Today’s Reading: Psalms 101-102
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Key Verses: Psalms 101:3a, 102:27
I will set nothing wicked before my eyes…
But You are the same and Your years will have no end.
It seems impossible to avoid seeing vile images. We do, however, have a choice of what we view. When we watch some TV programs, we are just asking for trouble. Whatever we feed our minds, particularly through the eyegate, if it is not positive and good, will inevitably pollute our thoughts and sometimes our actions in a way displeasing to our holy God! The opposite, good thoughts and actions, can happen from watching 100 Huntley Street and other productions which please God! Psalm 101 was written by King David. It’s possible that Bathsheba knew exactly what she was doing when she took a bath on her rooftop in full view of David’s balcony, which was located just up the hill above her home. David, when he wrote the words of this Psalm, may have been thinking of the great damage he caused because he gave in to visual temptation and committed adultery (2 Samuel 11). We must repent of our carelessness, guarding our hearts and minds, keeping our eyes and minds on the Lord and His Word to us.
In Psalm 102 we find a writer who feels very much alone, as is evident from the metaphors of the birds. The writer of the New Testament book of Hebrews quotes from this Psalm and refers to Jesus (Hebrews 1:10-12). We can be encouraged because Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever!” I find myself singing softly, so as to not wake up Norma-Jean, the beautiful prayer hymn, “Abide With Me.”
Lord God, thank You that the words of the hymn are true: “Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changes not, abide with me” (click here for a rendition of “Abide With Me”). This is my prayer, O Lord! Amen!!!
I find that the sight of a bird all alone is sad. Two birds together (many kinds mate for life) or a flock of birds is a joyful scene, like the birds on the church roof in today’s photos. Norma-Jean and I watch for people who appear lonely and try to include them in our lives in some way. I’ve often heard my wife say something like, “She looks lonely, let’s invite her for a coffee.” Sometimes through the years, she has brought people home for a meal and for fellowship. The 100 Huntley Street television ministry gives the amazing opportunity of visiting right there in the homes of our viewers. It really is the next best thing to a personal visit!
Over 500,000,000 tablets and iPads have been sold around the world. That figure would not include laptop computers and smart phones. There are several billion visual devices in use around the world. Think of the potential for seeing vile and evil things! Crossroads is doing its best to fill those screens with the opposite…beautiful words and visuals. Norma-Jean and I do our best to support all the God-given visions of Crossroads, as well as several other ministries. I urge everyone to do the same! Crossroads has a vision to be “Media Missionaries” and provide positive and holy viewing alternatives, in order to “OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD!!! (Romans 12:21b).
Yours for viewing, reading, and hearing good, holy, uplifting things!
Father, thank You for all your many blessings. Thank You for beauty, for Truth, for your Word, for kind people…
Please keep this country and its leaders in your care. Have mercy and turn us to what is right and true and of eternal value, to You!
Thank You, Lord, for 100words.ca, and for all the gospel ministries and ministers. Strengthen and send out more workers for your Kingdom which will endure forever. In Jesus’s beautiful name, amen
I really look forward to your prayers. Thank you!
Rob I also look forward to your prayers and the encouragement from all the Bloggers!!!
Thank God I found the blog!!!
Amen and amen
Amen Rob!
Lord God I am asking You for $550,000.00, Thank You Lord for that money; bless our government leaders; bless their families;bring the country together for peace;ensure people have a place to live;I would fix Art’s Van with the money;
Lord I would help my children and their children; TY Lord;Lord send the Holy Spirit to my town and fill the people’s hearts with love and forgiveness and may the town come together for a big revival service inviting the Lord to send His blessings on our communities TY Lord for the forgiveness of all our sins In Jesus Name we Pray amen amen amen