Today’s Reading: Romans 5-6
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A view from high atop the il Vittoriano in Rome. You can see the Colosseum and much of the city to the south from here.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 5:8, 6:23
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us…For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What an encouragement! Sublime truth! When we stand firm on the foundation of God’s truth we truly have peace. We are free from guilt. We move into the future with full confidence in God’s infinite love. Eternal life is ours now. We don’t have to wait until we die to find out where we will spend eternity. This assurance is not presumption. It’s simply and humbly taking God at His Word (God would never lie to us!), confessing that Word, and believing that Word at all times. Amen! Chapter six states the fact that we who believe are dead to sin. Romans 6:11 states the truth that we are to “reckon” ourselves “dead indeed unto sin.” “Reckon” is a mathematical term. Just as sure as 2 X 2 = 4, so it’s a fact that we who believe have died with Christ on the Cross. He bore our sins, and us too. The gift of faith enables us to believe this, and that same faith enables us to live our lives as dead to sin and “alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We may want to read these chapters again in the next 24 hours. Let us read slowly and deliberately, soaking in every Word. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
Lord Jesus, I confess the fact that I am dead to sin!!!…and that I’m alive to God. I truly believe this. Therefore, I will not let sin reign in my mortal body. Lord Jesus, You reign as my absolute Monarch. Your power enables me to do only what is right. Thank You for victorious Christian living. Amen!
Along with learning and believing the truth that sets me free, I had to learn what John taught in his first epistle, chapter one. I realized that I must make a daily choice to “walk in the light.” Again and again, I read and quote from memory 1st John 1:5-10. If I had not made this truth an integral part of my daily life, I would’ve been discouraged. God’s Word is light. I learned that in order to walk in His light, I must read His Word without fail each day. This blog is my way of turning on a light in the darkness, so that I’ll see the path ahead, not stumbling and falling into sin. John was writing to his fellow believers, reminding them, and himself, that no one can say “we have no sin” and “we have not sinned.” I recognize that I am being constantly cleansed in God’s eyes by the Blood of Jesus Christ. God sees me through the lens of Jesus’ sacrificial death on my behalf. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Jesus!!!!!
Yours for walking every day in the Light of God’s Word,
P.S. For many years now I have tried my best to be faithful each morning to quote under my breath, so as not to waken Norma-Jean when I first wake up, Galatians 2:20. “I am crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
Thank You Lord. Thank You. I’m asking God to help me understand His Will in a situation, in Jesus Name. Also, praying for Ukraine (CTV news this a.m. is very difficult to watch). Father in Jesus Name, please be their Shield and minister to them according to Your Perfect Will. Amen
Amen to a solution to your situation,Doreen and I share your prayer for Ukraine,especially the children as I pray each night right after I pray for ‘peace in Jerusalem and peace prosperity and protection for all of Israel.’God bless
Father, it’s amazing that You love people and hear their cries. You know the hurts and the needs of so many. We pray these difficulties will bring people into Your strong arms. Show them You are there, the Faithful One, in Jesus’s name, amen
Praying that God would answer your prayer for His guidance in
your own situation Doreen, in Jesus’ Blessed Name,Amen.
Also joining you in prayer for the people in Ukraine that God
would protect and sustain them through this war & His Will be done
in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen. To God be the glory & praise forever.
Joyce: Agreeing with you in prayer for Doreen’s situation and also for the dear people of Ukraine. Lord have mercy on them, as they have been going through so much with the war that continue ls to rage. Amen and Amen.
This poem seems to agree with Davids words:
Forgive Myself
Does God ever make mistakes,
Does He regret where He has led
When each step His child takes
Dries up the blood His Son has shed.
Now I fear I am now lost,
When I try to do what is right,
For mistakes are the cost
But it’s His blood that wins my fight.
So forgive myself I must,
For,if not,then in vain He died
And I would yield His trust,
Then they could say my Savior lied.
So get back upon your feet
And know Satan is a liar
Cast down in his defeat
To burn ever in hell fire.
No,God never makes mistakes,
But His ways are above our own,
So know,each child He makes
Is of the holy seed He’s sown.
(G.W.)Bill Marshall/23,June,2016
Right on William! Blessings.
Today’s,Mon Jan 9,100 Words did not arrive in my inbox so here it is from 2021 for anyone else who is missing it: