Today’s Reading: Leviticus 3-4
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Rev. Rick Hiebert, playing the role the High Priest, is applying the blood of the sacrifice to the horns of the Brazen Altar. This was part of the Tabernacle of Moses, which was erected in the back parking lot of the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario, during the summers of 1997 and 2012.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 4:17-18a
Then the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times before the Lord, in front of the veil. And he shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of meeting…
The first three chapters of this book explain the intricacies of the “sweet savour” offerings. Six times we read “a sweet aroma to the Lord.” In chapter four, “sacrifices for sin” are introduced. Again we read, “the priest shall burn it on the altar for a sweet aroma to the Lord.” When words are repeated over and over, we recognize that the subject is of great importance to the Lord. Why was it “sweet”? The love that God has for His human family is the very reason He created us in the first place. Here is a most graphic picture of the suffering of Christ on the altar of the Cross. Jesus took His own blood to the altar, which is before the throne of God in Heaven, and presented it as the ultimate and final “sweet aroma to the Lord.” The sacrifice of Christ and the shedding of His blood, even though painful to God in the extreme, was the only way for God’s love to be consummated. It is hard to understand from a human perspective. The book of Hebrews deals with this in detail. Read Hebrews 7:25-27 and 9:18-28.
Lord Jesus, the offering of Your precious blood on the altar in Heaven is truly sweet to God and to me too. Only by this means could Your love for me and my love for You be complete. Please give me the grace to never take my cleansing in Your blood for granted, but rather to cherish intensely what You’ve done for me. Amen!!! (1 John 1:7-9)
As I start the Leviticus blogs, I remember why, back in the 70’s, I switched from a one year through the Bible reading program to two years. For many years before that, I could not help but notice that the majority of people were dropping out of the program somewhere in Leviticus. It was simply too much for most people. My Dad had always read three chapters on weekdays and five on Sundays. This enabled him to read it all in one year. I did the same, but when I changed to the two-year program, at least 70% of those who started with me completed reading the entire Bible. I could tell by the way people ordered the printed materials for the next quarter. Of course, now with the internet, I’m expecting that at least 70% to 90% of you who start with me will read consistently. Perhaps I’m too optimistic, but know that I pray fervently for all who read with me. I’ve designed this service so that a person can start at any point, going back and forth between the Hebrew (Old Testament) Scriptures and the Greek (New Testament) Scriptures, and complete the reading in two years. So Ron, Ann and the team at Crossroads and I began releasing the entire two-year program for the third time, beginning in Matthew, this past June 3rd, 2016!!!
Yours for the most thorough understanding of God’s Word possible for all who don’t have the opportunity to attend Bible College or a Seminary, and even for those who have attended such institutions who desire to receive the increase in faith that comes only from continuing in the Word daily,
Lord Jesus, You gave Your Life for us. You have the words of eternal life. Thank You for calling us out of death and into Life. Help all Your people to stay with You, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen Rob. ✝️
Amen Rob.
Thank you Lord for Your great sacrifice that saved us from sin and made us righteous in Your sight.
“ He paid a debt He did not owe,
I owed a debt I could not pay….”
Draw us closer to You each day.
Amen Luisa. ✝️
Thank you Lord for Your great sacrifice that saved us from sin and made us righteous in Your sight.
“ He paid a debt He did not owe,
I owed a debt I could not pay….”
So thankful for the GREAT SACRIFICE of Jesus – the most Wonderful gift to us. Praying for the difficult conditions of storms, (I have extended family in Florida), floods, famine, war, earthquakes, and loss. Father, in Jesus Name, may Your Perfect Will be accomplished. Amen
Amen !
‘…and when we have all these happening in diverse places,in the same time frame, then we know the end is near.’ (….famines,pestulances,wars,rumours of war,great earth quakes in diverse places,etc )
Amen William ✝️🙏
Doreen, I agree with you in prayer, in Jesus’ Name
Somehow I managed to post this in yesterday’s blog a few minutes ago:
I still have friends without power.You can see the Northumberland Strait from their house.They are scheduled to get power back today.
What sacrifice Jesus made and also His/our Father made to endure watching all this happen while keeping His mighty hands off.He sat His own love aside for our sake!May God bless
Had No Blame.
Count your blessings,every one,
Count them again and give praise
For when you count what God has done,
You’ll be happy throughout your days.
When you count your blessings past,
You will come to know the Lord
And you will have a joy to last
With the treasures heaven has stored.
With so many blessings to share,
It is right to praise His name,
Since His love is beyond compare,
For He died when He had no blame.
(GW)Bill Marshall/09,Sept,2016
Amen to your poem William.
Lord Jesus, praise Your Holy Name, Amen!
Yes- AMEN and thanks for all Prayers and postings.
Lord, in YOUR Mercy, we give thanks that YOU Hear the cries of Your people.