Today’s Reading: Proverbs 22
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A mother and her children enjoy some moments together at Nazareth Village. The people who demonstrate life as it was 2,000 years ago are dedicated believers in Jesus. Most of them are members of the Nazareth Baptist Church. Rev. Nizar Shaheen, my son-in-law, was ordained as a Minister of Christ in this church. The church operates a school, kindergarten through high school, that has about 1,000 students. Let us pray for this church, and others in Nazareth, as they face some difficult times.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 22:20-21
Have I not written to you excellent things
Of counsels and knowledge,
That I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth,
That you may answer words of truth
To those who send to you?
The translation used in this blog is the New King James Version. I hope to do as our key verse says. There is counsel and knowledge here in this daily blog. There is “certainty of the words of truth.” Amen!!!
Let us consider another proverb found in Proverbs 22:2. “The rich and poor have this in common, the Lord is Maker of them all.” Rich and poor have more in common than this. He is the only Saviour. He is the Judge of the universe and everything in it. He is Lord to all who give Him our lives. No matter how much money anyone has, salvation cannot be purchased by money. No matter how poor anyone is, they cannot be refused salvation, providing they ask in repentance and faith, because eternal life was paid for in full by Jesus Christ on the Cross! Salvation is free to all who come to Jesus and ask to be saved. If we have further questions about our eternal salvation, call our Crossroads prayer line at 1-866-273-4444. A loving caring person will answer. over 1,000 people every day call that number!
Lord God, I’m going back to the key verse again and forming it into a prayer so that I may help others more and more. I also pray again that prayer which rich or poor must pray in order to have assurance of salvation and eternal life. “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner.” I have confidence that You save me because Jesus said so (Luke 18:9-14). Yes! Amen!
I’m using consistently the New King James translation of the Bible. Today I want to tell a story of the giving heart of the largest publisher of Bibles in the world, Sam Moore, the man who, along with God, is the main reason we have the “New King James Version.”
In 1983 my daughter married a young man from Cana of Galilee, the village famous for Jesus’ first miracle, turning the water into wine at a wedding feast. Sam Moore printed 2,000 Bibles in Arabic and embossed the names of Ellen and Nizar on the cover as gifts for all who attended. Nizar, as the heavy-weight boxing champion for the Galilee area, attracted at least 2,000 men, mostly Muslims, to his wedding. The Word of God was put into their hands. Now many of these same men listen to the Gospel daily as Nizar shares the Word of God on television. Sam will be embarrassed to read this here, but I want to honour this man who paid for a wonderful honeymoon for these newlyweds. These are just two more reasons why I quote the NKJV.
Yours for the “Words of Truth” to be made known!!!
This world belongs to You, Lord. You are coming back, Lord Jesus, and this time to rule. Until then, use us and all Your people to share Truth, compassion, and mercy. Be glorified in and through all Your church, in Jesus’s great name, amen
I have a completely blind friend living in our retirement home. I can see daily, the challenges she faces. She is very mentally able and remembers the happenings from our daily schedule (where as, I have to frequently look at the schedule to be reminded)!! She is a Christian lady and enjoys the Bible teaching, choir, and, chime choir, that we have here!! She can receive the Bible audio readings which is helpful too. Blessings all today.
Amen to all the prayers today and yesterday. Praying that all the hostages will be kept safe and cared for as they are detained.
I didn’t read all the comments yesterday until this morning. Im sorry that i missed the prayer requests for Joyce. I stand with others in prayers for your complete healing.
Doreen, I had a cousin that went blind as a young woman and she was such a blessing to all that knew her. As you said memory is amazing. She always claimed ‘footprints’ was her theme song and she definitely knew that when there was one set of prints she was being carried.
Praying peace for your friend and may God bless you both
Dear blog friends, I would like to thank every one who prayed
for my recovery. I am very grateful for your prayers and am starting
to improve, Praise the Lord.
I continue to pray for each one on this blog that our Lord Jesus
would bless and give you all His peace and strength until Jesus’
return, in His Name I pray, Amen.
Praying for PEACE ON EARTH, in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.
Amen Joyce: Glad you are feeling a little better today. I am praying for complete healing for you.
Thank you for your prayers for me
Eleanor. May God bless you always
and keep you and your husband in
His Care, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.