Today’s Reading: Genesis 5-6
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The heavens are gloriously ablaze above the Eastern Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem. Some of those whose bodies are buried in front of the gate died hoping someday to walk through that gate following the general resurrection of the dead. Like Enoch, those who walk with God now can expect to walk with God throughout eternity.
Key Verse: Genesis 5:24
And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.
The way out of the “rat race” is simply to walk with God. Obviously, God wants your company. God wanted to walk with Adam and Eve every evening. Enoch’s time with God was so precious and consistent that, no doubt with his full consent, God took Enoch directly to Heaven without him experiencing death. Enoch’s name means “teacher” in English. He must have shared with others those things he learned in those long walks. Noah was Enoch’s great-grandson and was likely the recipient of Enoch’s sharing. Remember Noah? He is the one who found favour with God. The result was that he knew how to hear from God in building an ark to save his family. You’re on your daily walk with God now as you read His Word and talk with Him in prayer. Listen as God talks with you today.
Lord God, as I walk with You now, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may experience “walking in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
Like Enoch, I have children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I’m always telling them stories. I’m convinced that from his childood, Noah heard what Great-Grandpa learned on those long walks with God. It was probably the reason Noah turned out so well. I had a Sunday School teacher by the name of Miss Johnson when I was 10 & 11. She explained Enoch’s going to Heaven without dying like this: “One day, as God and Enoch were walking together, God said, ‘Enoch, we’re much closer to My place than we are to yours, why don’t you just come on home with Me’?” For some reason I’ve never forgotten her story.
Let’s go for a walk,
Wow. “Enoch, we’re much closer to My place than we are to yours, why don’t you just come home with me?” What a wonderful way to imagine it. How wonderfully intimate a friendship with God, Enoch had. Enoch and Elijah–the only two lifted directly to heaven by God without dying a physical death. We have that same close relationship and walk with our Lord and Saviour. How divine the sense of God’s presence, this morning. Praying you are at peace, fellow saints in the Lord. We are His warriors, today and always. Amen.
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36 ESV
Steven Curtis Chapman – Warrior (Lyric Video)
Pray that I fall on my knees!!!
Thank you Beverlee for posting that link: that was a great movie
Amen Beverlee, you just added to the encouraging words of David this morning. Blessings to you and all those reading this blog today . I just thought of Jim Reeves singing “Just a closer walk with thee”
Could not find Jim Reeves singing that song, Eleanor, but thought you might like this one:
Randy Travis, Just A Closer Walk With Thee
Thank you so much Beverlee, this brought tears to my eyes.
I never mentioned before that one off my dear sister-in-laws Gladys pass away late on June 25th.
I am so happy that she is with the Lord .She was battling Parkinson so it is a joy to know she isn’t suffering any more. I am sad but happy for her . ❤️
Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law, Eleanor . Knowing that she is with the Lord certainly will be a source of comfort to the family. Thank God that she is no longer suffering.
Condolences to you and your family.
God bless you! 🙏
Agreeing with Luisa, Eleanor. Sorry about the loss of your sister-in-law. However grateful she is at peace now. His comfort be with you. 🌸
Yes, condolences to you and your family Eleanor M
What a Wonderful life Enoch and Elijah must have had. I do wonder what friends and family would’ve thought happened to Enoch. (Elisha saw Elijah go up in a chariot so he could explain to people where he went). But then, on the other hand, if they knew Enoch and his walk with God, they would know that wherever Enoch was, God would be with him. The Lord be with us all today and forever. Amen
Yes Amen Doreen
“Let me walk,dear Lord,close to Thee.”…all the way home.
Thank You,Father,for all Your blessings,known and unknown.
Waits The King
Beyond the bounds of infinity,
God’s canvas shows his endless glory,
Where He still creates eternity
In the dream that is our story.
He planned all His creatures,
His dream became our eternal role,
So before the world had it’s features
He began each man,soul by soul.
So vastly above all of mankind,
Yet He became one to understand,
That no man is ever left behind
When we’re taken to our homeland.
So look out to where no eye can see
And in your heart a painting shall be,
The home far away where all are free,
Where waits the King for you and me.
(G W) Bill Marshall/15-Jan-16
This is Your world, Lord. Please help all Your children to walk with You, knowing You are bigger, better, and stronger than any opposition. Strengthen all Your people today, Lord, that they may be like Noah who listened and obeyed You.
Raise up Your Godly ones in this generation, Lord; those who will also listen and obey You. Help us all to take part in Your work of bringing Your Word to all this world, so all will hear You calling them to You, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen to your prayer Rob!
Yes Call them to You, In Jesus Name Amen
Amen saints!
To walk close to thee LORD is my plea. Amen