Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 11-12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Mount Hermon is the only ski resort in Israel and is located in the north. Even in Summer a snow cap can still be seen. King David prayed, “Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7b).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Samuel 12:7a
Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!…”
Lord God, I join King David in his prayer of repentance: “Have mercy upon me” (Psalm 51:1). “Cleanse me from my sin” (51:2b). “Create in me a clean heart” (51:10a). I pray this through Jesus, Who bore my sin on the cross and Who washes me clean in the blood that He shed (1 John 1:7b – let’s read all of 1 John chapter one). Amen!
I believe that “repentance” is a constant in my life. John the Baptist began his ministry with the word “repent” (Matthew 3:2). Jesus did the same (Matthew 4:17). Is this a top priority for a believer? That’s for sure! To me, “repentance” means a 180 degree turn! At 179 degrees, I’m still moving away from God. Daily Bible reading and prayer keeps me focused like the surveyor I saw with a transit scope the other day. I must not look away from God’s will for my life. David did, and look what it cost him.
On one occasion, I had the joy of skiing at Whistler, British Columbia. The lifts were full and I found myself sharing a three-person chair with two young ladies from Quebec. The move to separate from Canada was big then. They told me they would vote for Quebec as an independent country. I said, in my best French, “Look around you. British Columbia is your country now. It won’t be if you separate. How could you possibly give up all this beauty?” They answered, “We’ll think about that.” Then I asked them to think about Someone else… God. I quoted Job 38:22 – “Have you considered the treasures of the snow?” (that’s my rough translation from French). That opened the conversation for the next few minutes to talk about the Lord! Good seed was planted in their hearts. I saw them from a distance twice more that day, and they waved and gave me their biggest smiles. Perhaps they we’re laughing at my accent, but I think not! Je pense non! Oui?
Yours for “whiter than snow,”
P.S. Over a three-year period some 50 years ago, I read the French Bible daily in my time of devotions. I suggest that this is a great way to learn a language, holding in one hand the English text, and the French in the other. Here’s a link to a French and English parallel version of today’s reading (click here).
Well, the French version of the Bible is “all Greek” to me. I have Parisian French grandchildren (& Spanish, & Cambodian, & Danish descended), so English for me is best!! It is clear, however, that the fear of God is truly the beginning of Wisdom. Have a blessed day all. A beautiful day here today in S Ontario.
Happy Anniversary Eleanor and Edward. May the Lord bless you both and grant you many more years together. 🙏🎉🎈