Today’s Reading: Job 3-4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

As you look north along the shore of the Judean cliffs and the Dead Sea, you can see a storm rolling in.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Job 3:25
For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.
To say that Job wished he had never been born would be an understatement. God would not allow Satan to kill Job, but everything short of death was thrown at him. Job cried out, “Why did I not die at birth?” Jesus, in His 100% humanity, cried out, “Why?” (Matthew 27:45-49). Jesus and Job no doubt have met already. I think Jesus would probably say, “Job, I understand what you went through.”
Consider what true friends are, as described at the end of Job 2: (1) They heard of Job’s adversity. (2) They made appointments and travelled to visit him. (3) They mourned with Job. (4) They comforted him. (5) Job was so emaciated they did not recognize him and they lifted their voices and wept. (6) They tore their clothes in a show of grieving. (7) Job was sitting in a heap of ashes and his friends identified with him by sprinkling dust on their heads. (8) They sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights. (9) They did not speak for an entire week because Job’s grief was very great. (10) Then they heard Job speak first. He said, “May the day perish on which I was born.” Let us meditate on the words of the first friend as we read (again slowly perhaps) the words of Eliphaz in Chapter 4.
Lord God, I’m so very thankful for at least three true friends with whom You have blessed me through the years. I pray that You will work in me sufficiently that I will be a true friend to several others. Your Word tells me that You, Lord, are a Friend “that sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 17:17 & Proverbs 18:24b). Lord Jesus, You are a true Friend! Thank You for being my Friend (Matthew 11:19). Amen!!!
(Happy Birthday Dad!) My son, Ronald Wesley Mainse, who sets up the structure for me for the blog, typed that greeting! I assure you, my son, unlike Job, I’ve never wished that I’d never been born. I’m filled with joy at the fact that I was born on August 13, 1936, in the house pictured below in Campbell’s Bay, Quebec. There are six years between me and my closest sister in age, Elaine Boudinot, who lives now in Kentucky. My sister told me that mother had three miscarriages during those six years. I find that sad, and I hope to learn all about the “Why” question some day in eternity.
There are two others mentioned in Ezekiel 14 besides Job. They are Noah and Daniel. An extra study for today could be Ezekiel 14:12-23. All three were severely tested. Can I expect to sail through life without testing? I think not!
There have been times when I’ve visited friends in deep turmoil. Often there are no adequate words to speak. I trusted that my presence would say loudly, “I care deeply about you.”
Yours for deep and lasting friendships,

On my first birthday – August 13, 1937. At 81 years old today, I would definitely not be considered cute. Ron found these pictures on his brother’s computer and he wanted to put it into today’s blog.
P.S. Lorna Dueck and her team need our ongoing support as they approach the financial year end for Crossroads! Here is a message from Lorna once again…
This has been a remarkable year at 100 Huntley Street with a growing audience on TV and an exploding audience on the web through our website, social media platforms and on You Tube (where we now reach almost 1 million views every month). It’s also looking like a turnaround year financiallybecause we’re SO CLOSE to finishing our fiscal year (August 31) with a balanced budget…the first time in six years! Lots of hard work, cost-cutting, financial restraint and generous donors who believe in this ministry have made this goal achievable. We have exciting, new plans in mind for our new media mission year that begins in September. I’m so committed that Crossroads be Canada’s “megaphone of the Gospel”…and we will not be silent about how Jesus can change lives… Jesus alone offers hope! Your donation today will make a difference in many lives. – Lorna
Dear Ron .
I did not receive the blog of today Tuesday August 13
Can you please sent it to me?I miss it very much the words of your father if it is not there it is as daily bread to me,The bread of life.
Thank you so much
kind regards
Boudewina Verkaaik
Happy birthday David as you celebrate your birthday up in heaven today we learned about friends and how important those people are in our lives God bless everyone and have a great day amen
Amen, thank God for David Mainse who has made a difference in so many lives and is still speaking today through this blog.
Hi all bloggers.
Just letting you know that I am still with you in reading through the Scriptures.
Blessings to all.
To the administrator.
I did not receive today’s scripture on Job.
Remembering David life today -on his birth date…. Truly, an amazing instrument in the hands of our Lord… Giving God praise, glory, not only for his life but also giving thanks for the way God used him and Norma-Jean in ministry through 100 Huntley Street, Crossroads – which continues to be a huge impact throughout Canada and around the world.
His words continue to ring out through 100words blog but miss that ‘current’ input as God continued to speak through him. But grateful for this Scripture reading plan and his comments, prayer and pesonal stories. He had an amazing memory of people, places and things. Blessings to Norma-Jean and the Crossroad’s Team.
Amen Samuel Frame
My friend and I missed receiving David’s blog today. Hope they are not going to be discontinued. Blessings, June
It was sent out today. Have your friend check his “junk” folder, in case his email program filtered it out.