Today’s Reading: Psalms 28-30
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

On the Sea of Galilee, a statue beside the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy shows Peter kneeling before Jesus after His death and resurrection.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 30:5
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
It’s hard to imagine the despair that David tried to express in Psalm 30. He was running for his life from his father-in-law, King Saul, whom David would follow as king. After a desperate prayer, David would always end with praising God, together with a statement of his unwavering faith in God’s power and God’s willingness to deliver him. David knew the continuing anger of Saul and the weeping it caused. This is not the way with God! We know that God wants life and joy! Yes, God is angry with sin, but when we ask His forgiveness, His anger toward us ceases. We do need to weep in repentance, not in self pity. Joy is the result!
In Psalm 29, the phrase “voice of the Lord” is repeated six times. The problem is that we are not good listeners most of the time. Hopefully this blog quiets us sufficiently so that we can hear what God has to say. Psalm 28 should result in a spirit of rejoicing because of our confidence in God’s answers to our prayers. God hears our voice much better than we hear His! We may think that those around us don’t listen to us, but God is a GOOD LISTENER!!!
Lord God, I thank You for listening to me when I pray. In this I have complete confidence. Therefore, I pray for all those people that come to my mind. . . . (name them). Help me to care about those things about which You care, O Lord. I pray in the Name of the One who rose early every morning to spend much time in prayer, Jesus, Himself! Amen!!!
My eyes have been drawn to read again and again Psalm 30:11a, “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing.” I don’t often dance, but there are times when joy is so strong that I break free of my reserve, and away I go! It happened at least once on live television when a young man, who had escaped from an Eastern European communist country, was playing a lively tune of rejoicing on his violin. Some may remember Georgian Banov. I’ve attached a clip of that spontaneous dancing (click here).
Yours for turning mourning into dancing!
Praying for a blessed day for all saints and all those who will eventually come to know and love Jesus. David was one devoted servant of our Lord and Saviour and such a joyful example to those of us who need encouragement in our relationship with God.
Praying for knowledgeable and wise Christian leadership in our country called Canada dear Lord.
Amen Lynda. Nice to see you back.
Great to see David enjoying the lively music. Praising God brings joy & peace. Love it. Have a great day all. Blessings
P.S. Marci Ian was voted in. She was on Crossroads’ children’s program as a child! Congratulations Marci & God’s greatest blessings on you.
I smile every time David mentions that time he ‘did the Jig’ with Georgian Banov.
Pray for Beverlee’s back and leg and for our country.God uses our leaders to guide us but also to punish us.Pray that He guide our leaders with ‘His wisdom’.May yall be blessed
Thank you William and all the saints for your prayers. This afternoon I went to the hospital and had 14 steel staples removed which were causing the infection and swelling, the DR said. Had a blood test and tomorrow I go for an ultrasound; possible blood clot; had 24 hour blood thinner shot in tummy. Grateful I did not wait for scheduled appt. and listened to the Spirit. I know that was because of everyone praying for me. It sure makes me grateful to be a child of God and part of this prayer family. Thank you fellow saints in the Lord. Such an awesome God we serve! 🙏
T.Y., for the encouragement ton💃Ron!
I heard a Pastor say, this morning, “ Maybe we should spend less time praying to God about our troubles, and more time telling our troubles about God.”
Rejoice in Hope.
Be patient in tribulation.
Be constant in prayer.
Rom 12:12
I like that, Laur.
Happy Birthday to Ann Mainse today. 🎂🎁His blessings upon you fellow saints in the Lord.
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
Here I am Lord with lyrics
Praying for you, Beverlee and all bloggers.
I am wondering if there is any update on Mike from North Dakota. Was thinking of him and wondered how he is doing along with some of his family members who were battling cancer.
Blessings on all !
Doreen, I remember Marci from the children’s program. May she be a positive influencer in her new role of politician.