Today’s Reading: Genesis 11-13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Here is a self portrait…well at least those are my feet. I (Reynold Mainse) am looking southeast toward the morning sun. In front is the famous mountain of Masada, and beyond is the Dead Sea. At the bottom left of Masada you can see 2,000-year-old Roman Army encampment sites. The protective walls the soldiers built are in the shape of rectangles.
Key Verse: Genesis 13:14b-15
Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are — northward, southward, eastward and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendents forever.
Abram (his name changed later to Abraham – father of nations) showed himself to be a generous man. His heart was being changed over time so that he now could give his nephew, Lot, first choice in land. God honoured Abram by promising him all the land for his descendants…eventually. Abram is father to both the Arabs and the Jews; his offspring have taken over the entire Middle East. Notice what happened before God made such a promise. Abram obeyed God! He left his home. Abram honoured God! He built altars with which to worship God and to make fresh commitments to God. Note the word, “ALTAR” (12:7,12:8,13:4,13:18). He “pitched” his tent, but he BUILT altars. The tent represents the temporal, but the ALTARS represent the ETERNAL! We need to ask this question, “Am I putting up and taking down eternal things and building only the temporary, or am I building that which will be permanent, forever?” Let us search our hearts, asking hard questions such as, “What are my priorities? Is God in first place?” Abram’s actions brought God’s blessings during his life here on earth and will continue to do so throughout eternity!!!
Lord God, You responded directly in proportion to Abram’s obedience and faithfulness. Please give me the grace to learn from Abram. Amen & Amen!
I think it’s time to introduce my eldest son, David Reynold Mainse. Reynold spent over three months in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Italy, Greece, and Turkey (lands of the Bible) photographing pictures for this daily blog. He is a professional photographer & video producer. Thank you, Reynold, for your time and for sharing your gifts with us. His full time work is as a missionary in Africa. He is an ordained minister who has given his life to world missions. His wife, Kathy, his children, Rachelle, Elizabeth (and her husband David Lee), and his son David Peter (and his wife Tawny), share his passion to reach the world for Jesus. Check out www.worldembrace.org for more about their missions.
Building an altar for eternity,
P.S. Remember to watch my daily 100 Words “vlog” (video blog), which corresponds to this daily blog. HERE is a link to my vlogs, arranged by date, on the 100 Huntley Street website. You may want to watch the one from yesterday, July 1st, Canada’s birthday! All this month, the vlogs are originating from Braeside Camp in Paris, Ontario.
Amazingly the ages of the families having children in today’s reading! A Wonderful ministry Reynold and Cathy have in Uganda. The photography is so enlightening as well. Blessings on all the Mainse family for the ministries they faithfully carry on. So thankful for Canada – bless our leaders, in Jesus Name. Amen
Amen Doreen
Amen, Amen