Today’s Reading: Micah 3-4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Bethlehem can be seen just over the first hill to the right. The metal barrier is for protection of drivers entering a tunnel that is under the ground to the right.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Micah 4:2
Many nations shall come and say,
“Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths.”
For out of Zion the law shall go forth,
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
In yesterday’s reading there is a contrast between “Do not My Words do good to him who walks uprightly” (Micah 2:7b), and the twice-repeated word, “prattle” or “incessant babble” (Micah 2:6 &11). The consistent reading of God’s Word does us GOOD! We can’t avoid taking in “prattle,” but we can keep it to a minimum.
Micah 3 gives us an example of “prattle,” those “who chant peace” (Micah 3:5). Jeremiah writes of those who “Say, ‘peace, peace’ when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14b). The Apostle Paul writes, “For when they say, ‘peace and safety,’ then sudden destruction comes upon them” (read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11). Many peace activists must not realize that their starting point is all wrong. Micah 4 makes it clear that first we must take in “the Word of the Lord” (Micah 4:2b). As a result of God’s Word in the hearts and minds of people, God will rebuke “strong nations” and “they shall beat their swords into ploughshares…” (Micah 4:3).
Lord God, through Isaiah You told me that You would keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed or anchored on You! I pray for discipline to be consistent in my input of Your Word into my mind every day! As a result, You will give me personal peace. I will be a peaceful place in the midst of a world in turmoil. May Your peace spread through me to others. In the Name of “the Prince of peace,” Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!!!
I’m using that mysterious thing to me called “WiFi” to write this blog. I understand it is facilitated by a satellite somewhere up above the earth. “Mabel” is the name I call the GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) person who gives voice instructions like, “Turn right in 100 metres,” etc. This is a great help in getting me to the places I want to go. God’s Word is like that. The scholars consulted by King Herod were able to pinpoint the place of the birth of the new King by reading from the Word of God (but I should wait 24 hours, as that’s in tomorrow’s reading).
Yours for hearing God through reading His Word daily!
Praying David’s prayer this morning, to our Prince of Peace, our King of Kings, our Lord of all. Praying for all the saints and their families. Thinking of Ger’s brother and Eleanor’s husband; those who are in final stages and those who are healing; those facing new health challenges and those dealing with chronic issues. May the love and mercy of Christ Jesus comfort you and may you rest and be strengthened in His mighty Word.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27 ESV
Prince of Peace Michael W. Smith with Lyrics
P.S. This song flows right into some incredible Gospel Hymn sings; keep it running. Wow! Brings back great Camp memories!! God bless you saints!!
Thanks you for your prayers Beverlee, I do appreciate your posts and look forward to reading them. I pray for safety for you and each one who reads this blog. Have you heard how dear Ann Mainse is doing?
Hope everyone had a Blessed Easter. We enjoyed our own Church Service plus we listened to one from N. Ireland .Both were excellent,
Thank care everyone .
Eleanor M.
Another 30 minute Gospel Music Hymn Sing
yes I have also been praying for Ger and her brother and for Eleanor; I pray the Lord will heal these families inside and outside; I pray that friendships are strengthened; that forgiveness flows freely; I pray the Lord will give both families tremendous courage to live each day in the Joy of the Lord.
I Jesus Name I pray amen amen amen
Good morning saints, agreeing with you in prayer this morning Beverlee. Praying for all of our unsaved loved ones, that this time we are in might awaken them to their need of the Savior.
Amen to your prayer, Deanna!! God bless you!
Amen to all the prayers above. Lord God, please help us to wake up and do the work You have given us. Help all Your church to grow stronger in You, that there will be faith on Earth when You return, Lord Jesus, and that people will hear Your gospel and turn to You. Please help us to effectively go and preach Your gospel to all the nations, we ask in Jesus’s name, amen
It seems that todays reading was out of order, as we read this a few weeks ago. Just letting you know.
We did Micah 1-2 yesterday, which Micah 3-4 follows consecutively.
Did you get Daniel 11 & 12? That is what I got. Very very interesting but I’m glad you spoke up. I will read Micah now!
Daniel is what I got as well.
But simply went to Micah 3-4
Amen to all the messages, prayers and songs above. Prayed David’s prayer as well. Thank you Beverlee for remembering my brother Vinal who is still with us but is very thin; even still I am remembering what Christ did for us on the cross. Took communion online yesterday with a Pastor friend in California and remembered my brother. Lord please give us the strength to seek your face for worldwide revival and awakening as this is an opportune time when people have to depend more on you. Lord hear our prayer and help us not to waste our time in useless prattle. Amen!
YES Lord Hear our Pray and help us to waste no time.
YES Lord Hear our Pray and help us to waste no time.
Thank you Reynold for the great picture of
Prayed David’s prayer: appreciate explanation of scripture and his personal comments.
have an enjoyable Easter Monday saints
Blessings Ger! I had to chuckle at your comment; I often think that God must wonder about me and I pray He knows my heart when I speak of him because He has done everything for me, for all of us and I tend to `prattle`on about His great works, can`t help it; it just boggles my mind what the Lord has done for me, for others….
Lord help us to share You with the people around us in every way that we can; through thoughts, words and deeds,
Lord thank You for good neighbours; for my car; my home;
Lord I have a place for someone to rent; bring that person across my path
this person is looking for a clean quiet place, he works afternoons shifts and appreciates a clean quiet place to come to , than k you Lord for everything amen amen amen