Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 10-12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Angels opening a scroll are depicted in beautiful artwork inside the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome. Ezekiel’s visions of the most unusual creatures, which he refers to as Cherubim, leave us in awe at the nature of these beings.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Ezekiel 10:18a, 12:28
Then the glory of the Lord departed….Thus says the Lord God: “None of My words will be postponed anymore, but the word which I speak will be done,” says the Lord God.
In 1 Samuel 4:11-22 we find the story of an earlier time when the “Glory” departed from Israel. The time comes when God, who is 100% Holy, is so grieved by the actions of His people that He ceases to manifest His presence anymore until there is a deep sorrow for sin, a turning away from sin, and a turning back to Him. Phineas, son of the high priest Eli, who participated in removing the Ark of God from the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, was killed, and his widow bore a son whom she named “Ichabod,” which means “the glory has departed.” As our second key verse tells us, God will not postpone forever the consequences of human rebellion against His clearly stated will.
Don’t give up, family of God! He has made over 7,000 promises which are recorded in the Bible. Here’s one of them found in Ezekiel 11:17-19. Let’s read that one again from today’s reading. Verse 19 says, “I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take away the stoney heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh.”
Lord God, I think of the saying, “Have a heart!” Yes! I pray for that “one heart,” and that “new spirit” to be renewed daily within me. You have created me as an eternal being as spirit, soul (heart), mind, and body. Like a father and mother care for their children, so You care for me. I rest in Your arms, totally confident in the constancy of Your love! May Your presence, Your glory, permeate my entire being 24/7. Amen!!!
One time, shortly after Norma-Jean and I were married, we had retired for the night. I was half asleep when suddenly I was wide awake, sat bolt upright, and cried out in fear. Norma-Jean remembers this also. I sensed that an intensely evil presence had entered our bedroom and was threatening to destroy us. I cried out the name of our Lord and Saviour “Jesus” in a loud voice, and immediately that sense of dread and evil was gone, never to return to this day, 57 years later. That has happened only once, but over and over through the years I have experienced the Presence of our loving God, sometimes with greater intensity than at other times. The Scriptures tell us that in His “presence is fullness of joy!” King David wrote a song about this. Read Psalm 16:5-11.
Yours for experiencing the Presence of God! (He’s always there; I’m the one who is not constant. May God do an ongoing work in me until that day when I’ll see God face to face in eternity!),

Crossroads has helped train hundreds of people from 82 countries in the art of producing good TV programs. Ashvin Dev, seen over Norma-Jean’s right shoulder, is one of our graduates. He and his team presented us with scarves from India as a “thank you.” They now have three over-the-air TV stations licensed by the government of India. Dr. John Hull, a former host of 100 Huntley Street, is on the right.

Did any blog readers watch Olympic hockey a while back. It’s in the Canadian nature to apologize, most of the time for any evidence of triumphalism. I thought you might enjoy the Canadian beaver and the American eagle.
Amazing, over 7,000 promises for us in the Bible. In this uncertain time, it would be wise to search 👀 for them and claim them. Praying for the Ukraine and surrounding countries who are suffering such distress at this time. May God intervene and His Perfect Will take over, in Jesus Name. Amen
Agreeing with you in prayer for the Ukraine Doreen.
God is able to do anything that we ask in faith, may His will be done in this awful situation.
Blessings to all this Lord’s Day.
Eleanor M.
Thank You, Lord, for this new day. And thank You for every one of Your faithful people who keep bringing Your Word throughout the world, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen, Rob
Amen 🙏
For the 27th from the “Prayer Map of Canada”
1. Pray that God’s Spirit would melt the pride that causes many to hold to wrong opinions about Christ and His salvation. (2 Cor. 10:4-5)
2. Pray that the Lord will awaken a desire in the hearts of those who are lost to seek Him and to seek the Truth.
An inkling of the sentiments of many working people of Canada who just want to be left alone by big globalist governments, from Osoyoos, BC:
An interview well worth listening to (perhaps twice) about Canada moving into its post-pandemic phase: https://youtu.be/AEu-2hLXy24
Thanks so much for those links Rob. We must continue to pray for our country as well as those in conflict elsewhere. May God’s will be done