Today’s Reading: Genesis 24
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Camels are mentioned 17 times in Genesis chapter 24. In some parts of the world these unusual creatures are still very important in travel and commerce.
Key Verse: Genesis 24:58
Then they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” And she said, “I will go.”
Sarah, Isaac’s mother, had passed away three years earlier. No doubt Isaac was lonely. In fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, it was necessary that Abraham become a grandfather to Isaac’s children. God’s purposes in the human family are developed by human co-operation. So Abraham’s right-hand man travelled from present-day Israel, through Jordan and Iraq to Kuwait (Mesopotamia) to find family and a bride for Isaac. What a beautiful story of God’s choice…a faithful servant, an amazing young woman (watering those camels was not an easy task), and willing parents. The words, “The camels are coming” (verse 63), speak to the fact that people, even animals, may do God’s will if they make the right choice.
Father God, just as the faithful servant worshipped You every time another step was taken in fulfilling Your plan, so I worship You for Your will being done in and through me. Amen!
May I suggest that we all pray the “Our Father,” or as it is known, “The Lord’s prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13)?
There are sermons that I’ve heard which I’ve never forgotten. One was by Rev. Anders Nisbel, assistant to Lutheran Bishop, Martin Lonebo of Linshepping, Sweden. Anders was a student at our Crossroads School of Broadcasting and Communications in Toronto. I team-preached with Bishop Lonebo in Sweden and he spoke of the absolute necessity of using TV for Jesus’ message. In his message to our staff, Anders said, “Have you ever met a camel? They smell bad. They have a bad temper. They can be unpredictable, and they never forget. They are like television; it may be a big challenge, but we must ride the camels. The reason Christian North Africa became Islamic was that the Muslim missionaries were on camels winning the desert tribes to Mohammed, and the Christians were comfortable in their coastal cities, unconcerned about those in the interior who did not know Christ.” I say, “Let’s get on those camels and ride.” (Our School of Broadcasting has graduates in over 80 countries).
Yours for all our grads and those who have gone through our Intern program at Crossroads,
Prayed David’s prayer. We are uplifted, and face another day, with God as our refuge and strength. We are nothing without You and everything with You. We are free because of Your grace and mercy. We adore You and praise You, Lord Adonai. In Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen. His blessings be upon you, fellow saints in the Lord.
“….choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15 NIV
Matt Maher – Lord, I Need You (Official Lyric Video)
Here is the next one:
He Is Exalted // I Exalt Thee (Medley) | Sounds Like Reign
Me too Rob
Amen to your prayers Beverlee Kay!
May our Lord’s Will be done in all our lives,
in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.
Father God, I confess my sin of putting my own comfort ahead of the needs of others. It’s so easy to focus on my own desires. Please help me get away from the encroachments of the internet and the TV into the time You have given. I ask for the grace to be a good steward of the time, money and talents You have entrusted me with. Help me to be a good servant. In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen, Rob.
Amen Beverlee, Amen Rob.
Amen, Beverlee and Rob. Praying the Lord’s prayer, not just in recitation, but in worshipful prayer is such a blessing.
Wonderful praise and worship Beverlee and a great prayer Rob. Thanks So much.
I am asking for prayer: I am going for my driver’s test at 2:00 pm today.
May God’s will be done.
Just saw this now. You will be getting the results. Lord God bless Irene with a successful driver’s test. In Jesus precious Name, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen!
By now you probably have done you our driving test, Irene.
I pray all went well.
Prayed your prayer, Rob. I also am guilty of the same thing. May we see others through the eyes of God and feel the love and compassion that He has toward them. It’s a shame that North Africa became Islamic having been Christian before. We must not miss out on the opportunities we are presented with to tell others the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
A blessed day to all!
Fther GOD be with Irene as she goes for her driver’s test – may she sense YOUR presence with her and help her to pass this test In JESUS NAME – aMEN
I sincerely want to thank you very much for your daily work providing us with the Bible and your thoughts and guidance!!! I am a a very blessed woman and am very grateful to all participants……
thank you Beverly, Luisa, and Blessed for your prayers. The results were negative as my blood pressure was 184; also I forgot to increase the volume on my hearing aids, also Dr. Chan spoke with her mask on, So my hearing was not too good.
However Dr Chan agreed for me to take a road test. I am to give the Dr’s written result at the Registry Office.
I’m hoping someone can drive me the Registry office in my own car so I can take the road test in my own car. Hopefully, after reading the Dr’s test results, Registry will allow me to take the road test.
Again, thank you for praying.
I too prayed David’s prayer.
Have a blessed evening
Let us know when the next test is, Irene. We will pray for everything to be right for you. God bless you.
Thank you Beverlee, I will