Today’s Reading: Leviticus 9-10
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The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in these caves in the region known as Qumran. These scrolls are a collection of 972 texts consisting of Biblical manuscripts from the Hebrew Bible as well as other documents. They were discovered almost 70 years ago in clay jars hidden in the caves which are located in the mountainsides on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, from which they derive their name. These are the most ancient scrolls in existence. The scroll with the book of Isaiah, the “Gospel” of the Old Testament, is exactly as we have it in our Bibles today. Portions of every other Old Testament book except for Esther are in the scrolls. The Bible is reliable!!!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 10:11
…and that you may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord has spoken to them by the hand of Moses.
In today’s reading, we learn about the conduct of the priests and the judgment of God on misconduct. There are most serious consequences to the failure to follow God’s instructions, particularly for those whose calling is in leadership. The priests were not to drink any intoxicating beverages. Why? They must be fully aware at all times in order to distinguish right from wrong, the holy from the unholy, and the clean from the unclean, so that they could, by example as well as words, teach the people God’s ways. How often have God’s leaders and followers alike, lost our ability to discern what is right and then do it. The book of James should be regular reading for us, not just when our reading schedule requires it. It’s the New Testament book of Christian conduct. Consider the purpose of the Law for those who believe in Jesus… Read Galatians 3:23-27.
Thank You, Lord God, that I live in the time when I know Your grace, and I am justified by faith, not by the works of the Law. May I never take careless advantage of Your forgiveness, but may I live “With the smile of Your approval on my life.” In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I had the honour of interviewing the Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood, Premier of Newfoundland, and one of our Fathers of Canadian Confederation. He said, “I don’t drink alcoholic beverages because I may be just one drink away from becoming an alcoholic, and I don’t wish to take the chance of destroying my life and hurting everyone around me.” At 15 years old in the United Church in Brockville, I went forward to the front and signed a pledge that I would not partake of intoxicating drinks throughout my life. It was at what was called, “a temperance service.” I’ve never been sorry I did this. Keeping that promise has enabled me to minister with integrity to many alcoholics and those who were chemically dependent. I had a great-great-grandfather who was an alcoholic. He lost the farm and simply disappeared. His only known son, my great-grandfather, Joseph Mainse, was converted to Christ at a Methodist Church, and that changed the entire direction of my family.
Yours for knowing right from wrong and the holy from the unholy,
Father God, bless all Your work and Your workers today. Thank You for each one. Give people eyes to see, ears to listen, and hearts that respond to You, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen, Rob
Could everyone please pray for me today as I have my appt. with my surgeon this afternoon. God knows what I need to keep me walking and I pray for it to be delivered. In Jesus mighty Name. Amen. Thank you fellow saints in the Lord.
Praying for you Beverlee…. May our Heavenly Father who is able to do so much more than what we even hope for fill you with His hope and courage!
Father, in Jesus name many of us join our hearts and pray for Beverlee.
We pray for wisdom for the surgeon, may the right decisions be made, may Beverlee find healing and strength and may she keep her independence, in Jesus name,Amen
Anne, Amen to your prayer for Beverlee,
in Jesus’ Great Name, Amen.
Praise God,you are getting closer to His healing through His surgeon.As soon as I read your words a feeling of ‘positive outcome’ came over me.Don’t be nervous and trust in Him.He will guide the surgeon whoever he may be.God bless
…and may you feel that peace that passes all human understanding.
Praying God’s Blessing and the doctors wisdom in your treatment. Duet 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you ,do not fear.
Amen for these written prayers (and unwritten) for Beverlee’s well-being and health and the Surgeon’s Wisdom and Guidance from YOU, Lord.
Praying for you Beverlee and will keep you in prayer daily till your surgery is over and you are healed .!
I prayed for you this morning. Did not know what for, just know you have back problems. May God restore you to good health.
Prayers and health
Prayer for your healing ,Beverlee 🙏🏼
Praying for you, Beverlee. May God’s plan for your treatment be initiated, in Jesus Name. Aaron’s 2 sons must have broken his heart. There are many broken hearts around today. Churches in my area have few, if any, children in Sunday School. Let’s pray for the children of the difficult time we have been through (& for the future of those being born now). I have 3 great grandchildren born during this pandemic and another one on the way. I claim God’s promises for them – that He will bless them and pour out His Spirit on our sons and daughters. Amen
Agreeing with you in prayer Doreen.
One of my great grandchildren is named “Daniel ” my hope and prayers are that ‘he will be a true “DANIEL”‘
I also join in prayer for you, Beverlee. I am so glad that you have this appointment. May God give wisdom and direction to the surgeon. May he be led to do the right tests, treatments, etc.
Our Father, we place Beverlee in your loving care. Be the director of all that is done and bring about an outcome that gives her the mobility that she needs to get around independently. Lord, she has had a long, painful wait. Please bring relief to her situation. I pray also for favour with everyone involved in her care. In the Name of Jesus! Amen!
Beverly kay
I am coming into agreement with everyone that has commented on your request for prayer I too pray for wisdom guidance and direction for the surgeon I pray that your operation will go well and I also pray for a speedy recovery
But on that note I too have a prayer request I
From migraines and headaches I have sought the help of my family doctor I saw him on Tuesday September the 27th 2022 and he has put me on two meds that are apparently not helping
So I need to contact my family doctor and my prayer is that God also would give my doctor wisdom guidance and direction to put me on the right med because I have suffered from migraines and headaches for many many years so I would appreciate prayers from my fellow bloggers and Beverlee we will pray for each other amen
God please bless all of my fellow bloggers today
Amen ✝️🙏
Marilyn, thank you for the prayers. But my feeling for you is that a chiropractor would help alleviate your migraines. Please consider going to see one asap. Maybe you need a neck/shoulder adjustment. And sleeping mayalso affect your neck leading to migraines. Do you use a special orthopedic pillow? Do you sleep with one thin pillow? Two pillows? A rolled towel under your neck? I strongly feel you need a chiropractor. You are deeply in my prayers for relief of your migraines. ✝️🙏
Dear Beverlee: I pray that everything went well with your appt today. I will continue to pray for your situation and I think you gave Marilyn very good advice. I will also pray for her.
Eleanor 🙏🙏
Thank you Beverlee
For your response as to seeing I do have a chiropractor and I went to him but treatments that he gave me they have not been helping as opposed to an orthotic pillow no I don’t have one of those I just have a regular pillow I sleep with one pillow
So thank you for your advice and your concern
So I’m just going to call the prayer lines for crossroads and I’m also going to call my family doctor again because the meds that he put me on are not working 🙏✝️
Amen Marilyn. The prayer lines have always been a great resource. I pray your doctor will assist you immediately for your migraines. I am sorry you have to suffer with them, Holding you steadily in prayer. Thank you so much for praying for me. 🙏✝️🙏
Thank you fellow saints for your prayers. I know they were effective. The surgeon was fantastic; spent more than an hour going over everything with me. He is seeking advice from his colleagues, ordering another EMG and new CT scan before booking the surgery. It is a real mess, broken bone fragmentation; will need a full fusion, rod insertion, much more than I was aware was wrong. 4-6 months wait from when the surgery gets booked and these tests, which should be quick will be first. The last EMG was 2016 and CT was 2020 so he wants the best views before he books the surgery. He is the right one as he is being very careful. Thank you for your continued prayers and I will let you know when I get word of a surgery date.
Thank you Beverlee
For that update I’m already praying when you do have the surgery that God would give your surgeon wisdom guidance and direction and that you would have a speedy recovery
So thank you for keeping us informed
As I said my prayers are with you and will continue to be with you
Amen 🙏✝️