amen!!!
That verse, Luke 2:52, about the maturing of Jesus from a young boy has been the motto of our Circle Square Ranches across Canada since their first year of operation in 1978. Crossroads gave them as a gift to “Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship,” which has operated Christian summer camps since 1928. They are doing a great job in reaching more and more children and teens for Christ. An excellent Christmas gift for children would be a week at camp next summer. Check out “Pioneer Camps” and “Circle Square Ranches.” Click here for information on purchasing a week at camp as a surprise gift. Good suggestion!
Tomorrow, God willing, we move back to the New Testament and start the book of Hebrews. Hebrews ties together the two Covenants (Testaments) of God with His human family in a powerful way that shows clearly that in Messiah (Hebrew), or Christ (Greek), Jesus is the absolutely essential Bridge over which all must cross in order to embrace the eternal plan of redemption and everlasting life available to all humanity. Acts 4:5-12 is an excellent reading for our consideration as we move into Hebrews.
Yours because we can say, “My Beloved is mine and I am His” (Song of Songs 2:16a),
how do I subscribe to this..I already am etting this email but I have a friend who wants to get the same email daily..I see reference to a subscribe form but I can’t find it?
second request..thks
James, I go the website everyday,
It’s just as easy as getting an email.
Hope that helps.
Thank You Lord for Your Love. Looking forward to the New Testament reading beginning tomorrow. Blessings all.