Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 1-3
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![February 24, 2014](
The colours of a rainbow flooding the sky above Jerusalem. In today’s reading, Ezekiel describes what he saw before him and above him.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Ezekiel 1:28, 3:2
“Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord…So I opened my mouth, and He caused me to eat that scroll.”
God called His prophets to be “Watchmen.” Jeremiah, Ezekiel and others sounded the warning that if God’s people refused to listen, the responsibility for their downfall was their own; but if the prophet failed to sound the warning, every lost life was on his account. The word “rebellious” is repeated eight times in these chapters, the word “impudent,” which means “not ashamed,” is used twice. The people were not ashamed of their rebellion against the clearly stated Word of God! Other words to describe God’s people are “stubborn” and “hard-hearted.” Nevertheless, we should be encouraged because God is communicating in a variety of ways. Our Father in Heaven has not left us as orphans. His Apostles, Prophets, Pastors/Teachers, and Evangelists have spoken to us God’s message (read Ephesians 4:11-16).
Maybe the “wheel within a wheel” resembles the reports of some people on what they call “flying saucers.” What Ezekiel saw in his vision were probably the great archangels of God. Just remember, Satan is an archangel who can appear as an “angel of light” in order to deceive people. Let’s stick with the message of the Bible prophets, the Apostles, and most of all Jesus, Himself. That way we won’t be deceived. There are major false religions in the world today which were started by the appearance of an “angel” to so-called prophets. I’m thinking of Islam and Mormonism (read 2 Corinthians 11:12-15).
Lord God, I pray that by Your mercy and grace in my life I will be teachable and not rebellious, impudent, stubborn, and hard-hearted! May I “eat” Your Word daily, making it my nourishment, part of my very being. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!!!
True Bible prophets have made predictions, many of which have already come to pass. Some of the best examples of this are Psalm 22, 1,000 years before Christ, and Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, and 53, 600-700 years before Christ.
Global warming is a deep concern for many. I am taking a wait-and-see approach to the predictions of imminent destruction of the world by the melting of the ice-caps. The prophet Moses gave us God’s promise, confirmed by a rainbow, that the earth would never again be destroyed by a flood. I just read a news item from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. A retired officer who served on icebreakers in the 70s and 80s said in 2014, “This year’s ice conditions have not been seen for 40 years. The ice cover in the Arctic is returning and getting thicker.” Recently David Philips, senior climatologist for Environment Canada, is quoted as saying, “In some way, we were suggesting that it would be colder, but not this intensely cold. It is unlike anything we’ve seen for a couple of decades.” Nevertheless, Norma-Jean and I are doing what we can to reduce our “carbon footprints.”
I’m extremely thankful for what the Apostle Peter calls “The more sure Word of Prophecy.” Those predictions are totally reliable (2 Peter 1:18-20).
Yours for holding onto the One who holds the future,
P.S. One Saturday evening I went over to the Hamilton Harbour and took this picture of the ice melting along the shore. When I came back to our apartment, I found online a 2014 satellite picture of the ice on the Great Lakes, which reached 88% coverage…a level not reached since 1994. Some predict a catastrophic flood for costal cities. As I said, I’m an agnostic on this. However, I do believe that there are constant small changes in the Climate. Temperatures have been up and down for a very long time. For all you northerners, KEEP WARM!
Dear Lord God, help! Truth is, we need You so much. The enemies of Truth, of grace, of righteousness seem so strong, both within and without… Please give us courage, as You did in Ezekiel, in Peter, in Gideon, in the early church. Help us be strong in You, Lord, and be faithful to You and Your Kingdom. In Jesus’s name, amen
We also pray, Lord, for Canada, that Godly wisdom will prevail over the nonsense we hear from so many. Please raise up strong and Godly leaders. May Your counsel be heard and heeded here, Father, in Jesus’s truly good and loving name, amen
Amen,Rob and thank you.
Amen, Rob.
Yes, amen and thank you Rob:-)!
Amen Rob
Love the photo, today–such a beautiful sky. Ezekiel’s vision was amazing as was Peter’s experience on the holy mountain! Wow, to be a disciple and hear his voice come down from heaven and to be a prophet and see His glory in heaven open before your own eyes–so divine!! Just reading it gives me the chills! Wishing all saints a blessed day in the Lord.
And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Peter 1:19-20 NKJV
Still – Hillsong Worship (Lyrics)
Do not envy Ezekiel for we only see the time he is used by God.Most of his life he lived in persecution ‘behind the scenes’.He had a hard life,me thinks…but,yes,those times with God probably …..obviously ‘did’ sustain him.
I think some still put their own ‘interpretation’ on scripture to acquire their own following:cults who don’t (yet) know it.Thanks,Beverlee.You inspire us.God bless
Thanks Bill. You inspire us. And that really goes for everyone on the blog. It seems that a very special bonding has taken place here. I know that came from David Mainse and all the evangelists he included, through his wisdom and experience. An encouragement, honesty; compassion and respect for the nourishment of old and new testaments has richly developed. We are alive with the gospels that speak through us and I believe that is what the Holy Spirit sought. It is a connection to be cherished.
I believe that deforestation and volcanoes are the biggest factors by far for our climate changes.The centuries of atmospheric changes are recorded in the ice sheets and reveal a wide range of variations…plus the earth’s orbit is not always the same.It does not travel in a ‘smooth’ circle around the sun but more like a bumpy road.However,we should try our best not to pollute.It is our oceans that suffer and the food supply there that gets polluted also.
In biblical times they were not even aware of any pollution nor did they know about the scriptures that we have today.We have a responsibility to pay attention to God’s warnings and His examples of tolerance to our misbehaviour.
God bless
Oops.Meant to post this too:
We Knew Him
The secret place is where I meet with You,
With all the fears I ever knew,
And all my doubts,You saw me through,
So only praise is Your just due.
All my secret sins are before You,
Yet You withhold Your wrath from me
And in You I try to be true,
But,alas,through my flesh I see.
Sheltered in the shadow of your wings,
No harm can come to me in sleep,
And as You do Your holy things,
I know that I am Yours to keep.
Your forgiveness is like a fountain
And that Fountain has walked with us,
Then ascended from Your mountain
And we know Him as Lord Jesus.
G.W(Bill)Marshall /18 Oct, 2017
Thank you Irene and Beverlee for you prayers for my brother Vinal. May god bless you for your faithfulness.
Prayers and blessings for one another–a beautiful expression of God’s love for brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen, Ger!
Ezekiel has quite a journey ahead of him which could only be fulfilled with God’s powerful presence.
“To build the spiritual movement we need, it is vital that we encourage and equip other Christians to use their influence for the gospel as well. Jesus spent three years with twelve men so they would then share the message with others who would reach others. Such multiplication is a “force multiplier” for the kingdom. Paul’s strategy should be ours: “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). by Dr. Jim Denison.
Three Wooden Crosses by Randy Travis:
Beautiful pics as always. Blessings on all dear saints this every day.
God bless you
Thanks, Lynda D for the post
God bless you all
Thank you for excepting my as BLOG Friend
Lord we pray for open doors for the gospel to reach every level of Canadian society.
“ and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains” Col 4:3.
We lift Saskatchewan in prayer today, and thank you for North Battleford hosting the recent “Battle for Canada”. We pray over the premier, Scott Moe, to act justly, serve with integrity and honour and high moral standards. We pray against separatism , and ask for reconciliation within this great country, Canada. We pray for the churches within Saskatchewan, from the smallest of communities to larger centres such as Regina, that they would be lighthouses illuminating God’s word. I ask the Holy Spirit to keep drawing me to my prayer closet with the Prayer Map of Canada seeking revival for Canada and a deeper love for the lost in this nation .Amen