Today’s Reading: Job 18-19
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The Russian Orthodox Convent of the Ascension is located on the Mount of Olives. According to Orthodox tradition, this is the site where Jesus ascended to Heaven 40 days after His resurrection. A chapel behind the church is dedicated to John the Baptist, and according to tradition his head was found in a jar hidden in a cavity under the mosaic floor of an ancient Armenian church. Job said, “He shall stand at last upon the earth.” Jesus stood here at His ascension, and he will stand here again at His second coming.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Job 19:25-27
I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!
This may be the first time to emphasize three key verses in this blog. They are so refreshing to read! Job has been enveloped in darkness, but suddenly light breaks through! From here on, Job slowly, slowly begins to hear from God.
We, too, can have truth illuminate our paths as we read His Word and seek the Light of the World, Jesus, in sincere prayer. Let us confess out loud, if possible, Job’s declaration in our key verses!!! This will engrave these words into our hearts and minds. Take time to meditate, concentrating on what God is speaking to us about His purposes for our lives.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12). John writes about that light in his first letter to the churches. Let’s read those words found in 1 John 1:4-7 and make a fresh determination to “walk in the light as He (Jesus) is in the light.”
Lord God, I pray for grace to walk so close to the “Light of the world” that I will never “walk in darkness” again. In the Name of Jesus, the true Light for all people, I pray, Amen!!!
In the early 1940’s, my Dad was stranded in Egypt and the Sudan because of World War II, and I had a job to do to help my mother and my two sisters. I had to cross a field, a ditch, and the base line road to reach the barn of Stuart White. Mr. White would fill my little pail with milk while he was milking the cows, carefully put the lid back on the pail, and send me off home. This was fine during the long evenings of summer, but in the dark evenings of winter at milking time, it was a different matter. I carried a lantern (no flashlight available) along with my pail. That light was my comfort. At 6, 7 and 8 years old, I was sure there was danger lurking in the shadows. While the pail was by my side, my lantern was as far out in front of me as I could hold it. Because of that light, I safely negotiated the ditch, the fence (my uncle built a stile, steps over the fence), and crossed the field to the safety of home. What a relief to be home. A cup of warm milk (no refrigerator) would be my reward for bravery. Throughout my life, I’ve desperately needed Jesus, God’s Light here on earth, to walk in security and safety.
Yours for consistently “walking in the Light,”
We wouldn’t think of sending a 5 yr old child on a chore like that nowadays BUT back then it was common out of necessity.It sure instilled an early maturity in David.Where did Job learn of a ‘Redeemer’?I’m off to church now.God bless.
I think this fits in with today’s lesson:
Listen,hear my voice in the silent breeze
For I call out to you in your sorrow
And as the sun shines o’er the trees,
I will whisper on each new morrow.
You cry because of the great loss you bear
And I speak gently while you are asleep,
For in this way your grief I share,
And cry with you each time you weep.
I am there for you when you call My name,
I am there too as the morn awakes,
But dawn fades like a candle flame,
As does the sound My small voice makes.
Trust me and listen,you will find my voice,
It will grow as your faith grows stronger
And one day you will make a choice
To trust and fear death no longer.
That day will come when faith will set you free,
For you will hear me when I speak,
Then you will know that it was Me
Who brought hope when you were still weak.
GW(Bill) Marshall/27 May, 2015
Great poem William. A hard time for Job, for sure. But He trusted God even though his friend was not supportive. Bad enough to be in those circumstances without a friend making accusations like he did. (I remember the times that David M mentioned (no refrigerators – the “iceman” would come by and put a block of ice into our “icebox)”!! Thank You Lord for bringing us refrigerators! Blessings all.
Love your poem William.
Yes, wonderful poem William, thank you for posting it.
The last line especially touched my heart, and certainly has been my experience…
“Who brought hope when you were still weak”
May our Heavenly Father Bless all bloggers and increase our hope and joy.
Also praying for Teresa and family as you navigate your deep sorrow in the loss of a precious little boy.
I will pray for Teresa’s sad situation.
Amen Anne.
Please pray for me. I am moving to a seniors home in 2 – 3 weeks. Our elevator here keeps breaking down. It was down for 7 days just recently and it’s down again today. I live alone and this is a major problem & stressful situation. Thank you for prayers.
Dear Lord. as long as Doreen is in that building. I pray that she would not have any problems with the elevator breaking down again.
Please give her a peaceful spirit as she moves into the seniors home.
May she have many happy times as she meets lots of people that she can relate to. I pray this in your precious name. Amen
Eleanor M, I join you in prayer for Doreen
that she is able to manage these next few weeks
safely and her move to a senior’s home will be
a pleasant experience, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thank you Eleanor. Much appreciated.
Amen to your prayer for Doreen.
Joining in prayer for Doreen. Father, help her! May the move go very smoothly and may she settle down and adjust very well…better than she can even imagine. Fill her heart and mind with your perfect peace. I ask this in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen!
Thank you so much Luisa. Blessings
Dear Teresa, I’m very sorry to hear about Cassandra’s loss of her precious little boy. I remember when she was pregnant and you asked for prayers. May God wrap His loving armas around her, her husband John and the whole family. God is close to the broken hearted. May you all feel His presence and comfort 🙏💗
Amen Luisa. He will be blessed in the presence of the Lord. My sister was taken at the beginning of Covid and I am thanking Jesus for taking her to Himself. Remember the chorus, “Jesus Loves the Little Children”? He especially loves the little ones! It is definitely a loss in the home but knowing he is with God is an amazing, healing, thought. Blessings to Mom & Dad.
Thank you all for your prayers for my family.
Lord be with Doreen and her move.
Amen to your prayer for Doreen.