Today’s Reading: Job 1-2
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There is a tomb in Nazareth Village that represents the tomb were Jesus was buried. Nazareth Village is a tourist attraction in modern Nazareth that re-enacts what life would have been like when Jesus lived there. Today we begin reading the book of Job. Job cries out for a redeemer and a mediator between himself and God. The empty tomb is proof that Jesus is Redeemer and Mediator, and that the last enemy, death, is conquered!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Job 1:21
And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
The enemy of Job is Satan! Job is unaware of the work of Satan. Satan is the one who has “taken away,” but only with God’s permission. Even though Job believed that God was causing the disasters, he remained faithful to God.
Job is considered to be the oldest book in the Bible. The Sabeans and the Chaldeans were nomads who had not yet settled into cities as later history indicates. Job lived for 200 years, which makes him at the very least a contemporary of Abraham who lived for 175 years. Job uses the Name for God used by Abraham, “Shaddai,” 31 times. This means “The Almighty One.” There are no references to Israel, the Law or the Tabernacle. Therefore, we can conclude that Job did not have the first books of the Bible for his instruction. Because we have the Bible, we know far more than Job about the destructive spiritual powers waging war in this world. As an example of the knowledge we have available to us, read 1 Peter 5:6-9. Satan is still active in this world, but we know that the death and resurrection are proof that Jesus took Satan’s evil actions upon Himself. James 5:11b says, “You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord – that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.”
Lord God, I ask for grace to always apply to my everyday life the knowledge which I have as a result of reading the entire Bible. I pray that I will learn the very difficult lessons taught here in the book of Job. I ask these mercies in the Name of the Redeemer/Mediator for whom Job was seeking. Amen!!!
My new baby son, David Reynold (our photographer), came home from the hospital with a staph infection, causing boils on his little head. Job had boils. I’ve had one boil only, and that was very painful. My heart was pained for Reynold as I had an idea about his suffering. At the time I was working from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on a new church building in Deep River, Ontario. We lived in Pembroke, 26 miles away. When I would arrive home, Norma-Jean would hand Reynold to me to put to sleep. She had been holding him all day, as it was painful for him to lay his head on the pillow because of the boils. I would rock him for 2 or 3 hours until he fell into a sleep deep enough to bear the pain. I often wept for him as I would pray for his healing. When he was old enough, we purchased a Jolly Jumper, hooked it on the door frame, and he would fall asleep there, his little legs still kicking occasionally. God did heal him eventually, but the results of his months in the Jumper were yet to come. He went to University on a full football scholarship and was the fastest runner on the team. Of course, I’m not saying that this was the reason God allowed the boils. There may have been another reason. He is a man who feels the pain of others. For example, when he was 8 years old, we lived across the road from Queensdale school in Hamilton. He would dash out the door after lunch and I thought he was going to play in the school yard. When we moved from there, the neighbours came by to wish us well. A lady I had not met before said to me, “Thank you for Reynold. He would come by my home at noon each day and take my blind son for a walk along the street. He would describe the leaves, the squirrels, etc. and then return him to my door.” I wept! Perhaps the blessings of Job’s later years were as a result of the sufferings he had endured.
Yours for learning from our troubles,
Job was an amazing man. Incredibly amazing when all those closest to him were not supportive (his wife, the least supportive). He really trusted and knew God. He didn’t seem to question his situation. I pray for that strength & courage. Have a blessed day all.
Touching blog today of David and his son Reynold. God bless him today as he serves God in Uganda with his wife Kathy. As I contemplate Job and the work of satan in his life, it appears Job has no understanding in this area and only sees the Lord as the cause of his misfortune. Am I right? Have a great day saints. “This the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”(Psalm 118:24).
What a touching story of Reynold pain and the tenderness of heart re pain and suffering. And what agony David and Norma-Jean went through watching their little son in such pain and suffering! thank you Jesus for healing Reynold!