Today’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 7-9
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Half way down the hillside of Mount Zion on the south side of the Old City of Jerusalem there is a Christian graveyard. Many Christian and Arab believers are buried there. The most popular grave to visit is likely that of Oskar Schindler, the industrialist who saved the lives of many Jews in Nazi Germany.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.
Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes, lived a long life. He had the opportunity to observe the power and majesty of God, as well as the futility and meaninglessness of life apart from God. It’s not hard to observe that Solomon, having received many blessings from God, was not always committed fully to Him. As a younger man, Solomon had worked diligently in building the Temple and in developing alliances with neighbouring countries. Peace and prosperity flourished. In his later years, he turned his attention to satisfying his personal desires for pleasure and wealth, and it began a trend in which Israel eventually turned away from God to embrace the religions of its neighbours. As an encouragement for us to serve God with all our heart, our mind and our strength, we could read Romans 13:11-14.
Father God, I pray for the grace to do as our key verse says and serve You with all my might. Help me to never, never, never give up on doing right and in doing it with a passionate love for You and my neighbours. In the Name of the One who did this 100% of the time, the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen!!!
In meditating on our key verse, I turned to Luke 9:62 and read the Words of Jesus, “No one, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.” I know my only fitness spiritually is because of my faith in Christ, but here and now by my human free will I have “put my hand to the plough” in a multi-year commitment to this daily blog. Readers can start at any time and 24 months later achieve the most worthy goal of reading, with time for meditation, all of God’s Word to His human family. Take your Bible in “HAND” and read and digest in your innermost being God’s Word. “DO IT WITH YOUR MIGHT.”
Yours for, as Jesus said, “Not looking back!”,
Father, Your ways are eternally right and true. Guide us in Your good ways today, Lord, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Lord, be with your people as they war against terrorism. Protect them and bring more of them to believe.
I pray for your love, protection and guidance for my family as we go forward each day.
I pray for your blessings on each blogger and their families.
Lord i give praise to You and lift my hands and heart to you. Let us sing praises as we go throughout each day
Dear Jesus, forgive us when we unintentionally ignore You or intentionally put You second, especially during the Christmas season when we celebrate Your birthday. Help us to truly understand who You are and what You did for us and all of humanity. If anyone deserves great praise and attention and adoration, it is You! Thank You for coming to this earth on a mission to save us all. We love You, we are amazed by You, and we honor You each and every day! Amen.
Praying fervently for the peace of Jerusalem.
Blessings on all dear saints 🙏.
Lynda, I agree with you and join you in prayer
for peace in Jerusalem, Israel and the whole
world. I trust You Lord to guide us according
to Your Will and I give You all the Praise and
Glory for Your Great Love and Salvation, in
Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
May God bless everyone who calls out to Him
in need of healing and salvation, in Jesus’ Name,
Thank You Lord for your Word and guidance. Thank You for the family who continue to post this blog (it is so helpful to us). Blessings to all. Amen
Amen Doreen.
Joining you all in prayer in this wonderful Christmas season – praying for you and me and our families – that we all will come into the Kingdom before the King returns, and it may be very soon – yes, indeed…and pray earnestly for the peace of Jerusalem as we are told to do and that the Jewish people, God’s chosen people from time immemorial, will turn to Jesus. God bless each and everyone of you and each and everyone of the precious Mainse’ family who carry on this blog. A wonderful gift to us! Thank you all!!