Today’s Reading: Psalms 117-118
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Bedowins set up their transient homes (commonly tents) in locations best suited for their livestock. Here they are located just below Mount Nebo, the mountain in the Kingdom of Jordan from which Moses viewed the Promised Land.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 117:1-2
Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles!
Laud Him, all you peoples!
For His merciful kindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord!
Our key verses constitute the shortest Psalm, with only sixteen words in the Hebrew language. It comes in the middle point of the Bible. Of course, we have been moving back and forth between the New Testament and the Old Testament. For those who started with Matthew, we’ve been reading together for 17 months now. We have seven months to go to complete reading through the Bible. Don’t give up now!
Psalm 118 encourages us to join the composer with total confidence in God alone. As we look for the Bible to interpret the Bible we may want to read about the “Chief Cornerstone” (118:22) elsewhere. Click on 1 Peter 2:4-8 and Ephesians 2:19-22. Jesus, Messiah (Hebrew), Christos (Greek), is that “Chief Cornerstone” in the construction of God’s eternal building! Jesus was rejected by the majority of Roman-appointed political and religious leaders in Judaism, but not by thousands of living stones amongst the Jewish people. As that tiny Psalm says, “Oh, praise the Lord, ALL YOU GENTILES!” We non-Jews are also living stones in God’s spiritual house.
O Lord God, I praise You, laud You, and give thanks to You. I pray that “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord” (118:17). “You are my God, and I will praise You! You are my God and I will exalt You” (118:28). I do this through the Person and work of “the Chief Cornerstone,” the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!!!
At the wedding of our second daughter, Ellen, to Nizar Shaheen in the village of Cana of Galilee, the women from the village raised their voices in very loud high-pitched tongue shrill sounds. It’s called “ululation” (click here for a sample). I understand that this sound is what the word translated “laud” from the Hebrew implies in our worship of God. Pictured above is an Arab Bedouin tent home. I can guarantee that the people who live there at the foot of Mount Nebo know how to “laud,” or ululate.
It’s amazing to me how the Holy Spirit illuminates truth. For example, I’ve read Psalm 118:26-27 many times, but this time I saw something new. On Palm Sunday the people quoted verse 26a, “Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord” (Luke 19:37-38). No doubt they had memorized this entire Psalm. These were their songs of worship. Like me they didn’t tie together verses 26 and 27. Verse 27b says, “Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.” Jesus was on His way to the cross, not an earthly throne as those who cried “Hosanna” believed.
Yours because “His mercy endures forever!”
Thank You, Lord, for this time with You and your people. You gave the psalmist, and David, and us, insight into the mystery of salvation. Jesus came in your name to do your will. He knew He was coming to be the sacrifice for us. How can we but praise You!
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul!
Thank You, Lord, for making me whole!
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free!
Father, we commit all your people everywhere into your gracious and strong hands, and ask that You protect and bless each one with the exact provisions they need. Bless them, Lord! Be glorified throughout this beautiful world You made, Lord, we ask in Jesus’s holy name, amen
Amen,Rob.Well said,as always.
Amen, Rob.
My husband and I are leaving for Florida very early in the morning. I’m asking my blog friends to pray for Gods protection and safe trip as travel south. I’m praying that all that rain coming up from the south will have moved on.
Thank you in advance.
We usually stay on the road one night. So expect to be at our place Saturday afternoon.
God bless you all today.
thanks Rob; The words you shared are a song of thanks I sang many times thanking the Lord for my salvation! thank you for sharing!!
Your prayer is also mine, with thankful tears. May God richly Bless you and all bloggers
David’s faith was strong as he wrote these Psalms and I think writing them,in his mind first,increases his faith just as singing praises to the Lord increases and strengthens our faith.David ‘had to’ write his faith down.God bless
We Knew Him
The secret place is where I meet with You,
With all the fears I ever knew,
And all my doubts,You saw me through,
So only praise is Your just due.
All my secret sins are before You,
Yet You withhold Your wrath from me
And in You I try to be true,
But,alas,through my flesh I see.
Sheltered in the shadow of your wings,
No harm can come to me in sleep,
And as You do Your holy things,
I know that I am Yours to keep.
Your forgiveness is like a fountain
And that Fountain has walked with us,
Then ascended from Your mountain
And we know Him as Lord Jesus.
G.W(Bill)Marshall /18 Oct, 2017
Amen,Rob.Well said,as always.
Praise the Lord. Yes, thank you, Lord for saving my soul.
Amen Saints!
yes, the Love of our Lord endures forever
Thanks Ron forfaithfuly posting this daily manna; i pray total healing for Ann, Amen!
I was wondering if you would all say a prayer for my husband and I. We are leaving for Florida in the early morning hours.
I would like Gods protection and safe journey.
Thank you and God bless.
Amen for Nan’s prayer for a safe trip, You guardian angels over, for the Lord go ahead to prepare the for the Lord’s Peace to cover them; as He holds Nan and anyone travelling with her, in the Palm of His Hands, Amen, Thank You Jesus!!
oops ..should read ” for His guardian angels over them” for the Lord to go ahead and prepare the way and for the Lord’s Peace to cover them; “
Father , in Jesus Mighty Name, I ask for safety for this couple who seek Your direction, help, provision, & good health & alertness, A’s they travel in the early hours. May they be guided by Your hand every mile of the way. Praising You Lord in advance for how You are caring for them.
Agreeing with you Doreen for Nan and her husband’s safety to Florida! Amen!
Agreeing with Doreen and Ger and all other saints who are praying, for Nan and her husband’s safe trip to Florida. Have a wonderful time of rest and play. And thank you Rob for the wonderful prayer. God bless you beautiful saints in the Lord!
Thank you for your prayers. You have no idea how much they mean to me.
God bless
God Bless You All!!!