Today’s Reading: Proverbs 16-17
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

These Israeli spices were once used for cooking and medicine. According to our key verse, not only does a merry heart spice up our lives, but it is the true health food!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones.
In the synagogue at Nazareth Jesus read from the prophet Isaiah (Luke 4:16-30). This was Jesus’ mission statement as He began three years of public ministry. He declares that “The Spirit of the Lord…has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted…”
When reading this book, it’s difficult to choose which proverb to highlight. These words are dripping with wisdom! Examples — “Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established” (16:3) and “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall” (16:18). Consider this, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (16:25). Then there are prescriptions for maintaining good health, our key verse, as well as, “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones” (16:24). All grandparents need to listen up, particularly grandfathers: “Children’s children are the crown of old men” (17:6a). Who are our true friends? “A friend loves at all times” (17:17a). This works both ways. Each one of us needs to ask ourself, “Am I a true friend?”
Lord God, I’m not capable of carrying out the wisdom of the Proverbs on my own. I ask for Your daily grace. (I’m singing as I type, the old hymn written by Joseph Scrivens of Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus!”…click here for a rendition of this classic song when Guy Penrod sang it on 100 Huntley Street). Amen!!!
My reaction to the Proverbs is “WOW!” and “OUCH!” I have learned a little wisdom (very little I think sometimes), and I am learning more as I read, mark, remember, and inwardly digest what I’m reading. For example, I need to do better in sticking to my goal of 100 words in each section of this blog. The last verse of Proverbs says, “Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips [keeps to 100 words in my case], he is considered perceptive.” That’s it! I’ll stop right now. My original idea in this blog was to be short, so busy people would find time to read the Scriptures daily and complete the entire Bible in two years.
Yours with the intention of dispensing the wisdom of the ages,
P.S. I found it hard to resist a few more words, given the topic of our key verse! Please check out this segment from 100 Huntley Street from a few of years ago, when we featured a DVD offer of our made-for-TV seniors’ series called, Really Good Medicine (click here). I’m not sure if any copies of the DVD are still available, but to find out you could call the Crossroads Order Line during business hours at 1-800-265-3100.
A lot of things to take to heart from today’s scripture (like a “tune-up’)! Great to hear “What a Friend in Jesus”, (He really, really, is)! I didn’t know the history of it. Nice to know it was written by an Ontario neighbour. Have a great day all. My son is coming this morning to help me renew my driver’s license on line, etc. Sticker and other things are outdated! . P.S. Paddy is doing well, my granddaughter tells me. Thank You Lord. Thank You. Blessings all.
Praise God Paddy is well. Have a blessed day Doreen and fellow saints in the Lord. Prayers for all. 🙏
Amen Beverlee. Our Lord is good,
praise His Holy Name, Amen.
Thank you Jesus for healing little Paddy! Amen to the prayers and song! Blessings to you, my friends. I am hoping to start commenting on the blog most day!
It is good to see all seems well and that I am caught up now.The Youtube links would not work for me today so I found the song myself,below.These proverbs point out my many short comings but
David put it into perspective for me and others,no doubt.May yall be blessed
Father God, thank You for Your instructions for us, for David’s admonition to look to God for grace, and for Your encouragement to take heart because You have overcome even the worst this world has to offer.
Father, we pray for all those so terribly affected during this pandemic, some by the disease itself, and even more by the heavy-handed measures imposed by those responsible for responding to it.
Please give our leaders the wisdom they need to govern well. Bless all those who stand up for what is right and true, honourable and praiseworthy, in Jesus’s great name, amen
P.S. I got an email yesterday from a federal Conservative MP, expressing her frustration with our current PM. I wrote her back as follows:
Dear _____,
I’m frustrated with the CPC. With few exceptions, you guys have totally lost your way. You’re so focused on letting the leftists in Canada set the agenda for you to respond to, that you have lost the vision of a Canada that is strong and free.
The issues I’m concerned with are not the antics of a pampered fop (do I have to say his name?), but the very issues of what makes Canada a great country – freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, and, yes, of religion. Not only that, we should be bringing jobs back to Canada rather than importing oil and manufactured goods.
Please get back to the issues that matter to the common people rather than the issues of the lobbyists and activists, or you will permanently isolate conservative Canadians.
In hopes of a better country,
Rob ____
Well said Rob. Amen.
Thank you for your Letter; than you for the wisdom in your written words.
May Canada once again stand ‘glorious and free’ in GOD
Letting you all know I am still with you. Read the blogs everyday. Being in Florida is like being in a different world. They don’t wear masks like we do in Canada. We wear ours into grocery stores and Lowes. Etc. Everyone in our park all seem good. No covid.
Thank you, Lord.
Is a cooler day here but warm in sunshine.