Today’s Reading: Psalm 35-37
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In 1667, Pope Clement X commissioned Gian Lorenzo Bernini to build a second fountain in St. Peter’s Square in Rome, which closely followed the design of the Maderno Fountain on the north side of the square. The Bernini Fountain was completed in 1677. In the distance you can see St. Peter’s Basilica and its dome. In our reading today, the psalmist, David, wrote of the Lord, “For with You is the fountain of life” (Psalm 36:9a).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 36:8-9a
They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house,
And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.
For with You is the fountain of life.
This is not a dull, unexciting existence, but a life of fullness, a river of God’s pleasures, and for us, a “fountain of life!” In the first eight verses of Psalm 37, the words “DO NOT FRET,” begin and end a list that can guarantee us a joy-filled life. (1) Trust in the Lord. (2) Dwell in the land. (3) Delight yourself also in the Lord. (4) Commit your way to the Lord. (5) Rest in the Lord. Now, let’s go back over these five and ask ourselves whether or not they are happening in our lives.
The results of practising the above are summed up in Psalm 37:23-25. We may want to reread these verses, taking time to meditate on them, and then pray the following prayer.
Lord God, Grant me the grace to not fret! I am trusting You! I am dwelling with You! I am delighting myself in You! I commit my way to You! Having made this confession, I now rest in You! I pray that the One who lived this way 100% of the time, the Lord Jesus Christ, whom I’ve invited to live in me, will enable me to live as He lived! Amen!!!
Psalm 37:37 brings laughter to me as I read it. When I was a student at EPBC, now Master’s College and Seminary, in Peterborough, Ontario, we, a few students, carried out an odd practice for about two weeks. Some of us would carry in our pockets a marker pencil, and if anyone came across less than humble in a statement or attitude, out would come the marker, and an “X” would be placed somewhere on that person. The original English translations rendered verse 37, “Mark the perfect man!” We had a great deal of fun, but there were actually two messages here. First, I must not think of myself too highly, and second, I should not be so judgmental of others. The New King James translation, which I use for this blog, does not use the word “perfect,” but “blameless.” I learned that I am “in Christ,” and because of Him and Him only, can I be “perfect,” which I’ve come to understand means “complete” or “blameless.” For a New Testament reading, I suggest Ephesians 1:1-23. The words “in Christ” or “in Him” are repeated at least a dozen times. So…as the old English says, “Fret not thyself!!!”
Yours for Joy in our Journey!
Rob’s Prayer for September 24, 2019:
“Dear Lord God, thank You for these Psalms today, showing us clearly the battle between good and evil – thank You that the battle belongs to You, and You are mighty and victorious. We commit ourselves, our families, our countries, and our leaders to You, Father, and ask that You lead and guide us in your good ways. Help us to be good witnesses for You today, Lord, we ask in Jesus’s name, amen.”
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.
James 4:17 ESV
All Who Are Thirsty by Kutless with Lyrics
Hope you are feeling better this morning, Beverlee. You are in my prayers.
Amen… Nan and. Beverlee ..always in my prayers
Thanks so much for finding Rob’s Prayer…. I, too, miss this Prayer Warrior!
Also praying for your health and well-being, Beverlee.
Praying that all the Bloggers are strong ‘inThe Lord.’
Amen to your prayer this morning Beverlee ! Also I pray that your leg is healing and you are feeling improved. Blessings to all bloggers.
So much reassurance for us in Jesus! We really need that just now. There’s talk of a 3rd vaccination! I believe Rob is still with us. He mentioned he was unable to post comments a little while ago. My daughter messaged me (she’s in Calgary), that she is feeling much better today. (She had real difficulty after a delicate surgery). Thank you for prayers. May God’s blessings & direction be upon all today. Amen. (Beautiful music with words today)!