Today’s Reading: Psalms 40-41
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Located in the ruins of the house of Caiaphas, the High Priest, is the pit that Jesus was lowered into for the night, just after His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Caiaphas’ house is now covered by the Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu, which is located in Jerusalem. The windows cut in the stone were for the guards to keep watch over the prisoners who were in this horrible pit.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 41:9
Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted,
Who ate my bread,
Has lifted up his heel against me.
In yesterday’s Psalms, that big word “I” was repeated over and over. Today the words that stand out are “my” and “me.” At least 35 times we are directed inward to think about ourselves. Psalm 40 starts out, not with a pity party for poor “me,” but with a powerful declaration of what God has done for David. He testifies that God has (1) inclined to me, (2) heard my cry, (3) brought me up out of a horrible pit, (4) set my feet on a rock, (5) established my steps, and (6) put a new song in my mouth. From verses 4 to 10 there is more positive confession. Then David seems to slip off the “Rock,” and back into that horrible pit. He writes, “My heart fails me…”
In Psalm 41 there are some directions for staying on the rock and out of the pit. (1) Blessed is he who considers the poor. (2) The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. (3) The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive. (4) He will be blessed on the earth. (5) The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness. Then David’s feet slip again as we read verses 4 to 9. But let us not despair; he’s back up again for the last 4 verses of Psalm 41. One of the reasons the Psalms appeal to us is that David is so very human. We can identify with his struggles and his triumphs!
Lord God, help me to wait patiently for You. Please set my feet on the Rock and keep me there by Your presence and power. You have given me the doxology of Jude 1:24-25. I confess Your ability to keep me from falling back into that horrible pit. I pray this with confidence that I am standing firmly on the Great Rock, the Lord Jesus Himself, Amen!!!!
I’ve had the opportunity several times of descending literally into the “horrible pit” in which Jesus was kept overnight, beneath the palace of Caiaphas, the High Priest. It’s clean now, but when Jesus was there it was filthy; excrement would perhaps have covered the floor. Just next to the pit is the torture room where prisoners would be tied and whipped. I am overcome with the horror of it all. Jesus subjected Himself to this outrage when He could’ve simply spoken a word and set Himself free. He did it so that I, and millions of others, could be rescued from the pit of self pity and despair. He went down so that He could reach under all humankind and lift us up to stand on the unshakable Rock, which is Himself. He cleans us up through the cleansing of His blood (1John 1:7) and keeps us clean by the washing of water by the Word (Ephesians 5:26).
Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, recorded a message which I would like to share with you. It ties in with David’s lament about his own familiar friend who has turned against him (click here).
Yours for standing firm on the “Rock,”
“Don’t drink the poison.”
Forgiveness is a gift we receive,
And freely we must give it too,
To prove to Him we do believe,
Forgiveness also works for you.
When Judas stabed His back,
He did not turn to attack;
For it was not a setback,
When Satan caused this man to crack.
When you forgive it then returns,
For your heart is then lightened
While given the freedom it yearns
And your mind is then enlightened.
Let His healing hand touch your soul,
Then may His love render you whole,
For Satan will try to collect a toll
If faith is weak you give control
But someone you may overlook
Is one you may be least kind to;
For mistaken paths that you took;
The one you forgive must be you.
G W (Bill) Marshall/2012
Amen Bill. Self forgiveness is the key.
Typo: When Judas stabbed his back.
When Judas stabbed His back.
Luisa, for some reason I was lead to go back and read recent postings and on Sep 21 you asked about Mike from Dakota, I think the Lord lead you to request that information.
Mike: continues to get therapy 2 times per week at the hospital and is learning to get as independent as possible. His Neurologist said it will take a couple of years to get back to where he was or almost where he was before the accident.
His brother Dean that had cancer went home to the Lord on Sep 20.
Alice, his mother: After 15 rounds of Chemotherapy and 33 days of radiation and the power of prayer and all the support she received throughout was amazing. Mom is now CANCER-free and hopefully for a very long time. Alice was able to travel to California to spend time with Dean, the first week of September.
Thanks to all the bloggers for their prayers for Mike and his family. I continue to pray for each and everyone of you. God knows all your needs and I pray he will be with all those going through medical procedures. May He be with you and all your medical team.
Amen HJR. Thank you for the update on Mike and his family. His Hand upon you Mike.
HJR: I am glad you brought us up to date on Mike, I also was wondering how he s doing. I know it takes a long time for brain injuries to heal, as my grandson had and is still getting therapy for the last 2 years.
I will be praying for Mike’s full recovery. Praising God for Alice and your mom’s healing. God Blessings to you.
Eleanor M.
I prayed David’s prayer for today.
I keep learning more each day on this blog about God’s Word.
I am thankful for all your prayers as I journey through this troubled life.
May God bless everyone involved with this blog as it increases our
faith & trust in Jesus Christ, our only hope of salvation.
Heavenly Father, place your blessings upon Joyce and give her a sense of peace joy and strength beyond comprehension. In Jesus’ mighty Name, we pray. Amen, amen and amen. ❤
Amen to the comments above
Thank you Reynolds once again for the picture and the photography it’s my prayer that one day I can go to the Holy Land
God bless to all my fellow bloggers
May you all have a blessed day
Thank you William for your for your poems they are always so inspiring
May God richly bless you
Amen amen amen and amen
Thank you HJR for the update on Mike and his family. I am sorry to hear that his brother lost his battle with the cancer. May God comfort all the family members.
So glad to hear that his mother is now cancer- free. Praise God!
I long for the day when I will be able to make the same announcement regarding my husband….cancer-free. May God grant us that miracle!
Asking the Lord to bless all bloggers.
Hi everyone. I read the blog this morning and something distracted me from posting a comment. I have 2 online church services on Sunday morning and that may have been the problem as I overslept. So glad I checked back tonight. Praying for our group & their families. It has come to my attention that quite a few families are having relationship problems. The devil is very active, even in Christian families. Holding family up in daily prayer is so important. Blessings on all. Remembering Rob. So thankful for the blog.