Today’s Reading: Genesis 28-29
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Three tourists standing on the Mount of Olives enjoy the view as the sun sets over the city of Jerusalem.
GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo – Click here.
Key Verse: Genesis 28:15
…Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.
God makes promises! In this way He encouraged Jacob. Jacob had heard the stories of God’s promises to his grandfather, Abraham, and his father, Isaac, over and over again. It has been said, “God has no grandchildren.” In other words, every generation must enter into a personal relationship with God. Jacob needed to hear from God. He was in a place of turmoil, running away from home, driven to desperate measures because of his own bad decisions. Jacob may have been blaming his disfunctional family. No doubt, trying to sleep that night with a stone as his pillow was truly a “dark night of the soul.” But “between a rock and a hard place,” God took the initiative and gave Jacob assurance of His Presence. From this place going forward, Jacob knew he would never be alone again. God would fulfill all of His promises.
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I humbly call on You. Please speak to me. I need You! Please give me a promise for my life, for my future as You did for Jacob. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus, I pray. Amen!
Throughout my life I have received promises from God that moved me forward in His plan. For example, Norma-Jean and I had been producing a weekly telecast for 14 years, plus a children’s telecast for 3 years, when I became aware that it was time to move into a daily production. I believe I had heard that “still small Voice” about this, but I was still not prepared to move out of my comfort zone, taking on a challenge that would involve creating the first professionally equipped TV studio in Canada devoted exclusively to Christian productions. It was at a prayer meeting in August of 1976 that God spoke clearly through two Scriptures, Psalm 19:2 and Acts 2:47. The first says, “DAY UNTO DAY utters speech,” and the second says, “The Lord added to the Church DAILY those who were being saved.” The combination of God’s communication with my spirit and the confirmation of Scripture was enough. On June 15, 1977, the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast was first broadcast live from that address in downtown Toronto, and it’s still going strong daily today! (click here for a 100 Huntley Street program from the 50th anniversary of the TV ministry a few years back. My son Ron and his wife Ann showed some video clips from the very first daily program in 1977). To watch current programs, go to www.100huntley.com.
Yours, believing God with you for God to speak to you today,
REMINDER: If you are reading the email version and wish to post a comment on my blog, go to www.100words.ca and click on the “comments” bubble at the top. Then scroll down to the bottom and type in the space provided.
Some of today’s scripture is rather disturbing. Praise God for being with us and watching over us wherever we go. You are the light and love of our life, Lord. We honour You and praise You. We love You and are ever thankful You are with us in life and death. Amen. His blessings upon you, fellow saints in the Lord.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends! Philippians 4:1 NIV
Zach Williams and Dolly Parton ~ There Was Jesus (lyrics)
Thank you, Beverlee, for your faithfulness in sharing good things with others – you are a blessing to us all. And thank you, Irene, for your humility and kindness – you are a true encourager. It was good to hear you got your license! Thank you, William and Sah, for your salt of the earth contributions – you both remind me of Johnny Cash’s admonition to not be so heavenly-minded that you’re no earthly good. Thank you, Ger and Luisa, for the insights you share – you make us think, which is always a good thing. Thank you to each and every one of you who read and learn and follow and support this ministry. I know you are praying, and I thank God for each one of you – you are the ones who are building God’s kingdom, seeking His will to be done on Earth as in heaven. You are the ones God is working in and through. It is God in you that is holding back evil in this world, and I praise Him for that!
Father, have Your way in and through all Your people today. You are the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and we ask that You keep on working in this world, bringing people to Yourself; bringing people out of darkness and confusion and death into light and truth and life. We pray that You bring individuals as well as nations into a realization of their accountability to You. Take over dominion – lordship – of this country, Lord, and raise up Godly leaders who not only acknowledge You, but actively work to serve You. We commit all our needs and worries and desires and praise to You, Lord, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen, Rob. Thank you for all you do for our blog!
God bless you Rob……
I am in deep financial needs; I am praying the Lord will send me a big financial windfall to clear debts; help family; friends; and invest some and continue to serve by helping others;
also praying for understanding by the people where I live;
praying the owners are understanding;
praying that the Holy Spirit will enter the hearts of my children and grand children and remove smoking and alcohol and give them clean healthy bodies;
I praise and thank the Lord for my friend Eva who spoke these words over me;
and I stopped smoking and drinking that moment;
I pray the Lord helps others to do the same.
Blessings to everyone; praying for all to keep healthy and happy and wise and thanking the Lord for forgiving us all our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.in Jesus Name we pray amen amen amen
Thank you Rob for that wonderful encouraging post.
yes, thank you Rob
Amen Rob
Thank you Rob for your encouraging blogs and your prays.
God bless you!!!