Today’s Reading: Psalms 143-144
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Here is the ancient marketplace of Ephesus. These pillars once stood proudly as a testimony to the success of the commercial centre of the city. Man’s accomplishments eventually crumble into ruin, but God’s great building, His living stones, His people, are built to last forever and ever.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 144:15
Happy are the people who are in such a state;
Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!
Psalm 143 is the kind of prayer we all need to pray when we are in distress. David prays, “Hear my prayer, O Lord!” “Answer me speedily!” “Do not hide Your face from me!” “Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning!” (could this blog be an answer to that prayer?) “Cause me to know the way in which I should walk!” “Deliver me, O Lord!” “Revive me, O Lord!”
Psalm 144 is delightful! King David asks the question, “What is man?” David’s answer is “a breath,” and “a shadow,” but man also has the potential to be “Happy” during our brief time here on earth. This question, “What is man?” is quoted in Hebrews chapter 2 in the New Testament. We may want to take time to meditate on these words given by the writer to the Hebrew people. We’ll find that Jesus is the greatest joy of all!!! (click here). David prayed, “Bow down Your heavens, O Lord, and come down!” (144:2a). God did come down! We can sing with great happiness, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come!”
Lord God, there is a one-word prayer I pray daily, “HELP!” I am confident You heard my prayer in advance of my time on earth, and You have come down to me in the Person of Jesus Christ, in whose Name I pray. Amen!!!
My daughter, Elaine Stacey, gave me a gift of a book called, “Happy, Happy, Happy.” It’s the story of the Robertson family. Perhaps you’ve seen the reality TV series, Duck Dynasty. Phil Robertson at one time was an alcoholic who met Jesus, and Jesus made him a new man. In Phil’s book I read the facts, whereas in the TV show the producers water down the testimony of Jesus that this family want to share with the whole world. The producers even put in “bleeps” to make it appear that they were swearing. The Robertsons were quite upset at this and made it clear that they don’t swear! Phil has lived to see his children blessed as David prayed, “Sons as plants, and daughters as pillars!” (Psalm 144:12).
Yours for being able to say with Phil, “Happy, Happy, Happy!”
P.S. Norma-Jean bought me the shirt I’m wearing in the picture below, and my grandson, Nathaniel Shaheen, put on a beard for the photo! My hat is a gift from Chief Sunrise, a great First Nations leader from the Northwest Territories. The Chief, with the name, “Sunrise,” shows the “Reality” of Psalm 143:8, God’s “Loving kindness in the morning.”
Thank You, Father, for adopting us as Your own children. This is so amazing, mind-boggling even!
“Since he [Jesus] himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.”
We ask, as with David, for Your help to live in You, producing the good fruit You made for us to bear.
Bless all Your people today with the power to listen, trust, follow and obey You in the perfect plan You have for each one, in Jesus’s great, great, great name, amen
Amen and amen, Rob.
Great advice Rob. The only way. Blessings all.
Amen & Amen
Amen, amen and amen. Rob. Thank you Lord for all your blessings.