Today’s Reading: Genesis 30
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REMINDER: You can watch the video version of 100words.ca on the 100 Huntley Street website HERE.

These are the gates of the main city of the tribe of Dan. It was located in northern Israel near the base of Mount Herman and the source of the Jordan River – Joshua 19:40-48.
To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.
Key Verse: Genesis 30:22
Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.
Two women living in the same household, vying for the affection of the same man. Not only was polygamy culturally acceptable, it was often encouraged. What heartache could’ve been avoided if they had followed God’s original plan in creating one man and one woman, and making His will known. Nevertheless, God meets us where we are and bestows mercy and grace. Rachel’s first son, Joseph, became one of God’s great men of all time. How heartwarming it is to know that God answered Rachel’s prayer. Also, God continued to bless Jacob with wealth and many children. In our 21st century understanding of God’s will and purpose, it’s difficult to process these things. Just keep open to the Teacher, the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord, please give me the grace to wait for Your timing. I realize that going ahead on my own will only bring heartache in the long run. I’m like a little child, and I know You’re holding my hand. I belong to You and You want what is best for me. This confidence comes from knowing You, Lord Jesus Christ. In Your Name I pray. Amen!
Ok, I admit it. I have gone ahead with my own initiatives. I struggled with this matter of gettings things done. I finally reached a conclusion. If I believe that something is good to do, I move ahead. But at the same time, I pray that if what I’m about to do is not God’s will, He’ll step in and stop events before they progress. Even on our wedding day on the way to the church I prayed this: “Lord, I believe that Norma-Jean is to be my wife and I’m going ahead with the marriage, and I love her very much. But if this is not Your perfect plan, please stop it right now.” How thankful I am that God allowed the marriage to happen. Four children, 16 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren, plus great ministry opportunities later, I’m a blessed man!
Yours in the service of the God of Jacob,
Praying David’s prayer, this morning. We entrust our hearts to the Holy Spirit that guides us. Before I left for my early walk, I wrote out Psalm 62:1-2 ESV and spoke it along the way. When I sat in the park for a rest, listening to the trees and birds, I waited for the Lord to speak to me. “Keep waiting and trust in Me. For it will be worth it. It will all be well.” May it be well for you, today, fellow saints in the Lord, as we worship and praise Him all the day long. For He is great and His mercies endure forever. Amen.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
From him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation.
My fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.
Psalm 62:1-2 ESV
Selah + My Soul Waits For God Alone (Live) featuring Lo Alaman
Lovely sincere praise. I’m really not feeling well this weekend. Very uncomfortable with digestive probs. Trusting God to strengthen me. I’m feeling weak as well. I would appreciate your prayers. Thank you.
Our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, we pray to You for our sister Doreen. We bring her to You for healing, comfort and strength. Put Your loving Hands upon her Lord and make her well. Give her the rest and sleep she needs. In Jesus’ precious Name, we pray. Amen, amen and amen.
Beverlee: Agreeing with you in prayer for Doreen. 🙏❤️
Thank you Beverlee.
Yes Lord heal our sister Doreen In Jesus Name Amen!!!
Yes, agreeing with Beverlee’s prayer for Doreen
Praying for your healing, Doreen!🙏🏼
Amen Beverlee: “God alone is my Rock and my salvation”
These are simple poems with greater importance in their messages:
Trust Me
Trust Me,I know what I am doing,
It’s not just your heart I am wooing
But your soul is so dear to Me,
I want you with Me for eternity.
Even when your days are very bad,
I share the load that makes you sad,
So do not be angry with Me,
You must trust in Me eternally.
I love all my children most dearly,
And in life I see you clearly,
That is why you are on the Earth,
It is a school and the grave is your birth.
‘I knew you before you were born’,
I would never leave you forlorn,
I know every hair on your head,
Death is not for you to dread.
Life is through my precious Son,
A reward for when your day is done,
So know that this is my gift to you
As you trust Him your life through.
G W (Bill) Marshall/.2011
Inspired by Psalm 73:24-25
With wise counsel Thou will guide me
‘Til in glory Thou make me free,
For Who in heaven have I but Thee
And with no mortal I choose but with Thee to be,
For earthly strength may up and flee;
But Thou be my portion for eternity.
(G.W.)Bill Marshall/Oct 09, 2015
Amen. Touched my heart.
Needed that William. Thanks
Thank you William for sharing those anointed poems with us
Please pray for my grandchildren. For some reason they just cannot get along.
They refuse to share or to participate in events together. The devil is tearing them apart. They do know Jesus, and I believe the devil is working very hard to lead them away from Jesus. Please, please pray for them and for peace to be returned to their family as this is very hard on them and their parents as they love them both. I pray that their love for each other is returned to them and that they learn to love each other as Jesus loves them.
Father God, help all Your children in whatever situation they are in. Thank You that no matter what, You are always faithdul. In Jesus’s name, amen
And amen.
Thank you Rob for the prayers you posted daily which I pray out loud. You lead us all to pray along with you and for that, we are thankful.
Dear Doreen,
I pray that by now you are feeling much better. May God heal whatever is ailing you and may your strength be renewed.
Beautiful Psalm to pray and meditate on, Beverlee. Yes, we are to wait on the Lord with expectancy. May He grant us the grace to do so. “Teach me Lord, to wait”.
May God minister to each and everyone of you, whatever your need may be!
Blessings to one and all!
Amen Luisa!
Amen to all the posts today saints and may all the prayers be answered in Jesus Precious and Holy name, Amen!
God of Abraham Issac and Jacob. We need your presences on this earth. Come revival Your presence. In the mighty name of Jesus. Come amen.
Amen Dale; Yes “come Lord Jesus “
Yes Come Lord Jesus Perhaps Today!!!