Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 18
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

A tree, such as this one near Ein Gedi, may have caught Absalom’s head by entangling his long hair in the branches, his mule galloping on without a rider.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Samuel 18:33
Then the king was deeply moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept. And as he went, he said thus: “O my son Absalom — my son, my son Absalom — if only I had died in your place! O Absalom my son, my son!”
Lord Jesus, please change my heart so that I may enter more deeply into Your heart, loving with as much of Your love as I have the maturity to experience. I love You Jesus, and I mourn that my sins caused Your death. I realize that the future for David’s family could’ve been so different if he had been obedient to You. Please give me grace and spiritual growth, learning the lessons of the tragedy of David’s family. In Your Name I pray. Amen!!!
As Norma-Jean and I welcomed our children into our family, we made a decision which I shared with the congregations that I had the honour to serve. As a Father, I was directly responsible to God for my children. It was taken for granted that Norma-Jean’s role was to the children before anyone else. There were some who thought that my calling as a minister and a pastor should take #1 priority. Not so, I let it be known. God was first, my family second, and my congregation third. I never heard from a member of any of the four congregations I served that they felt neglected in any way. I believe that the translation of the word love into all languages is time. Time with God early in the morning, when Norma-Jean and the children were sleeping, and time with Norma-Jean and the children at breakfast, dinner and most evenings. After those priorities came time with the members of the church, on call 24/7 only when absolutely necessary, in hospital visitation, often in the homes, and in my study during work/school hours. As an evangelist, the longest I ever spent away from the family was three weeks. I grieved for the last 2 weeks of that separation. I vowed “never again,” unless circumstances made it impossible to get home sooner. When I did arrive home, they couldn’t get me back to work right away, except for the times Norma-Jean and the children were not at home. God willing, I’ll continue this theme tomorrow.
Yours for establishing firmly the priorities that please God,
P.S. Whenever I have led a tour to Israel, one monument I always pointed out to our pilgrimage friends is “The Pillar of Absalom” standing tall in what is called “The Kings’s Valley.” Below is a photo of that pillar. We presume that Absalom’s bones are here. Not far from here is an empty tomb! JESUS IS RISEN!!!!!

Absalom’s Tomb or “The Pillar of Absalom,” located in the Kidron Valley between the Mount of Olives and the Old City of Jerusalem.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Absolom’s rebellion could be compared to Satan’s rebellion against God in heaven,It shows us how God must have felt then (and now).
Please pray for our camp director as we are still short a cook and a couple minor positions for this summer.May God bless
Praying for your camp William and all summer Christian camps. With Covid over the last 3 years, many, many, Sunday Schools were closed or sparsely available. I attend my church and visit frequently one or two others and I see a big difference. Most Sunday schools were populated quite well prior to pandemic. Let us pray for our children and youth. David’s heart was broken over his son. I’m sure God joined David in his grief also. Amen
Amen. I am thankful that so many stood with you in prayer yesterday and your visit went well.
I stand in prayer for all summer camps that many children attend and all have spiritual helpers in all capacities from cooks to counsellors. I pray forgiveness for all that somehow through fear allowed our governments to cause havoc in our lives expecting everyone to believe their orders were better than Gods word. Churches closed but bars open, division between vaccinated and unvaccinated, loved ones locked down in their homes not allowed to see families. It was a devastating three years. There are some very heartfelt testimonies coming from the national citizens inquiry, take time to google and watch and pray for everyone affected. May God bless and keep us all safe and healthy going forward.
Dear Lord God, thank You that You are ultimately in charge. Help all people truly recognize Your supremacy over all. We look forward to Your just and righteous rule, in Jesus’s great and holy name, amen